
Life as a system

This novel centers around the system (seme/top), who had been dealing with shitty hosts until he finally finds one to his liking. But he ends up liking him too much? ~~~~~~~~ This novel will have world hopping!!! My fav lol This is a gay, BL, yoai novel. There will be inappropriate content for those under 18. There is smut! My novel will focus on their romance and the worlds they travel to. Give it a try people! And let me know if any of you have any good ideas for worlds they should travel to.

System_2200 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter 38: Tasting my personal flavor of icecream (r-rated)

Warning! Completely SMUT filled chapter! Skip chapter if you are under 18 or feel uncomfortable reading sex scenes.

Btw reread chapter 37 for less confusion since I rewrote it and changed the world settings.



We slam open Minjoon's, aka Hwang Jae-Sun of this world, apartment door. We couldn't get off each other, eager to explore our new bodies.

" Mn!" A low moan escapes Minjoon as I sweep my tongue across his sensitive spot, the roof of his mouth.

I brush my hand past his ear to reach the back of his head. I grip his hair roughly, giving him the bit of pain he usually liked. I tilt his head in order to give myself more access to his sweet tongue. He tasted like Vanilla ice cream, cold yet so sweet.

Minjoon shivered as he whimpered once again in pleasure. I could feel his hard length against my hip as he grinded against me, in desperate need of release.

" Look at how hard you are. You look so needy right now, its fucking sexy." I chuckle as I run my fingers on his boner through his jeans, applying pressure occasionally. He bucks his hips in response.

" Ahh, Stop playing. More... please..." He whines, begging against my neck before he starts placing impatient kisses on my neck and jawline.

I clench my jaw, my arousal intensifying by the second. My own hardness strained my pants, brushing up against Minjoon's lower stomach.

" Jump up." I mumble as I wrap my hands around his thighs. I hull him up, wrapping his slim yet muscular legs around my hips.

Minjoon locks his ankles behind me and takes that as an opportunity to plaster himself against me. He grinds on me as I take us deeper into his apartment, to his bathroom.

I'm alright with kissing and making out while he's still dirty and drenched in green blood, but fucking like that? No, thanks.

I slam open the door and drop Minjoon on the countertop.

I strip my clothes off my body. Minjoon does the same, in even more of a hurry. Both fully naked, we enter the shower. Minjoon shivers as cold water immediately pours down on us. I lean over to cover him with my frame, I place my hands on the wall behind him to cage him in as I leaned down for another steaming slow kiss.

I ignore his throbbing erect length as I turn him around to face the wall, his back to my chest. He huffs, annoyed. I grab his hands and place them on the wall above his head before he could take a chance to relieve himself.

I grab the body wash off the rack and squeeze some onto my hand. I start with his back then to his shoulders and arms, massaging him after his tiring day. He hums a thank you.

I spread the lather across his skin down to his chest. My fingers run over his nipples, bring small moans out of him. I twist and rub them until his voice got louder. I stopped once it looked like he would cum. I ignored his whines and pleas as I continued to run my hands over his abdomen and hips, reaching his bottom. I grope his ass, loving the feel of it. Like the rest of his body, his cheeks were peerlessly white and smooth, round enough to fit in my hands.

" Nh!" Minjoon hunches over, gripping the wall as he felt his release coming from all the teasing.

Too bad.

" Not yet." I growl as I squeeze his length and place the pad of my thumb on the top to make him hold it in.

" Why?!" He whines in a sensual filled erotic voice.

" Hold it in for a minute, love." I whisper, easing his frustration.

I want to bring him to the edge, and keep him hovering over it. I want to drive him crazy.

My finger trails over to his butthole. I caress the rim and playfully touch him there before jamming in my lathered middle finger.

Minjoon sucked in a breath at the foreign feeling that spread in his hole. I gently inserted another finger and started to pump them in and out of him in a slow pace. Minjoon squirmed around, unable to hold back any longer.

" Ngh! Ah!" As my fingers grazed his g-spot, he gave a short scream and arched his back against me, laying his head on my shoulder as he shivered. I hit that spot inside him over and over. I stopped restraining his hard on and began pumping it. Feeling overwhelming stimulation from his front and back, he found his release as another loud moan fell onto my ears.

Panting, he turns over to hug me after I pulled my fingers out of him. I wash all the soap off us as I wait for Minjoon to catch his breath. We step out of the shower to enter a steam filled bathroom. I grab a towel to pat down the water on us.

Minjoon was in front of me, facing the sink and mirror. He had his eyes closed as I dried his hair with a towel. It seemed like he was about to fall asleep, fully content.

I throw the towel aside as I snake my arm around his waist. His eyes fling open as I pull him towards, so he could feel my length rest in between his cheeks.

" Don't fall asleep on me. We're nowhere near done." I grin.

I push him forward, bending his back as he held on to the sink. I part his legs and grab his ass. I knead his elastic white flesh, my thumbs stretching the rim of his cute little gaping hole. I rubbed my length against it causing it to quiver, making me want to fill it instantly.

I lean down to Minjoon. " Can I?" My deep voice comes out rough and husky, laced with impatient lust.

He turns towards me, biting his lips. " Mm." He nods shyly.

" Ah!" He grips the table top as he feels himself stretch to suit my size. My current body was well endowed down there, quite on the long side.

" Groan*!" His insides are warm yet cold. His power, control over ice, causes his whole body to be cold. And I love it.

Because I hold the power of fire belonging to this body that I'm occupying.

I stayed still for a while, waiting for his pain to subside. Once I felt that his grip on me loosened, I pulled out and slowly pushed back in. I only entered half way through, for now. I didn't want to hurt his virgin body.

As I settled into a gentle rhythm I noticed Minjoon was avoiding the mirror. Though his head would lilt up with every moan and pant of his, his eyes never stayed on the mirror for long.

Surprising him, I caught his gaze in the mirror.

" Ngh!" He slightly came, biting his lower lip, as I held his eyes in the mirror. His cum drizzled down to his thighs. Embarrassed, he drops his head.

" Don't look away." I grin as I grip his jaw, not allowing him to look away from the mirror. " I want you to see how I make you feel."

His eyes were shining with lust, lips kissed until glossy and so red that blood seemed to be smeared on them. Minjoon's cheeks were flushed pink, giving color to his pale face. His eyes trailed down to his chest riddled with red love bites as his dark pink peaks were still stiff and begging for more attention.

I placed his leg on top of the counter to give me more access to ram his tight hole. His gaze went further down, looking at where we were connected. His eyes immediately looked away from his reflection as I felt him tighten around me.

I just wanted to fuck him until he couldn't walk.

Let's take this to the bed. This position is too slow, I want to go harder on him.

I pull out, and turn him towards me. I pick him up quickly and march to the bed.

Minjoon plops down on the bed breathless and dizzy from the bathroom session we just had.

" En- enough, I'm tired." He pants, trying to get his breathing under control after he came twice in the bathroom. He flips over and crawls away from me to hug a fluffy pillow.

" That's not fair, I haven't even came once tonight." I grab his ankle and pull him back to me. I use his leg to flip him back on to his back.

" Hah... fine, just once." He laid there tired with his hands sprawled above him.

" Don't worry, I'll do all the work. You just need to enjoy it." I smirk. I grab both of his legs and swing them over to place them on my shoulders. I kiss his inner thigh, leaving bite marks on the smooth skin.

I groan as I ram back into his tight hole.

I look down at Minjoon. I love seeing him lost in the pleasure and lust I give him.