
Life between love and fate

My hero sacrifice with his happiness to make the others happy .. who is he ? and why he did that? let's read to know ....... " She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them."

EsraaOElshreef · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 1 : Introduction

My hero of my story sacrificed with his happiness to make the others happy. Every time when he looks at his mirror, he realized that he is a good actor but who cares what does he feel ? What is inside him? That's what he hides from all. When we look at his face , we can see the answer. Only one person who knows the truth, but she acts like she doesn't know anything. She knows that he is not happy and suffers a-lot , but she is trying to help him.

Who is he ?

Who is she?

Does he choose to sacrifice or he has to?

Lots of questions come to your mind , but Can you expect the answer?

That's my hero's life

We will discover it together...