
28) Meeting Fleur and Game.....

We all headed out, my dad was able to get us in the box like the Weasley's as we got closer we could hear the roar from the stadium even though the match hadn't started yet. Harry was excited to actually be able to see this game he was bouncing on the balls of his feet, As we made our way into the Box it was already full with the Weasley's plus Hermione, The current Minister Fudge with the Bulgarian Minister, then the Delacour's, and the Malfoy's.

Gabrielle saw me and put on a huge smile before running over and grabbing my hand, "Hello again Cory, I didn't think I would see you so soon. Come sit with me please."

My dad and them couldn't understand but I smiled agreeing, "How can I say no to such a cute girl, but don't you want to meet Harry first?"

She looked stunned then looked next to me shyly at Harry nodding, "H-Hello Harry Potter." She said quietly then hid next to me while smiling at him.

Harry looked at me and getting the subtle hint in my eye he smiled, "Hello sorry but I don't know your name little missy."

"Ahh, Sorry I am Gabrielle Delacour." she curtsied while introducing herself.

"Well it is nice to meet you then Miss. Gabrielle." he said with a smile, "I am going to join my friends you two have fun."

As he walked away she watched him and I ruffled her hair, "Well fangirl why don't we go over there with your parents." I chuckled, my dad and Sirius were already talking to the parents and other adults in the Box.

She nodded and took my handing leading me over to her family there was an extra girl there who I assumed was her sister, looking at her she looked exactly like Imogen Poots. She was a little taller than the real her but this told me at least one thing and that was she wasn't and actress in this life no wonder she wasn't in the Need for Speed movie.

"Mama, Papa, Fleur!" Gabrielle shouted as we got closer, the family turned around and looked at us her parents smiling at her. When her mother saw me she smiled, Fleur was looking between us with a little caution she was very protective of her little sister.

"Hello its good to see you again Madame Delacour, nice to meet you Monsieur Delacour, and who might this be?" I said to each of them while stopping on Fleur who was looking between me and her mother now.

"It is good to see you too Cory. This is the guy who helped Gabrielle when she got lost earlier. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself my name is Apolline Delacour, it's a pleasure." She said with a smile while shaking my hand.

Her husband moved forward and shook my hand next, "Thank you for helping my daughter, my name is Charles Delacour."

"It's a pleasure to officially meet you both, I would introduce you to my dad but," Looking over I saw he was in the middle of a conversation with Arthur Weasley and Sirius about something, "He seems a little busy at the moment." I looked back over to Fleur who hadn't spoken yet.

"Hello, I am Gabrielle's older sister Fleur Delacour. Thank you for helping my sister when she was lost." She said with a curtsy, though she looked like a Imogen Poots there was a slight difference in hair color, hers was silvery-blonde. She was almost as tall as me and seeing that I stood at six foot three then she was tall for a woman, it made since that she could get into modeling.

"It is my pleasure." I said while taking her hand and kissing the back of it, she blushed a little at that but didn't stop me from it. "So are you guys going for a specific team or are you just here for the arguments?" I asked raising and eyebrow while looking at the argument going on between Lucius Malfoy, Arthur Weasley, and Sirius though Sirius didn't look to serious about it.

"Well my dad is a fan of Bulgaria and when the minister found out we were coming he invited us to be here in the box with him. Though I am kind of regretting that now seeing how they are acting." Fleur looked at them with disgust but she was also doing the same to the teenage boys who were staring at her with obvious lust in their eyes.

I remembered that they are part Veela but it didn't seem to be effecting me at all when I looked at her, her mother, or her sister instead I got the instinct to protect them especially Gabrielle. While we were all talking the match was about to start the Minister Fudge giving his opening welcome to everyone before he introduced the teams.

I didn't really pay attention as Fleur was giving me and Gabrielle a lesson on what to watch out for in the game, I had never watched one or paid enough attention when my dad and Harry talked about it. When she was done explaining the Irish team was just flying out with the Leprechaun's were throwing around the Illusion money.

When the match started we all took our seats with Gabrielle sitting in my lap with a big smile, her family looked at the two of us and smiled. Fleur was giving me an intense stare but I just smiled at her before going back to the game, I loved kids it was obvious by the way I spoiled Artemis and I was slowly seeing Gabrielle as a little sister.

The match went exactly like I remembered from the books with Ireland winning, Mr. Delacour was a little upset but he couldn't fault them since Krum did get the golden snitch. When it was over I followed them out sending my dad a message of where I would be Gabrielle invited me to hang out this time with Fleur as our guide so we wouldn't get lost this time.

There was plenty of partying going on as we walked around, Fleur introduced me to a lot of things I didn't know about, it was also hard for her to walk around since half the people looked at her with lust while the other half with disgust. She looked over at me but when she saw my friendly smiled the tension she was holding in her shoulders went away, I'm sure she is wondering why I haven't asked yet.

I just put it as part of my ability my being affected by her but I could feel the pull that she was letting out even if she was holding it back with all her concentration. After awhile I had to separate from them since it was getting late, going back to my tent my dad and Sirius were drinking and laughing Sirius was hugging some poor woman who didn't know better.

1 Chapter then he will be going to Hogwarts there is still one thing I want to do It might just be a short chapter

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts