
Chapter 2

Sophie's world had just come crashing down around her. No words were coming out, even though every emotion and thought imaginable was running through her mind. It felt as if she was dreaming and couldn't believe what was happening around her.

The tiny fingers and hands wrapping theme around her leg started to bring her back to reality.

Lily was only 4, how is she going to understand what is happening? What about Logan? Logan, their 6 year old was happily watching cartoons on the couch when Lily walked into the living room.

The devastating new wasn't something she had time to digest right now. The only thing running through her mind was getting their kids taken care of and making sure life was as normal as possible until she knew what to do.

"What do I do?" Sophie thought to herself. She wanted to just take their two kids and leave. But, she had nowhere to go. No friends, no family, and no job. Then there was the fact that Lily needed to pick Carson up from school. Cooper should be picking him up but he's drunk as usual because he depends on Sophie to take care of everything. Carson, is Cooper's son from a one-night-stand before Cooper and Sophie met.

Carson was 12 and his life was already rough having parents who didn't get along and going back and forth between the two homes. Sophie had immediately taken Carson in and cared for him as her own. There was no way she could walk out on him.

Whatever Sophie decides to do was going to have to wait until Carson's went back to his mother's house in a few days. This atleast gave Sophie time to think rationally and make decisions in her right mind.