
Life Giver (18+)

A world full of strange creatures, beautiful scenery and vast lands. Home to many Nations built by a variety of strange and interesting races. Each of them developing alongside different cultures and ideals in, they live for their families, for their dreams and for their children. This world was pure, however it is slowly rotting away under the surface. The people who live here are slowly walking towards their doom and all they can do is keep walking. The Lifeless Plague has destroyed all hope for their future. While people continue to move on as if nothing has changed, they see no children, they hear no cries from infants and they grasp any inkling of hope. Everyday the world inches ever closer to falling apart as Governments and Kingdom’s strive for answers, while selfishly protecting their own interests. In this strange world full of invisible undercurrents, those who don’t understand the consequences continue to smile, play and fall in love. Innocent to the terrors that each person would be willing to commit for their own selfish goals. Casmir Sing is one of those people naive enough to believe there is a future, however with him, perhaps there is... ===== Hello, I’m InvisibleDolphin. My novel isn't special, it has potential but that has yet to be seen. I want to hold my characters up to realistic standards, this doesn't mean that everyone is going to be cold and calculative, nor does it mean they will be overly kind. It means that if my MC see's a beautiful woman, he will admit that she's beautiful but he's not going to chase after her like a dog. It means that even though the MC might love a few girls, they might not be happy with sharing him. I intend to have darker moments in this novel but my first couple volume's will be a time of innocence, it introduces people as they are even if they are naive, and as time passes they evolve. Innocence comes from youth, experience grows character and lets you see the truth. I hope you can see them evolve and become the best version of themselves that they can be, maybe you'll learn something from them too, who knows. Tags: Romance, Cultivation, R-18, Harem, Action, Multiple race’s, Complicated world, Weak to strong, Dual cultivation, Slice of life. Release rate - 3 chapters per week + Bonuses based on corrections. pointed out by readers and/or P*tr**n or gifts.

InvisibleDolphin · Fantasy
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101 Chs


After a short but intense round of blowjobs, Casmir is slouched into the chair, head bent backward, staring at the ceiling while breathing heavily. His trousers are rapped around his ankles and his half flaccid cock is out in the open.

Rose was adjusting her dress and preparing a few pieces of paper at a desk, she looked completely fine before she walked back over to Casmir and admired his cute face for a moment.

"Come on now Casmir, sort yourself out it's time for your lesson." Rose said in a strict tone.

Casmir snapped out of his daze, realising his embarrassing situation he quickly sorted out his trousers and stood up.

His face was bright red as he awkwardly smiled and called out "Miss Rose.... wh.. what are we doing next..?"

"You still call me Miss Rose after that?" Rose teased him.

"W-well I don't want to disrespect you... Rose..." he said awkwardly.

Rose rolled her eyes looking slightly disappointed at his naivety, then in a more strict tone akin to a teacher says.

"So, you asked for a lesson on female psychology. I assume that you have been rejected by a girl recently and soon after recommended to this place, you probably believed that you could learn how to court her, or perhaps just seduce her, am I right?" she said in a slightly condescending way.

Casmir was quite shocked that his thoughts were seen through so easily.

".... How did you know?" He said.

Rose reveals a slightly proud smile before speaking.

"I'm quite experienced in teaching youngsters like you." She said before taking a more serious expression and looking at Casmir directly.

She was going to lecture this young man, he was clearly naive and didn't think before he acted.

"If you take anything away from our session today, I ask that you understand that neither men nor women are possessions or are complicit to your will. Even though you may see me as just a prostitute or a 'lady of night' I have my own thoughts and desires just like anyone."

"You should understand that this girl that rejected you might simple not like you or have a partner already, but it could also be that she doesn't want to be tied down. She may want to explore the world, expand her knowledge or simple make lots of money."

"I can teach you about female psychology but I won't simply tell you sweet words to bewitch any girl, you would be very naive if you thought I would immediately turn you into a charming man irresistible to your friend....."

Rose lectured Casmir for nearly five minutes, sometimes about his prejudice and other times about philosophy. She wanted to force him to think and not just listen, she would do similar things to other students of hers.

She liked to reward her students and also chastise them, it was the most effective method at getting through to them, in other words, she used a carrot and a stick.

Rose didn't think her students to be stupid but felt she needed to do something after seeing that so many of the young men that would visit her were hot blooded, simple minded and often controlling, they needed to be snapped back to reality.

They needed to change their thought process before it lead them into making a huge mistake.

During her lecture, Casmir was frozen to the spot, he felt like an idiot but eventually as her lecture started to sink in, he truly realised his naivety.

Casmir wasn't a fool, he was not someone who wanted to control the people around him or that was what he thought at least. Casmir's mother, Gloria, had taught him since he was very young, she had taught him many subjects and taught him to learn from others and be open minded.

".... Did you understand that Casmir? do you have any questions?" Rose said easing down on her strict tone and smiling at Casmir.

Casmir took a moment to collect himself before looking at Rose in admiration, she had truly slapped his previous thinking in the face.

"You're brilliant! I'm an idiot... I mean..." he said stumbling over himself.

