
Life Changers

Are you struggling in life?Here some of the people who struggled in life but then turned their life around.

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Andrew Tates life changing quotes and talks


I grow wiser with every scar.

You've been given another day of life. How will you use it? Will you wait until tomorrow as you've done for years or decide today is the day you commit to excellence?

Your future is the result of your daily actions. You're defined by what you do today. Lazy now, loser later. Get to work.

The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being nobody.

Brief Analysis:

On the surface, quitting seems to offer relief, an end to the struggle, and an immediate escape from discomfort. The burden of responsibilities, expectations, and failures can be overwhelming, and quitting seems like an easy way out.

However, this momentary satisfaction is short-lived, like a gust of wind that passes by in a flash. By quitting, we tie ourselves to a life of mediocrity, where our potential remains untapped and our dreams, unfulfilled.

On the other hand, fighting through difficulties leads us to significant progress in personal growth, accomplishments, and a sense of purpose.

The idea of "being nobody" here perfectly symbolizes the fear of being overlooked. The truth is, we all desire to make a difference, to leave our mark on the world in some way. So, always remember that we can only find everlasting fulfillment by daring to be someone and leave behind our own true legacy.


Your mind must be stronger than your feelings.

There is no light without dark.

There is no joy without pain.

If failure makes you stronger,

you can never lose.

Brief Analysis:

Failure is not a destination; it is merely a stepping stone. Every successful person we admire, from inventors to artists, from athletes to entrepreneurs, has experienced failure in their pursuit of success.

It's crucial to understand that embracing failure with courage is what sets apart those who achieve greatness from those who surrender to defeat.

And as we do this, we start to internalize the idea that failure is just an indication that we are willing to stretch beyond our comfort zone.

Since success is no longer merely reaching a particular goal, we are more likely to be prepared for this ongoing process of growth and self-improvement

Personally I loved third Quote. No truer word has ever been spoken.


A man without a vision for his future always returns to his past.

Cost is the enemy of the poor man, so the poor try to save money. Time is the enemy of the rich man, so the rich try to save time.

Lazy people do a little work and feel like they should be winning. Winners work as hard as possible and still worry if they're being lazy.

The harder you work,

the more important you become.

Brief Analysis:

Success isn't handed to us on a silver platter but earned with sweat, sacrifice, and resilience, and each hurdle we overcome reinforces our value.

That's why we should remember that our journey does not end with one accomplishment, but rather evolves over time!

In other words, hard work isn't just a means to an end but a transformative process that shapes us into the best version of ourselves.

So, always remember that each step you take brings you one step closer to the strongest version of yourself you can be.


Reality is self-constructed. In my world, I am in absolute control every second.

Resist the slave mind.

If you want the happy tomorrows,

you need the truths that hurt today.

Brief Analysis

This is a paradox: the truths that hurt today act as drivers for our growth and personal development.

Let's take a look at the metamorphosis of a butterfly – Without the struggle it goes through, its wings would remain weak and incapable of taking flight. Similarly, today's hurtful truths allow us to transform and reach our full potential.

So, let us not forget that truth, though often painful, is also liberating. Because as we peel away the layers of harsh realities, we discover the genuine joy that comes from authenticity.

In summary, remember that facing the truths that hurt today may be challenging, but it is through this difficult journey that we forge a path to a more meaningful life.


Stress is the only condition under which your body and mind will ever perform miracles.

Most people see other people with things they want and don't do the second half. They don't try to work out how they got that thing.

Have you taken advantage of the few things you actually control? Or are you still hoping to just get lucky?

Poor people like to believe the rich are mysteriously unhappy to feel better about being poor.

Brief Analysis

This quote relates to a concept known as "relative deprivation theory."

In a world where economic inequality is a harsh reality, people naturally compare themselves to others to evaluate their own standing.

This is where the belief that the rich are secretly unhappy comes into play. By thinking that rich people may actually be unhappy behind closed doors, those without wealth find a coping mechanism to cope with their struggles.

