
Life As A Demon

Rose's in school when she changes for the first time. Her dad is a demon and her mom was human, which makes her half human half demon. She goes through her life improving on her demon skills and eventually becomes Satan.

Renee666 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Big Reveal

    I fan kicked Dad in the face. He threw a punch into my chest. He tried to punch me again and I dodged it swiftly. "Ok, now try using your wings to fly away. Use them to help you dodge." He said. I nodded, "Ok." 

    I backed up a little then switched over to my demon form. We were inside the garage so no one could see us. He charged me and I kicked him in the gut. He stumbled a little and tried again, this time he tackled me to the ground. I  used my palm to strike his nose, momentarily distracting him. While he was distracted I pushed him off me. He healed his nose. 

    He charged again and this time, with a light flap of my wings I flew back and dodged. He gave a slight smile. "Good job, you need to use that more often when fighting." 

    We were taking a water break when the door opened. Michelle walked in and stopped immediately when she saw me. Dad was in human form, but I was not. "Shit." I said. Then she ran away screaming. 

    I switched back to human form and ran after her. She locked herself in our bathroom. "Michelle, please come out." I said pleadingly. I heard nothing but the sound of her crying. "I know you're in there. I can hear you crying." More silence. "Come on Michelle, I'm not gonna hurt you. Please come out of the bathroom."

    The door slowly opened. Her eyes were wide with fear. In a quiet voice she said, "Was that thing you? It looked like you." I sighed, "Michelle come back to the garage with me. You, Dad, and I need to talk." 

She followed me back to the garage where dad was waiting. "Michelle is willing to listen to what we have to say." I said. He sighed, "Michelle go sit over there." he pointed to a chair in the far corner of the garage. She went over and sat in the chair.

Dad gave me a stern look and whispered, "We need to be more careful." I ran my hand through my hair, "What are we gonna do?" I asked. He thought for a minute, "Lets wait for everyone to go home, then we'll explain. Until then, compel Michelle." 

I walked over to Michelle and bent down to meet her level. I looked her in the eyes until she was giving me a gaved look. In my compelling voice I said, "You never saw me in my demon form." She nodded, "I never saw you in your demon form." 

I stood up, and she was no longer dazed. "Go back to your room, and don't come back to the garage until we say so." I said. She nodded, "Ok." 

Dad and I went back to fighting. We trained until everyone else came home. I was getting much better but he broke one of my ribs. I healed it with my magic. I took a shower and changed out of my work out clothes before they got home. 

When they were all home, Dad and I asked all of them to come to the garage. They all came, but they were confused. "Alright Rose, tell them." Dad said. "Me! Why me?!" I asked. "You're gonna have to get used to delivering shocking news. Now, tell them." he said. I stood in front of all of them. "So, Dad is a demon. I'm half demon and one day, I'll be Satan." 

Some of them looked confused and some looked skeptical. "I'll show you." I said. Dad stood up, "And so will I." We stood in front of them and switched to our demon forms. They were all wide eyed except for Mom, because she already knew. 

"Does this mean I'm half demon too?" Noah asked. I shook my head, "No. I don't know why, but you didn't get any demon genes." I said. 

I looked over to Amy, "The real reason Dad and I are training is because Lucifer said, I have to train. God, Jesus, Satan, and all the other stuff, it's real Amy. It's all real. I'm sorry for keeping this a secret." Then to everyone I said, "You guys can't tell anyone. If you do, we will compel you without hesitation." 

They all took the news surprisingly well. Nana was a little smug about Amy and I no longer being atheist. "Wait, if I say 666 will that summon you." Amy asked. I laughed, "Kind of. WHen you say 666 and want me to come, I will feel a tingly feeling in my chest. I will then be able to decide if I want to come. This won't work until I'm actually Satan though." 

When we were done explaining everything, everyone continued their day as if nothing ever happened. Dad and I didn't fight anymore that day, we were already really sore.