
Life In Sondelia

"Sondelia was a peaceful Town, of course it was before the killing of those college students.

But it's been ten years now and am still here. The unlikely survivor, who should have died." said Ailednos while sitting on the mattress which was on the floor. He sat there for a while looking at his tape recorder. " Damnit is there even a point in recording this anymore, it was ten years ago and people just will not like it go. Then the press thinking that I did that to those kids. I just wish I cou- could go back ten years ago. " ranted Ailednos. "Are you sure you want that heh?" said a dark figure in the corner of Ailednos room.

Ailednos face went red " shut the hell up Gnóstis." He yelled. "Come on Ailednos those people have blamed you for so long, and he claim to not care but I know. We know how you feel." said Gnóstis

The ghosts of all of those who died in college killings appear and all ask Ailednos what will it take for a friend to save them form there horrid fate. "Well Ailednos what will it take?" said a female voice.