
Life didn't get easier, even in another world.

Weird stuff keeps happening in my life lately. Like that solar eclipse on that morning, or this dude who says he is my roommate. Oh and that this place that I suddenly found myself in isn’t Earth. And even more, I can do magic? I don’t know, maybe I have finally gone crazy… Hey hey, please give my second book 'The Undying Star' a try as well!

daniz_ · Fantasy
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424 Chs

Me too


A teenage girl sighed deeply before staggering back and plopping down to the ground.

"That's it for today."

She whipped the sweat off of her face with the back of her hand as she glanced at the beck of a man sitting on a chair beside a shady wooden bed.

"Only this much?"

The man soon turned back to look at her. 

"I've told you before, I can't use my power on him more than a certain amount."

Asa said with annoyance.

"Didn't you only say that you couldn't heal him in one go?"


She retorted.

"I indeed said that I can't heal him at once, as not only me, but he too had to experience the side-effects of me overusing my power. But there is also another thing about continuously using my power on his body, which will make the power have fewer and fewer effects the more I use it."

"It does?"

"Yes! I'd explained this stuff the first day you guys KIDNAPPED me!"