But just as wealth does not guarantee happiness, it also doesn't guarantee misery. And this comparison simply reflects our tendency to create narratives that validate our own circumstance.


You are exactly where you deserve to be. Change who you are and you will change how you live.

Intellect is nothing without energy. Ideas are nothing without energy. High-energy people win

Reject weakness in any form.

Don't listen to the advice of people who are living lives you don't want to live.

Brief Analysis

If we want to build a successful career, we shouldn't rely on advice from someone who sits back and takes it easy. If we want a fulfilling life, we need to avoid seeking advice from those who are stuck in toxic patterns of behavior.

That's why we need to be aware of ourselves, our values, and our aspirations intimately. It's not about disregarding everyone else's advice, but choosing whose guidance aligns with the life we envision.

So, surround yourself with people who have walked the path you wish to follow, as their knowledge and experience will pave the way for your success.

Embrace your individuality, seek wisdom from those who inspire you, and let your pursuit of a life that fulfills your deepest desires be guided by this advice


Your only option to level up is to begin talking to winners.

Your mindset is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.

Suffer because you're weak or suffer to become strong, but there's no avoiding the suffering.

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. You've gotta do something and you've gotta do something fast. You just sitting around talking about it and hoping for things to get better isn't going to do anything.

Brief Analysis

Waiting too long for the perfect plan means missing out on valuable opportunities that can propel us forward.

The truth is, no plan will ever be flawless, but that's okay! By acting today, we gather valuable experience, insights, and feedback that can be used to refine our initial ideas.

It's important to note how time-sensitive the quote is: "You've gotta do something and you've gotta do something fast." Time is a limited resource, and our dreams won't wait around for us. The longer we delay, the more we risk losing our dreams to the whims of fate.

So, let us push aside our fears, and take those first steps towards achieving our goals.


You've never pushed yourself because you believe the goal can never be achieved.

You need to understand that in this world there's a whole bunch of people doing amazing things that you are not doing. And that needs to piss you off.

You have unlimited work to do today. Every second you waste is an admittance that you don't actually want it badly enough.

Think of all of the amazing things you could have accomplished by now if you weren't brutally lazy. Imagine all of the time you wasted, every opportunity you let pass by, all the good advice you arrogantly ignored.

Brief Analysis

The words "brutally lazy" implies that laziness is not just a harmless passivity, but a ruthless force that holds us back.

"Imagine all of the time you wasted, every opportunity you let pass by." Now, these words cut even deeper. Procrastination and inaction only lead to missed opportunities and untapped potential because time is limited.

It is time to logically calculate the hours spent on distractions, the days lost in lazy behavior, and the weeks thrown away on wasting time.

So, let's channel our energy into reaching our full potential and accepting guidance from those who can help us succeed.


Emotional control isn't a lack of emotion; it's a necessary function of maturity.

You are never going to have any of the things you want if you do not get them yourself. Nobody cares about you enough to do it for you.

Depression is not real. Feeling depressed is real. So, you can feel depressed, but you feel depressed and that is a natural, biological, evolutionary trigger for you to change something in your life. That's your own mind telling you 'you're unhappy about X'. If I went to jail today, I'd be depressed because I'm in jail. I haven't caught depression, I don't have a disease, I'm just upset with my situation.

You don't get to go through life only doing the things that you feel like doing.

Brief Analysis

If life were solely about satisfying our desires, then it would be like a never-ending vacation without purpose. While the idea seems appealing at first, the long-term reality can be empty and unfulfilling.

Think of a life spent only enjoying ice cream, lounging on the beach, and seeking temporary pleasures. Eventually, the sweetness would fade, and we would yearn for something more substantial.

So, while it's essential to cherish the things we love, it's equally important to recognize life is filled with experiences, both enjoyable and challenging. And true growth comes from overcoming obstacles and accomplishing tasks, even if they don't initially excite us.

By understanding this concept, we can become more resilient, disciplined, and purpose-driven. It's like painting a masterpiece, where each stroke adds depth, character, and meaning to the canvas.