
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · Anime & Comics
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452 Chs

[9] Kasumigaoka-Senpai(Edited)

"Welcome to Yukihira Family Restaurant!"

As they entered the restaurant, Yukihira Soma's hearty voice greeted them.

With the lunchtime rush subsided, the restaurant wasn't too crowded. They quickly found an empty table and settled down.

"May I take your order, folks?"

Yukihira Soma, who seemed to be the one responsible for taking orders, approached their table.

Hachiman glanced at the future 1st seat of the Elite Ten Council, raising an eyebrow before turning to Machida Sonoko.

"Since it's our first time here, how about letting Editor Machida decide what we order?"

Hearing Hachiman's suggestion, Sonoko Machida smiled and directed her attention to the menu displayed on the wall.

"Well, then I'll order four meat tofu sets and one tempura," Sonoko Machida decided, her gaze moving from the menu to Hachiman and the others.

"What else would you like to order? Every dish here tastes fantastic," she suggested.

"Of course! Yukihira Restaurant is a renowned diner in town, and our food is exceptionally delicious," Soma chimed in with pride as he took their orders.

"In that case, I'll have an order of gyoza," Hachiman requested, choosing the Japanese dumplings.

Certainly! Japanese dumplings are usually thin-skinned, pan-fried dumplings with different fillings.

"I won't be too polite, so I'll just have the hamburger steak" Kasumigaoka also placed her order.

"Okay, we'll have four meat tofu sets, one tempura, one gyoza, and a hamburger steak," Soma called out their orders to the kitchen.

"Got it!" came a reply from the kitchen, likely Yukihira Joichiro, the former second seat of Totsuki Culinary Academy.

After a while, the dishes ordered by everyone were brought to the table by Soma.

First up was the meat tofu set, a small portion of minced meat tofu served with a bowl of rice.

Hachiman observed the meat tofu set in front of him. The tender white tofu, combined with minced meat and a sprinkle of green onion, presented an appealing visual. Though the ingredients were simple, the dish's appearance and aroma were irresistible, causing his mouth to water involuntarily.

Without knowing how it would taste, Hachiman distributed the tableware to everyone, took a spoon, and had his first bite. As he put it in his mouth, he felt the initial warmth, followed by the smooth and tender tofu that seemed to dissolve on his tongue. The savory aroma of the minced meat came after.

Impressed, Hachiman thought to himself, "As expected of Soma's father. He manages to create such a taste with simple ingredients. Even though I have cooking skills at level 2, I wouldn't be able to achieve this level. It might require reaching level 4 or even 5 cooking skills."

"Mmm... it's delicious."

"Yeah, the taste is amazing."

"Haha, I wasn't exaggerating. The food here truly lives up to its reputation."

Komachi and the others exclaimed in delight. Hachiman turned his gaze towards them and noticed that all three had slightly flushed cheeks, their faces radiating the contentment that only a satisfying meal can bring.

Aside from Komachi, both Machida Sonoko and Kasumigaoka Utaha had a touch of rosy color on their cheeks, adding to their attractiveness.

As they continued to eat and converse, Komachi eventually discovered that Hachiman had been working on a novel and had recently signed a publishing contract.

This revelation left Komachi quite astonished. She hadn't imagined that her seemingly idle brother could actually write light novels, let alone excel at it to the point of securing a publishing deal.

"Wow, Onii-chan, you're amazing! You'll be rolling in money soon," Komachi exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with thoughts of wealth.

"Hey, don't get ahead of yourself. It's just a signing for now, and publication timing depends on various factors," Hachiman replied, playfully tapping Komachi's forehead as she had her money-focused expression.

"Well, you're right," Komachi conceded, realizing that publication timing was ultimately up to the editor's decision.

"Haha, Komachi-chan, no worries. Your brother's novels are quite impressive. I'm confident they'll decide on publication soon," Machida Sonoko reassured with a smile.

"Then, Onee-san, what kind of light novel are you writing?" With her curiosity piqued and satisfied with Hachiman's explanation, Komachi turned her attention to Utaha, who was sitting beside her.

Worried about her brother's future prospects, Komachi secretly hoped that her Onii-chan would find a potential partner. Seeing the lovely Utaha, Komachi couldn't help but consider her as a potential candidate.

"I'm working on a light novel titled 'Koisuru Metronome'; it's a romance novel," Utaha replied, finding it hard to resist Komachi's endearing enthusiasm.

"Wow, I absolutely adore romance light novels! Once yours is published, I'm definitely getting a copy. And, Onee-san, you'll have to sign it for Komachi," Komachi declared with excitement.

"Of course, Komachi-chan," Utaha responded with a warm smile.

Hachiman, sitting next to her, couldn't help but smirk at the revelation that Komachi was a fan of romance light novels. He seized the opportunity, picked up a fried dumpling with his chopsticks, and sneakily fed it to Komachi, temporarily silencing her curiosity.

"Hmm," Komachi began to say something but was caught off guard by the dumpling in her mouth.

As she chewed, her gaze turned accusingly towards Hachiman, who pretended innocence.

Chew, chew, chew...

"Seriously, Onii-chan, what are you up to!" After swallowing the dumpling, Komachi complained, her voice tinged with mock irritation.

"Eat up and don't give Ms. Kasumigaoka a hard time," Hachiman commented, affectionately patting Komachi's head.

"No worries, Hikigaya-kun. By the way, I overheard Komachi-chan mentioning that you'll be starting as a first-year student at Sobu High School soon. Coincidentally, I'll be in my second year at Sobu High this year, so I'll be your senpai," Utaha smiled.

Hachiman was a bit taken aback by this revelation. As far as he remembered, Kasumigaoka Utaha should have attended Toyogasaki Academy. How did she end up at Sobu High School?

"That's quite a coincidence. I'll be counting on you to look out for me, Kasumigaoka-senpai," Hachiman said, his lips curving into a smile.

Utaha matched his smile, her eyes narrowing as she contemplated the intriguing encounters that awaited them in the future.

"Haha, it's quite the coincidence indeed. You two will have each other's back, and I genuinely wish both your works find great success!" Machida Sonoko chimed in with a smile upon learning about their shared school.

"Then I'll gladly take those good wishes from Editor Machida," Hachiman nodded with a smile, and Utaha beside him also showed her agreement. It was a sentiment they both appreciated.

After a satisfying meal and conversation, they exchanged contact details. Sonoko Machida saw them off to the tram, as her busy schedule demanded her attention.

Hachiman and Komachi boarded the tram bound for Chiba.

"Let's hope for the best," Hachiman thought to himself, a silent wish echoing in his mind.