He didn't know how to reply, everything she had lectured him about was jumbled up in his mind, he needed time to think and organise his thoughts.

"Are you a philosophy professor? I've never had much interest or experience with philosophy... Can you teach me more?." He said reluctantly but with hope.

Rose was taken back at his reaction, most of the time her students would meekly nod at her or sometimes argue back after she started lecturing them.

She'd had people walk out on her, agree with her and even be scared of her as if she had said something horrible but never, nearly jump up at her asking for more.

Rose wasn't opposed to his enthusiasm she only thought it strange.

'Perhaps he has a certain kink... Oh god I hope he doesn't get turned on by teachers...'

Being in her position her train of thought immediately associated his reaction with something sexual in nature, when in reality Casmir was genuinely interested in her teachings and not just her sexuality.

"Rose..?" Casmir called out after a few moments.

Rose, lost in her thoughts, cleared her throat before saying.

"Ahem, sorry about that. Usually people aren't so enthusiastic after being lectured..." she says with a small smile trying to cover up her blunder.

"To be honest I normally give just a short lecture about these things because many of the young men I encounter are... less informed is the best way to put it. We still have many things to go through so I wont go on but if you want any more lessons you can book an appointment with me through Clara. It's very cheap if you only want extra knowledge and not to be.. 'attended' to."

Casmir blushed at the thought of being 'attended' to but still wanted to learn more.

"I will definitely come back... for the extra knowledge of course." Casmir replied.

Rose rolled her eyes at his reaction thinking 'Honestly... he's too naive if he thinks he is be able to have an appointment here without being seen to....'

She giggled as she looked at him.

"Oh also, I am not a professor, what I taught you was simply my own understanding after watching many people come in and out of the Golden Flower House. I suppose you could say that Clara was the person who helped me understand this... she's a very smart woman. In fact I believe your mother was the person who taught her, so perhaps she could help you with that."

Casmir was aware of this past relationship with his mother but he was confused by the fact his mother had never taught him anything like this.

'Maybe Clara is just better at teaching and getting her understanding across..' Casmir thought before remembering why he actually came here.

Casmir looked at Rose seriously as he stood up walking closer.

"Can I talk to you about my friend Elena? I really like her, I want to see if there's a chance and you're obviously much smarter than I am when it comes to women." Casmir says out of a desire to understand Elena.

To Casmir, Rose seemed like a real expect in relationship matters, she clearly understands people and has a good grasp on philosophy. He also enjoyed how engaged she was in teaching him, no one had ever talked to him like this except his mother but she was never very warm or strict, she was always involved in her work and acted in a very neutral manner towards him.

Rose was a bit surprised at his sudden question but didn't mind helping him out a bit.

"So, Elena is your friend's name... tell me about her, what is your relationship like?" she asked.

Casmir didn't hold back in the slightest, he started by talking about their childhood and how she became his maid as they grew up together, then about Elena's character and her hobbies, eventually leading to Casmir's recent confession and her reaction to his confession.

Rose listened to his explanation and after a while she started looking at Casmir strangely, with an urge to laugh.

"You're truly a bit too naive, all you did was suddenly confess and took her immediate reaction as a rejection? For all you know she could be in love with you and simply gobsmacked at your confession, by the sounds of it she could just be scared of commitment. Of course there is the chance she was just worried about her position after rejecting you but I find that unlikely from the way you have described her." Rose said having already understood the situation.

Casmir stood there with an awkward frown on his face, clearly realising his stupidity.

Rose found his put out expression combined with his childish face and bushy hair very cute, she couldn't help but giggle to herself and give him a hug.

"There, there, we're all idiots sometimes. You just need to remember your mistakes and understand why you made them." She said gently.

Meanwhile Casmir was oblivious to her words, his eyes were glued to the bountiful chest just below his chin.

After Rose let go of Casmir she noticed his blushing expression and his line of sight, realising she had been taken advantage of she grew angry.

"Hmph, from your expression I can only guess that this Elena girl was only a childish crush to you." She says in annoyance as she jabs at his feelings.

'What should I expect from a child...' she thought.

Casmir revealed an awkward smile as he lowered his head in embarrassment from being caught.

"I can't help it... It's not everyday I get a face full of..." Casmir half replied before realising Rose's growing annoyance, yet he still stared at her taking in her beautiful appearance.

Rose decided to teach this young man a lesson.

"Oh, well if you can't help it I'll have to take your mind off of it." Rose said as she walked over to a door leading to a side room, opening it.

"Come on, it's time for your actual lesson..." she said as she walked into the room waving her hand at Casmir.

Casmir walked into the side room, he noticed that the room seemed similar to a classroom, it had a chalk white board and a few desks, a large desk near the whiteboard with an assortment of pieces of paper and books on it.

Rose walked over to the large desk and picked up a book, she flipped through a few pages before stopping, looking happily at her choice.

She then walked over to Casmir with a cruel smile, she showed Casmir a page from the book in her hand.

"Your first topic is sexual diseases and identifying them.." she said with a cruel smile

As Casmir looked at the image imprinted onto the book his face immediately turned green as he had an urge to vomit...