
Life between love and fate

My hero sacrifice with his happiness to make the others happy .. who is he ? and why he did that? let's read to know ....... " She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them."

EsraaOElshreef · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 26: The crucial moment ( The engagement)

After two days "Martin" has to travel to his village to prepare himself for the engagement, but how can he tell her that? How can he break her heart? How difficult is this?

While he is taking to himself, his phone interrupts him. And here it is the surprise. "Serena" is calling him. What can he do? He must answer the call. Maybe he could feel better after listening to her voice, so he answered the call quickly.

"Martin": Hello.

"Serena": Hello. How are you?

"Martin": Little bit fine.

"Serena": Why? You have to be completely fine.

"Martin": I know, but ..

"Serena": No but . You will be fine. It's your engagement and you have to be happy and make your family happy also.

"Martin": How can you do this?

"Serena": What is this?

"Martin": You are encouraging me and trying to make me happy despite you are sad.

"Serena": (silence moment) because you deserve all the happiness in this life and it's your new life and you must be happy.

"Martin": You are not a human. You are an angel.

"Serena": Simply, I am normal and simple human. I do my best to make the people who I really love being happy.

"Martin": You have to be an angel.

"Serena": Thanks for your compliment.

"Martin": It's not compliment. You really deserve all the best things in this world.

"Serena": Thank you so much. Are you ready?

"Martin": I am not sure if I am ready or not. Really I don't know.

"Serena": Don't worry. Everything will be ok.

"Martin": I hope so. I will do my best to make my family happy.

"Serena": They will always be happy because they have such a great man like you.

"Martin": Thanks dear.

"Serena": Always welcome. I have to end the call now, so have a nice trip and congratulations once again.

"Martin": Thanks dear. Take care of yourself. I will come to you very soon.

"Serena": God bless you. Goodbye.

"Martin": God bless your too. Goodbye.

They ended the call but their hearts were still wounded. He doesn't know how he will be with another girl and she doesn't know how can she bear seeing him beside another girl.

He traveled to his village and arrived home.

Days are passing and now it's the time. He is not totally ready. He is thinking about her too much and he is thinking about his family and his finance. And at this moment he decided to choose the best thing that he can do. He will sacrifice with happiness to make the others happy. It's the best choice, but what is inside him will be inside him. He will suffer alone and pretend like he is happy.

After this he stood up and began to prepare himself for the engagement.

***      ***      ***          ***         ***        ***

After ending the engagement ceremony, he went to his room and started to look at the ring in his hand. Now he is responsible for this girl. He must be fair with her. His life became inside this ring. He will continue his life with this girl. She has rights on him. But how can he do this? How can he give her his feelings despite it is with another girl. Life has become difficult , but  what happened is already happened and it will never be changed. He also remembered his flight, so he went to sleep maybe he can find the answers of his questions in his dreams.

***        ***        ***        ***      ***      ***

In the next morning, he wakes up early to prepare himself for the flight.

While he was preparing himself, he did a strange thing. He held  his phone and started to call "Serena". He though it would be fine if he listened to her voice.

So he called her

While she found his name on her phone's screen, she didn't hesitate to answer his call

"Serena": Hello.

"Martin": Hi dear. How are you?

"Serena": Fine and you?

"Martin": Fine.

"Serena": How was your ceremony?

"Martin": I will tell you everything when I see you.

"Serena": Ok.

"Martin": Can we meet today?

"Serena": Where?

"Martin": Come and take me from the airport.

"Serena": When will you arrive?

"Martin": I will send you a message with details.

"Serena": Ok.

"Martin": Thanks dear.

"Serena": Always welcome. Bye.

"Martin": Bye.

After finishing the call , he sent her a message. She delivered it and began to prepare herself to meet him, but this time they aren't lovers. She can't imagine what will happen when she will see him , but she didn't forget that he got engaged.