
The outbreak

ok first before I get into the actual story I want you to now that my name is zaiver and this Is how i became a zombie, now the outbreak first started around 3 years ago and by now I'd say about half the worlds population is infected including me and people are forced to stay in groups and survive like animals being hunted I was with a group too until we were swomed and they all escaped...except for me...I fell into the horde and they all bite me to the bone when I woke up I could still think so I remember what happened I could also talked so I tried looking for my group...but...after two full years I never found them...and now it's time to read the story and here where it starts. i like big...butts! and I can not lie! you other brothers cant deny! ughhh, alex! hey bro! ughhhh alex I was sleeping!! dude it's like 9.00 bro wake up!? nooooo! alright fine sleep, but hear me out ok! fine what. Look, I heard that, "girl of your dreams" (haha) shut up!

ok, sorry but look, she is heading to that concert

you were talking about! wait really! yea man she is going there with her friends so, I thought we could go and bring Jake. alright. great i already got the tickets meet me there at 11.00 alright. sure got it. alright see yea! bye. [hangs up, gets out of bed] alright, now is my chance to fulfill my drean... my dream of dating kassidy!...[BOOM!] huh what the hell was that? [mom runs in] honey, we have to go...right now! uhhh ok, ok but why!? no time to explain I'll tell you when we're. in the car, now get ready! ok ok (what the hell is going on!?) (a few minutes later) alright I'm done mom! good, now come on! but! save it! right now is not a good time. (gets in car, starts driving fast) uhhh mom, I think your going to fast! shut it zaiver! but mom, [HONK] MOM LOOK OUT!! [CRASH]...uugghhh...my head...what are those are those...zombies!.