
Life At The End Of Death

A young boy born in a world of cultivation and magic, the world was ruthless too people without power and would throw away anyone who couldn't achieve power. Everyone wanted to ascend to godhood for eternal life and beauties by there side. The young boy was born with a dangerous power that he couldn't control no matter how much he tried, he was taken too a lab facility and was given the name, Code 014...15 years later he made an escape after many experiments done to him but unfortuantely he couldn't come out alive...

MoonBreath · Fantasy
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21 Chs


I walked down the path the man told me while looking around to get a look of the place trying to memorize the place.

This whole kingdom was at least 5x bigger than the last one I was at and the population was nothing to scoff about either.

Eventually I reached the guild and walked through the double door after reaching it with both of my hands.

Once I got a look inside everything was completely different than my last world, things looked way more developed like I just traveled to the future.

I saw strange devices floating in the air and everyone looked like it was normal, There was tons of people inside this guild to, even more than the last one.

I walked up to what seemed to be a registration area and asked Telepathically "how do I sign up for the adventurer's guild?" This time it was a man behind the desk and he was wearing a formal suit and he looked proper, He looked like he was in his middle ages too.

The man then looked at me in complete shock and said "I see you have the rare "Telepathic" skill and you seem pretty experienced with it too." I then said telepathically "Yes I do and there is reasons why I'm not talking normally so don't question me." The man then nodded and pulled out what looked like a digital card, It was glowing blue on the sides and everything on it looked digital.

He then said "Spill a drop of blood on the top of the card and you will be registered, It will provide you with you're name, height, gender, blood type, cultivation level, and it is optional if you want a picture of you're face on it."

He then spoke again "Also this card while keep track of you're cultivation but you also have an option to hide that as well, only a few higher ups in this guild will be able to look without permission."

I then pricked the tip of my right index finger with my left index finger and let a drop of blood fall on the card.

Once it dropped the card it seemed to have sucked it up and the drop disappeared, then suddenly information started to appear on the bottom right of my card saying...

Height: 6,0

Gender: Male

Blood type: O

Cultivation Level: Stage 4, Tier 2--->???

I had hid my cultivation and it showed those three question marks, I also didn't let it show a picture of me because it would be bad obviously.

But then I wondered what it meant by "Stage 4, Tier 2" So then I closed my eyes and checked my cultivation.

Once I saw my core I was shocked, It was now pure black and it was 3x bigger than before and it was as solid as titanium. I looked at my cultivation level and I was at the Mind Maker realm on the second stage.

I quickly figured out the stage and tier thing, it matched the exact same way with my cultivation level. I then thought "So this world uses tiers instead of the name it's called or is it that they don't create names for them? well any who I better keep that in mind in the future."

I looked up at the guy and said telepathically "Thank you" So I then asked "Where do I go to take quests?" He then pointed to the left behind me and said "Over there on the floating digital board is where you accept the quest, You choose one and point the front of you're card at it. It will scan it and accept the mission on you're card."

I nodded and said telepathically "Got it." I wanted to take a mission quickly to see how different the beasts were here and what they were capable of before I started cultivating."

I walked up to the board and I saw digital pictures of quests on the board, These even had pictures of the beasts you needed to find, and the weakness of them, not only that it shows were they can be found.

But I saw something else that was weird, on the bottom of all of the papers it showed a different element on some of them, one of them said "Attribute: Fire"

And there a few of them that had two attributes on them as well. I then thought "Does that mean the beasts here have abilities according to the attributes on them?"

I couldn't wait to kill all of these beasts and see just how many surprises each of them had.

I looked for a decent quest to take and I found one that said "Kill 4 earth snakes and take back their fangs, Attribute: Earth"

I took out my card and pointed it towards the quest, The suddenly green light started to flash out the card and it was moving up and down on the quest. Eventually it stopped and on my card it said "Accepted."

So then I started to walk to the door of the guild but then I remembered something very important and I didn't know how I forgot, I then thought "Just where is the forest these beasts reside? The card only shows the name of the forest, but not where the forest is at..."

So then I shamelessly walked towards the desk again and asked telepathically "...Where is the Sumar Forest?"

