
Life After Life (in this life and the next)

Hariya a priestess to the zen god of war who could see visions of people's future and have healing powers and Rem a warrior fell in love when she nursed him out of war injuries he almost died from. Hariya broke are oath of purity and gave her self to Rem. For this their love was forbidden and the king called for their heads. Rem died trying to protect their love after they swore to love each other life after life. Now reborn and recaniated , Hariya as Areya a farm girl who still possesses her visions gift forced into the kings court of concubines and sex slaves that are forbidden to be seen and touched by other men and Rem now prince Anton the heir to the thones his uncle the king seats on till he is off age to be king. Once again they met and fell hopelessly in love, beginning a forbidden affair that calls for their heads. with Areya’s gift and with Prince Anton’s power and claim to the throne. Will their love in this second life win over the evil forces from the king, dark powers betrayal from family and friends or will they be killed and defeated to try over again in another life?

OOBetha · Fantasy
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8 Chs


" you would sleep there, your bed" Rosa rephrased, directing Areya to the empty bed next to Suzu.

Areya snapped out of her vision at the sound of Rosa's voice, and quickly looked towards the empty bed, dressed in the same beautiful covers as the others. But she was troubled, two visions in one day in less than an hour, the closest she had gotten since her gift manifested was a week in between. To have two in one day was new and baffling. However, what she had seen frightened her. She had just met Rosa and seemed friendly. The vision of her bleeding worries her, to think that she hasn't recovered from the shock of seeing the Queen with a strange man made her more shaken up and prayed the next vision she gets shouldn't come anytime soon.

Areya followed Rosa to bed as she lead the way happily. Rosa thinks she dared someone call Nazi, Areya didn't even notice she was offending anyone. Nazi was the least of her worries right now, whatever reason she felt dared my Areya wasn't enough to bother her. Areya's major concern is to plan an escape and get it of the Lota. For now she wants to sleep, rest and pray to the goddess to show her a way of the Lota.

"Thank you, you are kind" Areya appreciated Rosa's friendliness.

"I'm, to anyone who is frightening Nazi" Rosa grinned.

"She wasn't frightened, she was_ just maybe surprised like everyone of us, at Queen's interest in her" Suzu quickly put in, she didn't want Areya to start having ideas that would lead to trouble with Nazi.

"I didn't see any maybe. She was scared. That was what I saw and I'm sure a lot of people saw that too"

Areya sat on the bed, it was soft, made of feathers I guessed, as she watched and listened as Rosa and Suzu made their point. Nazi seem to be important to them and Rosa is convinced Areya scares Nazi.

"This Nazi, why do you think I dared her?" she asked Rosa who she strongly believed she did.

"You did, you definitely did. Without even trying" Rosa explained, joining me on the bed.

"I did? How?"

"You did, I don't know how but you did, the queen went from her to you in a flash"

"And why would that frighten her ?" That shouldn't cause a scare, Areya wanted to know why it does.

"Nazi has been acting up, giving orders and carrying herself like she is the queen because she has been with the King twice in a season," Roas explained, Confusing Areya. What's important about being with the king twice, isn't that why they were all here?

"You are just jealous," Suzu Objected.

"I was, I would be honest with you. Initially, I was, but when I saw the way she started acting and giving a bad attitude toward the maids and even us Hazirahs, I became angry, so when the Queen wanted you, instead of her I was pleased." Rosa let out.

"The look of trouble on her face, glad me more" Rosa rolled out in laughter remembering how it all happened.

"You are jealous," Suzu muttered, not willing to accept Rosa's explanation.

"Why was she acting up, because she got to be with the King twice, don't we all get to? I mean that's why we are here" Areya wanted to know why it was such a big deal to be with the king, when it was their main purpose. Although the thought of ever being with King terrifies her and she prays that day would never come, but she still had to ask to satisfy her curiosity.

"Areya, not all of us hazirahs would get to be with the king in this lifetime"

To Areya that was great news and brought quite a relief to her to know some Hazirash never get to be with the king, but the sad and concerned look on Rosa's face made her not shout it out. Even Suzu looked unhappy.

"Why is that?" Area asked, knowing and why it bothered Rosa and Suzu that some harizahs may never get to be with the king.

"Some of us may never be chosen by the Kazim to go serve the king if you are not good-looking enough or know the lessons they teach in training. The Kazims who did not choose you for the king when he made a request. And when the king finds you worthy and demands you come again, it is a rare occurrence and a thing of pride among us Hazirah. Nazi is special and the king demanded for her. She would be with him again tonight making it the third in a season. She would definitely mock those of us who have never been with the king"

Areya was getting the picture, it's all about striving to be the king's favorite. Going to the king and pleasing him is the go.

"You have never been with the king?" Areya asked.

"I have, but he never got into me and I in him, I held his erection, it was harder than a rock," that startled Areya as she imagined it trying to penetrate her.

"I had my turn of it in my mouth but I never got to know how it felt inside me. He got to his peak before it was my turn to have a feel of him down there" Rosa finished explaining her sad experience.

This is all new information to Areya, she had no idea how it works when a man is with a woman. She had heard the maids in the field, giggle and gossip about it but she had never heard this much about it

" how do you mean he got to his peak?"

"When a man is with a woman, he gets to a point and reaches his peak_" She paused and smiled at Areya. She was still innocent of this knowledge. She was once like Areya, innocent in mind and body; two years ago when she came to the Lota after her wicked uncle sold her off to a Lord who gifted her to the king. But she had learned and had known how to please the king, how to pleasure him and satisfy him. Her mind wasn't innocent anymore, she could make the stuffest of men fall with just a look.

"Areya" Rosa called, reaching for her hair she had been meaning to touch and get it a friendly twist.

"You are here now, you will start your training tomorrow, you will learn when a man gets to his peak, how he feels and what comes out of him. You will know and learn"

Areya's innocent mind was crowded with bewilderment at this point, as she looked from Rosa to Suza for more explanation.

"The king got to this peak, before he got to my turn, and could not go again. It was six of us that night" she explains as she tries to help Areya out of her confusion.

"Six! All six of you! Can a man do that"

"The king is not a man," Rosa corrected.

"He is the king and more than a man. He has his herd too. The once which strengthens him and makes him perform more than a man" Rosa finished.

"I hear he fucks like horses!" Suza added, sitting up and dismissing the maid tending to her.

"By the goddess!" Areya exclaimed at Suza's proclamation.

Rosa laughed and she couldn't hold it in when Areya yelled.

"The king is quick, strong and fast. I have seen and tell you for sure" she said after her good laugh at Areya's reaction.

"And Suza, have you been with the king?" Area asked.