
Chapter 42: Masochistic?

Minjoon eyed down the man who calmly strode onto the elevated ground Minjoon stood on. This man, named Myong Eun-Soo, was the protagonist of this world. He had a cheerful smile on his face but it felt fake to me. He bowed his head slightly in respect once he stood in front of Minjoon.

With both parties on the stage the newly appointed referee, a team leader, blew the whistle and shouted.

" Start!"

Eun-Soo instantly darted towards Minjoon. He delivered a series of bazar blows with his bare hands. He had the skills though his power wasn't up to par.

If this was a martial arts contest then Eunsoo would win. However Minjoon has a supernatural power ability to guide him to victory. And not to mention Minjoon was S rank while Eunsoo was currently still C Rank, with an S rank potential.

Minjoon parried each hit with a small circular ice shield he instantly created in each projected area Eunsoo aimed at.

His ice, despite its thin and fragile appearance, withstood Eunsoo's strength.

Minjoon continued to doge and parry Eunsoo until Eunsoo was exhausted and sweaty.

It was about time to end it.

Minjoon deflected Eunsoo's incoming punch and twirled around to get behind his back and twist his arm. Minjoon kicked Eunsoo's knee in, making him kneel with a grunt.

" Whistle! End!" The referee blew his whistle and signaled the end of the 10 minute dual.

Minjoon let go of Eunsoo's arm and gave him a helping hand up.

" You did well, welcome to the Froster guild." Minjoon patted Eunsoo's shoulder as he welcomed the young man.

" Thank you, sir." Eunsoo grinned. He went down the arena and left when a secretary escorted him to sign out his official contract.

One after another, the recruits fought against Minjoon. None won, of course. He passed 17 people and failed 23 others.

And two of those accepted ones, Eunsoo and Jiyoon, the protagonist and Minjoon's sister in this world, were to be incorporated into Minjoon's team.

Just as I was.

Once the testing was done, Minjoon instructed some of his subordinates before he headed back to his office.

I quietly get up and exit without attracting much attention. I followed Minjoon to the upper most floor, into the eastern section that solely belonged to the Guild Master.

My hands clenched and unclenched as I walked behind him. I kept a fair distance between us as I collected my thoughts.

Somehow he knew, he found a part of my dark history. One so dark I wished to hide forever.

But now I can't. My nosey lover will obviously inquire about what he wasn't already able to find out.

In the first place, how did he find out? Who told him?

Many of those involved at that time died as collateral damage.

Only I …and the main system survived.

Did she…? I'm gonna beat that old ladies ass if she did.

" Sigh." A small sigh escapes me.

Minjoon froze when he heard me. After a moment of a standstill, he turned around and marched towards me, with determination in his heavy steps. He stopped right in front of me and shouted.

" I'm sorry!" He abruptly bowed at an 90 degrees angle.

He fiddled with the buttons on his shirt as he bit his lip. His eyes stayed glued to the floor, like a child refusing to make eye contact when afraid of being reprimanded.

" What? Wait-" I step back in surprise.

He didn't need to apologize, I just wanted to clear up his misunderstanding of my opinion on him.

" I didn't mean to hurt you. I overreacted when I heard your answer, but I'll change- I promise I won't be hot headed-I'll be better- I'll-!"

He spills out his feelings in broken sentences. He hiccuped as he tried to explain himself, tears watered his eyes and got caught in his eyelashes.

I immediately pull him towards me. I cup his face with my hands and place my forehead on his.

" Calm down, sweetheart, breathe."

" Hic… Wuw-" He balled up the front of my shirt as he tried to hold in his tears.

" My adorable crybaby." I chuckle helplessly.

I kiss the corners of his eyes and lap up the salty tears before they fell down. A deep blush spread across the white skin color of his cheeks as I littered kisses on his face. He ended up burying his face in my chest out of embarrassment.

" Minjoon~ Stop crying please." I pat his hair and rub his back as I rocked us a bit.

" I'm not crying." He lifted his head from my embrace and glared at me.

" Sure. Can I say my piece now?" I grin.

" Hmnm." He hums an agreement. Yet he seemed nervous.

" What I was trying to say- before you so rudely interrupted me-" I playfully add. I grasp his chin and tilt his head up to look at me. " Is that seeing you empowered made me so fucking hard, I wanted to fuck you right then and there. I wanted your ass right on top of me, pleasuring yourself as your naughty eyes arrogantly stare down at me." I spill out the dirty fantasy that sprouted in my heart the moment he showed dominance. It reminded me of the last world where the drunk Minjoon collared my neck as we made love.

" You- are you masochistic?" His eyes seemed bewildered.

" Hm? Perhaps. Only for you, darling, I'm both." I muse and end with a chuckle.

After all, I do love seeing you cry too.

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