
Life didn't get easier, even in another world.

Weird stuff keeps happening in my life lately. Like that solar eclipse on that morning, or this dude who says he is my roommate. Oh and that this place that I suddenly found myself in isn’t Earth. And even more, I can do magic? I don’t know, maybe I have finally gone crazy… Hey hey, please give my second book 'The Undying Star' a try as well!

daniz_ · Fantasy
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424 Chs


In a corner of the ruined city, walls had broken down into piles of small and large stones. The further one walked from the main shelter, the intenser the destruction got and fewer people could be found.

Reynold led Kairen to one of the many destroyed buildings far from the main shelter. No one talked until they reached their destination. Kairen sat down on a stone and folded his arms, silently waiting for Reynold to talk.

"Something went wrong in my calculations and I... ended up sending you to this place."

Kairen didn't respond for a few seconds before suddenly snorting.

"That's it? Something went wrong and I was sent to a whole other world? No more explanations? No deeper meanings? No hidden intentions?"

Reynold looked away from Kairen and stared at a random spot on the ground.
