
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · Anime & Comics
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453 Chs

[446] Please Advise Me More in the Future

Chapter 446: Please Advise Me More in the Future

"This musical's success owes a lot to my Yui."

Hearing Hachiman's words, the girl playfully glared at him.

"Hikki, you're such a cheeky brat. Who said I'm yours?"

"And I didn't even have a role, so how can I have any credit?"

Patting the bun on her head, Hachiman smiled. "Who said not having a role means no credit? Yui, you were in charge of publicity, right?"

"Yeah," Yui nodded, a bit puzzled.

Seeing the girl's innocent expression, Hachiman sighed in exasperation.

"Without your hard work in publicity, how would so many people know about our class's musical?"

"It's precisely because so many people came to see it that our musical achieved such success."

"So, do you still think the success of this play has nothing to do with you?"

After listening to Hachiman's explanation, Yui thought for a moment, then smiled happily.

"Hehe, hearing you say that, it seems like I really did contribute a little."

"But the biggest credit definitely goes to Hayama-kun and Saika-san, after all, they are the leads. Without their stellar performances, it wouldn't have been this successful."

That's not wrong. It's like a movie; even if you hype it up, if the content is terrible, who would waste time watching it?

Especially for a musical like this.

"Alright, let's not talk about that anymore. Hikki, you've worked hard today. Here's a little something for you as a token of appreciation." Yui smiled and then opened the package she had brought.

Inside were several slices of strawberry cake, neatly arranged.

After being fed by Hachiman for so long, the girl's taste buds had become quite picky.

In the original story, the dry honey bread would definitely not be appealing, so she bought a tastier strawberry cake instead.

"Let's eat together, Hikki."

"Sure." Hachiman nodded and picked up a piece of strawberry cake, offering it to the girl.

"Here, Yui, open up."

Seeing Hachiman wanting to feed her, Yui couldn't help feeling shy.

If they were alone, she would have eaten it without hesitation, but they were in a crowded corridor.

However, Yui didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Looking around sneakily and seeing no one watching them, she quickly opened her mouth and took a bite of the strawberry cake Hachiman held.

Seeing her looking a bit guilty, Hachiman couldn't help but chuckle.

"Is it good, Yui?"

"Mm-hmm, it's delicious."

Eating the cake, Yui nodded happily. Perhaps because Hachiman fed her, she found it sweeter than the ones she had before.

Maybe because she took a big bite earlier, Yui's cheeks puffed up slightly, resembling a squirrel with a chestnut.

Seeing this, Hachiman felt an urge to tease her.

Picking up the piece of cake she had bitten, he offered it to her again.

"Here, Yui, one more bite."

"Hikki, you should eat too." Yui felt embarrassed.

With a mischievous smile, Hachiman said, "Nope, I'll feed you first before I eat mine."

Seeing this, Yui couldn't help but guess his intentions.

Rolling her eyes at Hachiman, Yui still didn't refuse, sneakily looking around again before quickly finishing the cake in Hachiman's hand with a few bites.

Because she ate so much at once, Yui's cheeks were even puffier, making her look more like a squirrel.

"That's enough now."

Rolling her eyes at Hachiman again, Yui said with a slightly muffled voice.

Watching the girl's reaction, Hachiman didn't rush to eat the cake but slowly extended his hand towards her.

In Yui's somewhat puzzled gaze, he scraped off the remaining cream from the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this, the girl felt a bit embarrassed.

She probably got some cream on her mouth from eating too quickly earlier.

"Thank you, Hikki."

Yui thanked him, about to pull out a tissue to wipe Hachiman's fingers clean.

However, just as the girl was about to take out the tissue, she saw Hachiman putting the cream into his own mouth.

Seeing this scene, Yui's face turned bright red in an instant, and even her speech became stuttered.

"H-Hikki, wh-what are you doing?"

"Of course, eating cake," Hachiman smiled faintly.

"Yui's cake is delicious, thank you for the hospitality."

Upon hearing this, Yui's face turned red, and she quickly lowered her head, almost burying it in her chest. Even her earlobes were tinged with red.

Oh, come on, Hikki, what are you doing?

This is too embarrassing; what if someone sees us?

But it felt so happy just now...

With that in mind, Yui couldn't help but cup her cheeks with her hands, a happy smile forming on her lips.

Seeing the girl's shy demeanor, Hachiman chose not to tease her further.

What if this silly girl faints from overload?

He picked up a small piece of strawberry cake and took a bite.

Not bad, although it's not as good as the one we had on my birthday, it's still pretty good.

Yui soon recovered, having gotten used to Hachiman's intimacy over time, though she still blushed every time. But at the moment, she simply quietly ate her cake without any intention of chatting with Hachiman.

Shy as she was, cake still needed to be eaten.


After finishing the cake, Yui finally spoke again.

"Really, Hikki, if you do that next time, I won't talk to you anymore. We're in the hallway now, what if someone sees us?"

Hachiman raised an eyebrow, "So, Yui, does that mean it's okay when no one's around?"

Upon hearing this, Yui visibly hesitated, then nodded somewhat shyly.

"Well, um, if... if there's no one around, then it's okay."

Deep down, she still hoped to be closer to Hachiman.

Similarly, Hachiman felt the same way. After all, as the first person he met and the girl he spent the most time with besides Komachi, Yui held an irreplaceable position in his heart.

"Since that's the case, Yui, I'll be relying on you more in the future," Hachiman said, uttering a somewhat cryptic phrase.

But the girl understood his meaning, and her eyes shimmered with emotion.

"Yes, I'll be relying on you more in the future too, Hikki."

Just then, they heard some noisy voices nearby.

"What's the holdup? Let us in already."

"Who does that?"

"Yeah, seriously, who do you think you are..."

Turning their heads, they saw a long line of people in front of Class E's classroom, some growing impatient with the wait and starting to complain.

The complaints attracted even more people, curious to know what was happening.

It's just human nature; when you see a crowd gathered somewhere, you can't help but want to go see what's going on.

As the crowd grew, a few students from Class E at the door began to look unsure of what to do.

"Oh, looks like things might get out of hand," Yui remarked.

"Yeah, if this keeps up, it'll be hard to control," Hachiman nodded, about to get up. After all, he was part of the cultural festival's organizing committee.


Just then, a sharp whistle sounded, and the Student Council President, Meguri Shiromeguri, accompanied by a few council members, walked over.

"Thank you for your patience, everyone," Meguri said, and her council members immediately moved into the crowd, starting to restore order.

With the help of these professionals, the chaotic scene soon calmed down.


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