
Chapter 1: Hard Labor

*grunt* "Ah! Finally this rock i-" mc says before being interrupted by the boss for 'slacking'

"HEY CHRIS, GET BACK TO MINING" Boss says angrily

"Yes sir." Chris says as he starts mining another rock

'Jesus, this guy is such a... hot cup of piss, I just mined a rock and he got on my ass for looking at the mineral.' Chris thinks as he breaks apart of the rock

'Huh, what is that? Its shiny.... Seems expensive! Maybe I can get out of this job and pay my debt if I can sell it' Chris thinks as he breaks another part of the rock

'I'll just put that thing in my pocket-' Chris thinks as he picks it up and puts it in his pocket

"HEY CHRIS, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" Boss yells from across the mine

"Yes sir!" Chris says as he jogs to him


"Yes sir!" Chris walks out of the cave but before he leaves he hears the boss saying quietly

"bloody pig." Boss says quietly

'Ahh I get to go home early! I wonder what mama made for dinner! haha, Shes the reason I can tolerate that fat pig, though I do wonder why I'm going home early' Chris thinks as he gets home

As Chris enters his house he notices that its empty and quiet

"Hey Mama, I'm home! You won't believe what I found today!" Chris yells across the house as he puts his shoes at the door

Chris enters his mom's room and wonders-

'Huh, where'd mama go, She go out?'

"Ahh, Its getting pretty late, Mama isn't home so I'll just make dinner for us, When she gets home I'm sure Mama will be proud!" Chris says to himself

Chris makes a pot of stew and puts one bowl in the cooler and eats the other at the dinner table

"Woooo-We, Thats some delicious rabbit! I hope Mama will like it~" Chris says as he looks at the clock

"Huh, 11 P.M, Wonder whats Mama doing, I got the day off tomorrow maybe I'll take Mama out to dinner!" Chris says as he enters his room and gets ready for bed

"Ah, Almost forgot to praise the lord!" Chris says

"I hope tomorrow shall be a better day I thank the lord and pray for my well-being tomorrow AMEN" Chris prays as he heads off to sleep

The clock cock-a-doodle-doo's waking Chris up at 7 A.M

"A bright new day! for me, Mama, and the Lord! Chris says waking up and putting on his casual clothes

'Hmm, I wonder if Mama's awake yet' Chris wonders as he wanders into the kitchen seeing a bowl of stew not eaten

"Huh, Mama didn't eat the stew last night? Maybe she didn't like it, Or maybe when she got home she was just too tired and went straight to bed" Chris says to himself

As Chris knocks on his moms door and enters he says-

"Hey! Mama, You up?"

"Huh, Mama, Where'd you go? Where are you?" Chris says to himself

*Knock Knock*

Knocking at the front door can be heard

Hmm! I hope you guys enjoy this story! I'll be releasing this weekly and primarily be focusing on my other novel Glenhail!



Glenhail: Every other day(Next chapter on Sunday)

Life In Another World As a Miner: Weekly every Friday

ImDravacreators' thoughts