
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Eugene's thoughts

<Eugene's Point of View>

With a face still filled with anxiety and tension, I walked down the school corridor, taking a deep breath. My mind continued to roll to unresolved issues, especially regarding Rias Gremory and her actions that kept causing problems.

'It's this difficult, huh!' I muttered inwardly. 'Seriously, Rias can't go anywhere without causing trouble! Honestly, Aunt Venelana was very wrong to let her daughter be so spoiled.'

I felt increasingly frustrated as I thought about how difficult it was to manage this situation. The feeling of injustice growing within me sometimes made me want to scream. However, I restrained myself, reminding myself that as a leader, I had to remain calm and think rationally.

'So it's come to this!' I thought, shaking my head in disappointment. 'Big breasts, but a small brain!'


Suddenly, Lily's voice interrupted my reverie, and I turned to see the shoulder-length pink-haired woman looking at me with a worried expression.

"I'm fine, Lily," I said, although I knew that not everything was fine.

I tried to hide my concern from Lily, but I'm sure she could sense it. As my good friend, she must care about me, regardless of how I tried to hide it.

"Should I do something about Rias?" Lily asked with a slightly dangerous look that was somewhat worrying.

I immediately responded, "No, no... Don't do anything," I said quickly, trying to prevent further conflict. "We've already discussed it with Sona, let her handle it."

It wouldn't be wise for Lily to take action. Besides, this woman has a somewhat brutal tendency when it comes to issues involving me. Well, that's typical of her—excessive obsession and potentially dangerous if left unchecked.

Looking at her relaxing tension made her look like a sulking puppy, to the point where I couldn't resist patting her head.

But if so, I'd lose my dignity as a king. So one or two head pats wouldn't hurt.

"Ah..." Lily was slightly startled as I suddenly patted her head. She turned around, looking at me with confusion evident in her eyes.

I smiled warmly, trying to alleviate her worries. "It's okay, Lily. I appreciate your concern, but issues like this aren't new to us, especially when dealing with Sona and Rias. So don't worry too much, okay?" I gave her a thumbs-up, trying to inject a little cheer into her mood.

"Umm..." Lily nodded slowly and placed her hand on her head, where I patted her with a blushing face.

The atmosphere around us became brighter, and it calmed my heart. However, suddenly, Koneko's cat-like eyes stared at us with a flat gaze.


"Uoah!, Koneko-san!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Koneko-chan!" Lily also jumped in surprise at Koneko's sudden appearance.

Oh my, I didn't even notice her presence. She must have used her senjutsu again to sneak in between us.

Koneko was a petite girl with white hair and golden eyes. She stood at about 138 cm tall, with a petite and slender figure. The front of her hair had two long bangs that crossed her shoulders, while some loose bangs hung over her forehead. The back of her hair was cut into a short bob. She also wore black cat-shaped hair clips on both sides of her hair.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, she hugged me. I felt a little awkward, while Lily, who was next to me, jumped in surprise at Koneko's boldness.

"K-Koneko?" I said, puzzled.

I was confused as to why she suddenly acted so affectionately. Is this related to her mating season? No, let's not repeat the past events! The thought of the past made me shudder.

"Onii-chan..." Koneko murmured, her voice almost trembling, and her eyes welled up with tears. Oh my, this little girl really knew how to make me feel better.

I was touched by Koneko's sincere expression. "Um, what's wrong?" I asked with a gentle smile, trying to offer support.

Koneko looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Can Nii remove that perverted guy? He's near Koneko now!" she pleaded earnestly.

"Perverted guy?" I muttered, instantly remembering that Issei was a member of the Gremory group. Powerless, I replied, "Sorry, Koneko. I can't do that."

"Why?" She asked, disappointment evident in her expression.

"Because I don't have a clear reason to do so, and if I did, Rias would definitely be angry," I explained, feeling somewhat burdened.

Upon hearing my words, Koneko immediately furrowed her brow sweetly. 'Ah, did my sugar levels rise? She's really too sweet!' I mused inwardly.

