
Life as a system

This novel centers around the system (seme/top), who had been dealing with shitty hosts until he finally finds one to his liking. But he ends up liking him too much? ~~~~~~~~ This novel will have world hopping!!! My fav lol This is a gay, BL, yoai novel. There will be inappropriate content for those under 18. There is smut! My novel will focus on their romance and the worlds they travel to. Give it a try people! And let me know if any of you have any good ideas for worlds they should travel to.

System_2200 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter 37: Haughty Ice prince

[ Transfer complete.]

I open my eyes to a white ceiling, the walls are of dark sea green color and frames of abstract paintings were hung up nicely.

I could feel soft cotton sheets under my new body's fingertips.

I close my eyes again, might as well take a nap while waiting for Minjoon to complete the process of taking in his new body's memories.

This world is a parallel one of modern earth, with different settings.

After the year of 2020, black towers that stretched to beyond the sky sprung up all over the world. Those few towers changed the very composition of the earth as they know it. The towers would emit mana that seeped into everything, including humans.

As those that felt mana drift through their blood grew in number, they were labeled under one name. Awakens.

Humanity felt like they were evolving, becoming the powerful heroes they dreamed of as kids. They became high on the new power. Their physical capabilities skyrocketed and the few that were blessed with magic powers conjured elemental powers.

Of course none of their powers were phenomenal, merely at the peak of what mankind could reach. It was laughable, to the point of measuring them on the scale of flimsy magic tricks. They seem that weak to me.

Anyway, as the people were marveling at the new sights in envy and admiration, the governments were working their asses off while the public was distracted.

The towers stayed locked no matter how much the authorities tried to pry them open. Guns, rockets, bombs, tanks, brute force; nothing worked. The towers stayed firm and straight like unmoving giants, looking down on them.

A year had passed without anything happening. The public had already put it behind them and continued on with their everyday lives. They would even regarded the towers as tourist spots. But that was only until the day millions of people were forced to fight for their survival.

On that epic day, hundreds of dimensional gates opened on the earth. At first they left them alone in fear of what the other side held. But exactly a week later, all uncleared dungeons had creatures crawling out of them.

The rest of this Earth's history is pretty much as typical as they can get. Humans fight back, regroup, and create guilds and hunter associations. Peace was back.

The Awakens became Hunters.

Meh, don't care. I want Minjoon now.

I spring up and fumble off the bed. I head to the bathroom first to freshen up.

I open the door to find a young lady in a robe blow drying her dirty blonde hair.

" Oh, hey!" She grins and turns back to the mirror.

" Why are you here?" I squint my eyes.

This lady was someone the original owner knew, a hookup buddy. But this body's memories of last night are nonexistent, why is she here?

" Hm? You don't remember? We met at a bar last night and came back to your hotel room for some fun." She winks at me through the mirror.

" Alright. You need to leave now. I have people coming over in a bit." I sigh, running my hand through my hair.

I did not cheat on my love. I did not.

" Just a minute hon."

" Now." I scowl.

I close my eyes as she starts changing shamelessly in front of me.

" Jeez, I'm going, I'm going. Why so uptight?" She mumbles as she zipped up her skirt.

" Bye Drake!" She closes the door after herself.

I finally open my contaminated eyes. I wash my face before checking out this body I'm possessing.

Drake Ross. A contract bodyguard affiliated with a company in the USA. Usually guards high profile people.

An African American born and raised in the USA. Skin color so dark it looked like it glowed in the sun. Black hair cut into a buzz cut and a thin beard showcasing an angular jaw. My eyebrows were thick and arched up slightly at the ends. Light brown eyes, almost an amber color, above a narrow nose with a slight bump in the bridge. Resting below my nose were thick nude colored lips. 6'5 feet tall and packed with dense muscles, and my shoulders were especially wide. Hmm, quite handsome, I'm pleased.

Wait? USA?

But Minjoon's supposed to be in Korea...

Damn, I'm on the other side of Earth of where he's at. I quickly take care of my business as I mentally use my powers as a system access the hotels internet to book me a flight to Korea.

