
Life As A Demon

Rose's in school when she changes for the first time. Her dad is a demon and her mom was human, which makes her half human half demon. She goes through her life improving on her demon skills and eventually becomes Satan.

Renee666 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

First Hunt

"Hayley are you ok? Do you hear yourself? I didn't turn into a demon yesterday." I said trying to convince her it didn't happen. My other friends were confused, they had no memory of me turning into a demon. "Yes you did, you were red and you had wings and solid black eyes." she argued. "Hayley, it was probably just a very realistic dream." I said in a persuasive voice. 

    "Tables 6 and 7 you are released." Mr. Jenkins dismissed us. My other friends went up ahead while Hayley and I gathered our stuff. "Rose, there's no way it was a dream." she said skeptically. Great, just great. "Fine, Hayley I did turn into a demon. You can't go around saying that though, and I'm not allowed to talk about it either. It must be kept secret."

    "Oh. Well how come no one else remembers?" she asked. "I'm not allowed to tell you that." I said ending the conversation. I headed down a different hallway to get to my first period. When I sat at my desk behind my friend she greeted me, like usual.

The rest of my classes were simple, I didn't have any homework, so I got to relax a little. I listened to Slipknot the whole way home. When I got inside I grabbed a snack. I took my first bite of banana bread and immediately spit it back out. For the first time in my entire life I didn't like banana bread.

I tried eating something else but didn't like that either. What is happening?! I decided to get a drink, hot tea. I took a sip and dumped the rest down the drain. What is wrong with me?! Ok, I love dark chocolate, lets try that. I found some candy in the kitchen, popped it in my mouth, and immediately hated it.

I ran to Dad's room not even caring to knock. He was playing Burnout, but I didn't care. I stepped right in front of his line of vision. "Dad, is it normal for me to hate everything I try to eat or drink?!" I asked it so quickly my words jumbled together. "Woah, Rose slow down. What did you say?" I let out a deep breath, "I said, is it normal for me to hate everything I try to eat or drink?"

Dad sighed and rubbed his head. "Yes, but I'm afraid you won't like what it means." I looked at him expectantly. "When a demon like you turns for the first time, you will slowly lose your appetite. When did you first notice a change?" I relaxed a little, "As soon as I got home and tried to eat something today. What does it mean?" He looked at me for a second, and then said something unbelievable. "Rose, it means you have to go on your first hunt for human blood." My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe what I had just heard. "Y-you mean I have to drink someone's blood? That's actually a thing? Do I have to kill them?" Dad laughed "Yes, yes, and yes."

"Dad that's nauseating." He rolled his eyes. "It seems bad now, but I promise once you taste blood, you won't mind anymore." I thought about that for a moment. "When?" I asked, serious now. "Tonight. I know a place." he said this as if it wasn't a big deal. 

Later on in the evening, we went to some cool gothic looking place. "How do I get human blood here?" I asked. "Even though this is a demon hangout, some humans come here too. They are oblivious to what really happens though. Well, go find a human."  I'm not really sure how to go about doing this. "Umm, how exactly does this work?" "Well, you go up to a human and act friendly. Eventually you lure them away and when they least expect it, trap them. Once they are trapped, transform into your demon form and sink your teeth into their neck." 

"While you do that I'm gonna go talk to an old friend." he started to walk away, but I had a question. "Wait. How do I tell if they're demons or human?" He turned back to me, "Trust me you'll know."

Ok, now I just got to find someone. Easy, I think. An unfamiliar song came on, but it sounded pretty good. As soon as it came on,I noticed a guy (obviously human) dancing to it. He looked to be two years older than me. "Hey, who sings this song?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. He looked at me, "Umm, Three Days Grace I think." 

"Really? I love that band." I smiled. "Hey, me too. What's your name?" Should I tell him my real name? No, better not. "Sam, what about you." "I'm David." We talked for another hour before I finally figured out a way to get him out of here. "Hey, I saw something really cool out back. Do you want to see?" He was silent for a few seconds. "Sure." he said with a nervous smile. I took him out back and cornered him. "Ok, stay here for a second." He smiled "Can do." I wasn't completely lying to him, I actually saw something pretty cool looking. I think it was some sort of crystal. I picked it up and brought it to him.

"Catch." I tossed it to him, and while he examined it I slowly walked closer to him. When I was about two feet away, I closed my eyes and transformed into my demon form. When I opened my eyes he was wide eyed and trembling. He started to hyperventilate as I walked closer. I placed my index finger in front of my lips. 

"Shh, you'll be fine." He stopped trembling, "Sam, please don't do anything you'll regret." I laughed, "Trust me, I won't regret it." I placed my hands on his shoulders and he tried to push me away, but I'm way too strong. I looked into his eyes "By the way,my name's not Sam, it's Rose." With one swift movement I buried my teeth in his neck and drained all the blood from his body.