"But it's true, Koneko-chan," Lily suddenly interjected, appearing behind Koneko and pulling her away from me. "So, could you let go of your hug from Eugene-san?"

"No!" Koneko exclaimed loudly, trying to maintain her embrace. "I still want to hug Onii-chan!!"

"Come on, Koneko, you're making Eugene uncomfortable. So let go!!" With a groan, Lily continued to try to pry Koneko's small figure away from me.

'Ahaha...' I chuckled awkwardly in my mind, slightly struggling as my shirt was pulled by Koneko, who refused to let go of her embrace, while Lily tried to pull the petite girl away.


And the days passed since I gave him congratulations and also warnings, not to constantly use the fallen angel incident that entered our territory as an excuse to tie Issei down.

Moreover, seeing how perverted the guy is, it makes me disgusted, seriously I don't know why a human like him was chosen to be the host, the Red Dragon Emperor.

Well, not that I'm underestimating him. But still, how the gods gave something dangerous to a teenager who is so perverted, it broke my sense of shame!

I understand why Koneko doesn't want to be in the club room for too long with Issei, I don't know what's in Issei's wild imagination when he sees Koneko's petite body.

The thought made me immediately want to beat him up, whether he didn't think about it or not.

I was busy studying leisurely on a cold night, when I felt a surge of power from my magic sensor in the middle of my rest. From the direction of the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, according to the reports I received, there was a Stray Devil on the loose. It seems that Rias' group has taken care of it.


Startled from my reverie, I turned to Lily, who was carrying a cup of iced coffee and my favorite Tiramisu.

Lily glanced at the book I was reading with clear curiosity in her eyes. She then looked at me with an inquisitive expression. "Eugene-san, what's that book?"

I glanced at the book for a moment before answering, "This is a fairly rare book. It contains clues about towers whose author is unknown. The book was published in 2005, but its existence is still mysterious because at that time, the towers didn't exist until now."

Lily raised her eyebrows with curiosity. "Really? That sounds very interesting. How can the book exist if the towers weren't there at the time?"

I nodded, "Indeed, it's a big mystery. This book is very rare because at the time of its distribution, not many people were interested and many discarded or recycled it. There are only a few copies left in the world, and what we hold is one of them."

Lily raised her eyebrows with curiosity. "So, what's written in it?"

I explained, "This book contains clues about the locations and hidden mysteries of the towers, which are said to provide extraordinary power to anyone who manages to find and conquer them. Have you ever heard stories about The First Challenger?"

Lily placed her index finger on her chin in an adorable manner as she pondered before responding to me. "Um... That person became famous very quickly for discovering the first tower in China and successfully conquering it. When he debuted in Japan in 2011, he caused a sensation by managing to kill the evil god, Hajun, who had risen with his own power almost equal to a super devil!"

"That's right... And, the artifact he brought from that Tower, named Sacred Tool, which rivals Sacred Gear, is so powerful that it could split the sky on that night. That's also the reason I came to this place, hoping to meet him someday."

Listening to the story, a passion I had never felt before arose within me. That unknown person was so intriguing to me. How about him, could he satisfy my curiosity? At what level is the limit of his power now? I want to know all of it!

Lily, who looked flatly at me, must have known my bad habit when something piqued my interest. Without changing her expression, she said, "Don't get too obsessed, Eugene-san. Being too focused on a stranger can cause trouble."

I nodded, although deep down I knew it was difficult to suppress the burning curiosity. "I know, Lily. But it seems I can't help myself this time. That person is too intriguing to pass up."

Lily smiled faintly, then murmured, "Oh my, Eugene-san. I hope this time your obsession won't cause trouble for all of us."

"Hush..." I waved my hand towards her with a smile, trying to divert her attention. "Let's just wait and see, okay? Maybe he'll provide clues about the Tower that has been a mystery all this time."

Lily shook her head, but the smile on her face hinted that she was also intrigued by the mystery. "Who knows? Let's just wait for the next update."

The two of us returned to immerse ourselves in the peaceful atmosphere, each focused on the thoughts and questions still rolling around in our minds.

<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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