I grab a suit from my personal storage dimension and shrug it on before checking out the hotel. I head towards the parking lot where Drake parked his sleek black car.

The drive to the nearest airport took an hour and a half.

As I board the jet I get a notification from one of the many alarms I set around Minjoon.

[ Danger! Host is currently locked within a separate dimension. Unable to access!]

' Minjoon, Minjoon! What happened?' I telepathically reach out to him as I buckle in and order the pilot to fly out. I rented a jet for my own private use today.

' Hm? Oh, don't worry Ollie. I'm having fun right now.'

Having fun... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Pftt. Only Minjoon would find a survival apocalyptic world fun. And well, me too I guess.

' I just got notified that you've been dragged into a separate dimension than the one I'm in. Is everything okay? Are you in a dungeon right now?'

' Yeah, but everything is fine for now. It's my first time seeing dog sized ants, it's interesting, I'd didn't know their blood is green. Though it seems people die off pretty easily in this world.' Minjoon hums as he relayed his situation to me.

This badass lover of mine steals my heart every time. (●'◡'●)

' I'll be there soon. I'll wait for you outside the gate you entered. And remember to not deviate too much from your current characters settings. You have to be cautious in worlds above C rank.'

' Okay, I think I'll finish soon. See you later, Olie.'


4 hours later.

I walk to the entrance gate of a high school in Seoul, Korea.

It seems Minjoon entered a special class gate. It had sporadically popped in the middle of the day, in the school backyard. Usually gates appear in less populated areas. Immediately, hunters were requested to take care of it. There were government workers stationed around the gate, guarding it and keeping an eye on its magic levels so as to determine if the gate level would rise unexpectedly.

I had no choice but to wait outside. I lean against a pillar as I count the seconds away.

A group of high schoolers soon ran out the building, stumbling over each other. They stopped a few feet away from the gate, wary of me. They appeared disheveled and mentally worn out. They were the last group to be evacuated. Another group of people, in professional suits came out as well. They directed the students to the side, as they spoke into their phones arranging things and listening to orders of their higher ups.

" Who is he?"

" Is my dad waiting for me here too?!"

The children mumbled and stirred as reached to their pockets to see if their phones were finally working.

" You have to move from the gate for your phones to have signal." I lazily offer them advice as I stood with my hands in my pockets. They remained silent and scared stiff. Current human technology doesn't work when too close or in the dungeons.

" What you doing in front of our school, mister? Are you here to help too?" One of the taller boys closer to me stepped forward hesitantly.

" No, I'm not. I'm waiting for someone so stop blocking the way." I grunt impatiently.

" Who-"

" Excuse me? Are you a student's guardian or a hunter?" A government worker from the Hunters association interrupted.

Before I have a chance to reply the gate glowed in a dark blue as the silhouette of seven men appeared and walked out of it. They were clad in green blood tainted armor and weapons. One of them was helping another injured one walk. The man in the front captured everyone's attention.

He was simply captivating. His snow white, fine hair hung down, covering his forehead and dark blue narrow eyes. He had a slender and elegant nose, with thin dark red lips below. He had no facial hair, making him look younger.

The crowd was stunned by their sudden appearance, and froze in place.

" Move." A cold monotone voice rung out from my cold king.

The students jump back frightened, and huddle together as the pressure rolled off him in waves. They shivered as they shuffled away from the cold emitting off him.

The hunter associates went up and took care of the injured hunters. They hulled the severely injured ones to the hospital and then turned to question the other two hunters.

The ice cold fairy-like man walked up to me after confirming the situation with the hunter associates.

" What took you so long?" He crosses his arms and stares at me. He spent over six hours in that dungeon. I'm sure he's pretty tried right now, so I offer him a hug.

" Sorry." I smile and raise my arms.

" Hmph." He looks away from me, fiddling with his arm plate armor.

' Don't be so tempting, I need to be an ice statue in this world!' He complained to me mentally.

" Let's go." I chuckle putting my hands down.

I can enjoy our time together in private anyway.

A new world, dungeon based! P.S. reread chapters 37 and 38, I did some major changes in the world setting.

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