
First mission

While I was walking to school I decided to add one more SP to my CHA. In this world, appearance is extremely important as well as education. If you have both studies and looks you can go far in the world.

While walking past the students, I saw lots of them mumbling while staring at me. I released a prideful smile as if I know what they are talking about. Suddenly, a smack land on my head.

I looked behind and shouted, "What the fu-"

The one that smacked my head is my best friend, Reyes. He looked at me and said, "Wow... Did you get a plastic surg or something? You looked different! Still far from me though..."

"Bullshit..." I mumbled. It was clear that Reyes heard what I said but he ignored it.

Suddenly a ring rang out in my head.



Slap your friend Reyes in the face.

Time left: 5 hours

Note: because your friend hit you, the host must pay it back. Instead of being weak, be strong and slap him in the face!

Reward: Authority badge

Penalty: N/A


The moment I saw the mission, without hesitation, I slapped Reyes in the face extremely hard. I slapped so hard that he went back several steps. Looking at his pathetic state I can help but to go sadist mode.

"Sorry... Reyes. I can't help but to slap you..."

"You fucking sadist!" Reyes shouted with his hands holding his face. He looked like as if he were about to cry.

'Congratulations for completing the mission. The host has gained 1 authority badge. You can take it out from your inventory.' the system rang out.

'System, can you give me more missions like this. Is extremely hard to complete such missions...'

'Host will receive lots of mission related to "hitting Reyes" in the future.'

When I heard what the system said, my eyes widen in happiness! Immediately I sarcastically shouted, 'I hate you system!'

I opened up the inventory and checked "authority badge".

[Authority Badge]

With this badge, you can enslave a target of your choice.

Note: Host cannot use it to do something against the target's will. The target will do simple stuff like killing ants but stuffs like killing a human will not work. The target personality will become tsundere.

'Wtf... I don't like tsundere. I will definitely not use this unless I am left with no choice!'

"Hey Andre!" a voice rang and broke my train of thoughts.

I looked toward the direction of the voice and saw a handsome guy with smooth and silky blonde hair, sharp jawline and sky-blue eyes. Overall he is handsome, he is also the most sought after male in school as he is top in studying and sports as well. The typical prince charming.

Looking at him, I scorned at him in my head. The reason I hate him is that there is once I stepped on his shoes and he forced me to kneel down and beg for forgiveness privately. In class, he acted kindly, but privately, he is extremely vicious. His father also has a big background as he is the Ceo of the famous watch brand, TimeWatch.

With no choice, I forced myself to smile and laugh dryly, "Haha... Hi again... Kingston."

"Huh? You didn't seem to want to greet me?"


"Forget it... I don't care about a peasant greetings." he cut me off.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance when a familiar sound rang out.


Your annoyance for Kingston Wells has reached a new height. You may not be able to control any longer before punching him in the face, but that isn't smart. The system has given you 100000SP. Use it to your advantage.

Goal: Destroy Kingston Image!

Reward: Enlightening pill

Penalty: badly destroyed by Kingston in numerous ways.


Looking at the back of Kingston's walking figure, I grinned madly and thought out, 'With the system... I will remove all my enemies!'

Reyes glanced at me secretly while shivering and thought, 'That f*cking sadist!'

sorry can't publish because my school started. I will never drop this tho

Feudal_Lordcreators' thoughts