
Life after death and death after afterlife

My death is still a mystery to me but I found a way to put a smile on my face. Someone who could make me happy. Yet when I was starting to feel the joy that I wanted, the world took her... my happiness away.

itzicia · Urban
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3 Chs

new friend

As I opened my eyes I saw a bright light blocking me from seeing my surroundings.

The light dimmed letting me see, my sight cleared. I looked around of what seems like a little girls room.

"Come on, Amaya" a woman said.

"Coming!" a sweet voice said.

The door opened revealing a cute little girl and a woman.

"Tea party!" Amaya said.

"Now, Amaya you need to stay here until dinner's ready"


As I stand still, I wondered how that lady didn't saw me. Weird. Amaya carefully placed her dolls, at the chairs around her table. It was so adorable, I wasn't really a doll person when I was a kid. I was mostly outside but when my mom died, I became more kept up.

"Hi", "What's your name?"

I heard someone talked to me so I looked at the direction it came from. I saw Amaya looking right at me like she could see me.

"What's your name?" she said again.

"My name is Tia" I answered.

"I'm Amaya" she said with a cute smile.

"Do you want to join my tea party?"


I followed her to the table and sat on the floor. She handed me a pink tea cup, I held to my mouth with my pinkie out and faked drank it. We kept on with her tea party until her Mom went and told her dinner's ready.

"Mom, looked I made a new friend!"

"Oh really, well hello"

After that I saw them fade away to go eat dinner. I went out of Amayas room to explore more of this house. I'm not really worried about getting caught since her mom cant see me. As I got out of her room I saw a long hallway and walked to the first door I saw. It was a room filled toys. There was a dollhouses, doll, coloring books and a lot more stuff. I felt like a kid again, just by being around all this stuff. I felt adventurous, just like my kid self.

About an hour later, I heard footsteps. As I turned around the door opened revealing Amaya.

"Tia!, I was looking for you" she said, screaming my name.

"Well, I'm right here"

"Are you hungry?" Amaya asked.

"No, why?"

"Oh, mom said to asked you if your hungry"

That's sweet, my mom told me when I was little I used to asked my imaginary friend if they want food. Amaya played with her dolls for a long time that she didn't realized it's dark out.

"Amaya, time to go to bed"

She stand up to walked to her room. I went to sleep as she fell asleep.