
Life didn't get easier, even in another world.

Weird stuff keeps happening in my life lately. Like that solar eclipse on that morning, or this dude who says he is my roommate. Oh and that this place that I suddenly found myself in isn’t Earth. And even more, I can do magic? I don’t know, maybe I have finally gone crazy… Hey hey, please give my second book 'The Undying Star' a try as well!

daniz_ · Fantasy
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424 Chs

I was mad at you! I forgot for a moment!

Three people sat around a table in a fairly large room. 

The three of them stared at each other for a few minutes in silence, before one of them finally started to talk.

"I am surprised they found out about the temples after all these years."

Said the woman but her voice didn't seem surprised at all.

"I know right? I wonder how they found out about the monster generation rate..."

The second person in the room, who was sitting in front of the woman, replied to her. The man and woman continued to talk about that subject.

"I heard it was unit 5 again. They've been quite active these days. First attack out hideout and now this. They were also the ones who interrupted us in that village."

"It seemed like they had some people there before us."

"Yeah. They must've started to find out some stuff."