The guy looked at me weird and said "...It's too the east of this kingdom and it has a lot of dry forest trees in it."

I then said "Ok." and walked out of the guild.

It was obvious were the exit of the kingdom was because there was only one side were there was a exit and I walked out.

I then started dashing to the east at a speed I never would have thought I would achieve.

Then Lumire said to me "You know these beasts you are killing wont give you much experience, you know you are way stronger than those lowly creatures?"

I responded telepathically with "I know I'm just doing this for quick and easy money in this world. Plus I don't know where I'm going to find creatures as strong as I am and I doubt some would be on this world."

Lumire agreed and said "Yes you are right and luckily for you I know just were I can find creatures plenty as strong as you, but that will be for later on. But for now you can suppress you're cultivation and don't use your abilities and only you're spear to grow accustomed to it and fighting with it."

I said "Ok." and continued heading towards the forest.


Eventually I reached inside the forest, the trees here looked like they haven't seen a second with water, and they were really dry, but for some reason they weren't dying.

I set that thought to the side and started looking for the snakes in the picture.

...It took me a while before I found them before I did, and I saw two of the snakes on their guard keeping watch of the area around them.

They couldn't sense me because I suppressed my cultivation to someone who didn't cultivate while also suppressing my presence.

It was going to be impossible to pull out my weapon though, The scale of that door was in no way was going to be unnoticed by anyway.

But then I had an idea "What if I suppress the amount of energy that comes out then cast the skill?"

It was a gamble but I had no choice but to try, I did just that and lifted my right hand forward and casted in my head [Cosmic storage] suddenly a little space crack appeared in front of me that I could perfectly fit my hand through.

I was relieved my idea worked and put my hand through the space crack, It was hard trying to grab the spear with only a hand but then I had another thought and said in my head "Come" and thought of what I wanted to pull out.

Then suddenly I felt something appear in my hand and I recognized what it was, I then canceled the ability and my hand was forced out right with the spear.

I smirked and readied my spear and dashed with all my speed towards one of the snakes, even though my cultivation was suppressed I still had the strengthened physical capabilities

Since the snakes didn't sense me they didn't notice me coming and I sliced one of their heads off, then suddenly a tiny crack in space formed and I said in my head "oops guess I didn't suppress that slash enough."

The other snake guard was completely up and was ready too attack but what it did was not what was I expected.

I suddenly felt pure mana start too form in front of it and then suddenly. A pillar of earth spikes came rushing at me and I didn't expect it.

But then I simply dodged and looked at the snake and said in my head "So that what it meant by earth attribute, it seems these beasts on this planet can use abilities according to that element."

I smiled sadistically that was even more horrifying with my slit mouth and rushed towards the snake, It seemed to have formed some armor of earth all around it's body but it was completely useless."

My spear slashed right through it like it was paper and this time it didn't cut through space, this slash had only cut through air now and that was significantly better than last time."

Once the both of them were dead I was about to walk up to the both of them to collect their teeth when suddenly...

Little green lights and a countless number of them started to flow to me and then into my pocket into my card.

I was curious about what it was so I took out my card and I saw...

Contribution points:15...19...21...24

It kept going up as each little lights went inside my card.

Eventually all the little green light were gone and now it was...

Contribution point:177

I wondered what contribution points could do so I planned to ask the guy at the desk in the guild after I got back.

I then went up and collected the teeth and put it inside my bag and went hunting for more earth snakes


Eventually I finished the quest when suddenly my card started to light up green and it said "Completed."

It was obvious with what that meant so I didn't spend to much time looking at that. I then started to head back to the city and walked through the kingdom gates.

I then made it to the guild and turned in the proof of completion and asked the register telepathically "What are contribution points?"

Once again he looked at me weird, I started to get used to get weird looks from people. Then he said "They ate obtained when killing beasts and they are used to buy special things you cant buy with regular money, like high ranking weapons and armor, or potions."

I nodded and said "Thank you" Then said "May I get my reward now?" The register nodded and pulled out 4 gold coins and gave it to me.

I then walked out and Lumire said in my head "Now it's time for you too start training."

I agreed and said "Yes it is."