

My name is Nona. I currently am 15 years old and living with a bunch of mixed breeds. My best friend is a scorbee, a mix of human, scorpion, and bee. Life in our world isn't ever easy. Sure, we have modern conveniences like indoor plumbing, electricity, central heat and air conditioning and the other basic necessities, like coffee, just the way we like it at the touch of a button. We also have all the modern inconveniences too like indoor floods from the pipes, blown fuses, electricity eating caterpillars, indoor lava monsters and ice monsters, and other general chaos that comes with living in the city.

Honestly though, living the urban life isn't so bad, sometimes, okay not really all that often, but whatever. I mean like who the helios wants to read about the skunk living diagonal to, or the crusty crabs on one side and the aged dementia riddled bull dog on the other. That would be like reading a story about how I woke up, drank some coffee, got the kids off to school, did the housework, picked up the kids, made food, went to bed, rinse and repeat right? Ugh, normally I'd say that's correct, but I have this stupid project where I have to write about my daily life so I can graduate finally. Schooling is kind of different here than what I've read about in my favorite webnovels. Here, you have tasks and assignments that are delivered to your personal database that you have to complete. Um, it's like daily missions like in the books I read. The biggest difference is that you don't really get the chance to hit ignore quest like in the popular World of Warcraft game. I love that game. I had a maxed out hunter on it. Had begging the keyword there, there's been updates since the last thinner i could play.

See, here when you are "assigned a mission" so to speak you have two choices, either complete it, get the reward, or get punished and usually still have to do it anyway. Mine is writing this fluff so I can graduate from this weird set of missions I am on.

Anyway, my word counter says I have met the minimum word count, so I'm going to save this and get off this crazy task for the day. Tomorrow I'll tell you all about my "uber exciting" day and a little bit more about my lovely urban lifestyle as thrilling as I'm sure it is.