

Disclaimer I do not own Fairy Tail. Why would I be writing fanfiction if I owned something like that?

Beta Reader: volfwildman

"Wind Spear Barrage"

I let out a curse under my breath as I try my best to avoid the wind made into spears. I was under Vanish so the ogre of a man I was fighting was aiming randomly but the large amount of ammo made it where there were a few close calls.

It had started out as a normal C-rank carriage escort job but along the way some bandits attack. How I don't know considering they shouldn't have known we were there since the carriage was under my Vanish but that was a problem for later.

With a quick Nightmare Cometh, the regular bandits were too distracted watching their comrades slowly melting to notice me giving each of them a small cut along with some Blue Waltz.

Unfortunately, the leader decides to come out soon after that and start to throw around Wind magic around like no tomorrow.

To make things worse, I'm pretty sure he's an A-rank mage. How do I know that?

Under the cover of Vanish, I ran forward after the barrage ended and slashed at the giant man's side. Before I could retreat, he reacted. "Hurricane Backhand" He did a 360 with a backhand that caught me on my shoulder and the force of the hit along with the powerful wind behind it sent me tumbling to the side.

Ya, that was the second time I was able to cut him, yet Blue Waltz was not quite working on him. That's why I think he's an A-rank. When magic runs through the magic channels of the body it naturally makes the body stronger and more durable and over time it tends to stick. It's why most mages in this world look more like supermodels rather than skinny sticks like most magic users were portrayed as in my world.

I had learned this when doing research on the magic system in the body. It was the reason why poison wasn't used by most mages, at a certain point the body of the mage is able to resist poisons. The solution would be to use more powerful poisons but at this point, I was already using the most powerful poison that isn't illegal. Which left me with one last option.

Keep on cutting him until he has too much Blue Waltz in his system.

After a few seconds, I was able to get the world to not spin around me and was just about to get up when I notice something above me. The ogre man was standing above me with a smirk on his face and hand pointing at me.

I had lost concentration on Vanish, hadn't I? "Wind Spear" Yes, I had!

I was able to quickly roll to the side as the wind drilled into the ground that I had preoccupied a second before. I gritted my teeth as I felt some stray wind slashes hit my back and cut me. I saw him point his hand towards my new location but before he could launch another swirling mass of death at me, I throw my arm towards him and shouted, "Shattering Light".

The giant's hands came up to his face as he took a step back from the illusionary flash grenade. I swiftly got up and slashed my saber across his chest leaving a rather large slash mark. With that down, I backpedaling as fast as I could while casting "Vanish".

The ogre man had recovered from the spell and quickly throw out both his hands to his sides. "Tornado Slasher" Wind started to rapidly spin around him, cutting the ground he was standing on and would have cut me had I not been far enough away.

He seemed to be upset by the lack of corpses around him judging by the scowl on his face. He took a step forward and I sighed in relief as he quickly found himself having trouble standing. Said relief quickly vanished when the ogre man seemed to use the last of his strength to raise his hands into the air and roared out. "Air Bomb"

What I can only describe as an explosion of air rushed out from the giant in all directions. Shit! I ran toward the forest beside the road we were fighting on and ducked behind a tree just as the expanding wind explosion reached me. I felt the tree shake as I heard dozens of thuds as the winds hit the trees in the forest. Eventually, everything calmed down.

I peeked my head out and sighed as I saw the ogre man face-first on the ground, the poison finally taking him down. I dismiss the Vanish and put my saber back into my hammerspace while also pulling out a red bottle. I took a sip and shivered in disgust at the taste of the closest thing this world has to a healing potion. Basically, it was a mixture that would encourage the magic in my body to help regen me, not healing magic but in a few hours, me injures would be healed with a small side effect of me being a little tired.

After checking the ogre man and his bandits I started to head along the road towards were the carriage I had been guarding ran to after the attack. After a two-minute walk, I found the carriage pulled over to the side of the road. The driver was relieved that I was alright as he was a minute or two away from just booking it to the next town. After a quick trip to said town to deliver the supplies and inform the local Rune Knights, I found myself getting on the train back to Magnolia.

I was glad that the whispers hadn't appeared during or after the fight so maybe the fight with Keen was a one-time thing hopefully. The train arrived in Magnolia just as tiredness side effect of the red potion started to take effect. I swiftly gave my job report to the guild where I was paid extra for the bandit attack, waving to Macao and Wakaba on my way out.

I walked through town and was soon found myself walking the halls of the mansion toward my room and the bed inside it. Just as I was about to reach my door, I saw Natsu start running down the hall with someone behind him. "Hey, Big Bro! This is my new friend Lisanna!" He said excitedly pointing to the small white-haired girl beside him.

"That's nice Natsu. I hope you have fun with her, I'm going to rest in my bed so could you keep it down?" I said tiredly while opening the door to my room. I hear Nastu give me an ok as I close the door and proceed to lay in bed with my eyes closed.

It took a good minute for my eyes to shoot back open in surprise as I finally registered what Natsu had just said.

"Wait what."

So apparently the Strauss siblings had joined Fairy Tail while I was away. The good news is apparently they did not just get sent to the Vern Mansion as it was called by the guild. The guild master had deemed them good enough to give them a decent-sized home on the side of the town that the guild kept for special circumstances.

That said the white-haired siblings still somehow found themselves spending time at our home. For Lisanna it was because she had become best friends with Nastu the second the two met. She was almost here every day just to play with my pink-haired brother. Mom was quite happy with it and I swear I keep hearing her mumble something about grandbabies. Gray seemed a bit sad that his brother was having his free time taken by another, but he did seem to like having more free time to paint so some good and bad in that situation.

For Elfman, it was a rather interesting situation. Apparently, he was looking for some cooking lessons, I found this to be weird before remembering that this was the shy and quiet Elfman rather than the manly one. Anyway, Lisanna had told him about our Mom's great cooking and she had suggested to him to ask her for lessons. Mom had been rather happy for this and soon Elfman would be over to our home once every few days for lessons.

For Mira…...well let's put it like this. At first, she purely came to argue with Erza and Cana. The whitehead and redhead had taken one look at each other and decide to be archenemies, with Cana coming along to help support her little sister. I still remember the first time I had seen the white-haired she-devil.

I had just got done with some illusion exercises and some other experimentation when I heard two loud voices from one of the housing halls. After a quick walk, I found Cana and Erza yelling at a very skimpily dressed 13-year-old Mira, seriously why did they make outfits for kids that looked like that. Apparently, Mom had agreed with my thoughts as only a few seconds after I arrived, she did.

"Young lady! What are you wearing!" Every person in the room paused and turned to look at the currently fuming mother. Mira seems to recover first, "Anything I want to old Hag! I'm a-" Mira's words came to an abrupt stop when Mom had closed the distance between the two and grabbed her ear. Mira found herself being dragged down the hallway and out of sight, much to the amusement of my sisters.

Mira had appeared later that day at dinner wearing a dress much like the kind she would wear later but the most amusing thing, in my opinion, would be the soap bar in her mouth. Afterward, she would show up here on occasion for her sister or brother and seemed to make sure she wore anything besides the leather straps she usually wore, whenever she was around Mom, she would be nervously polite.

They weren't adopted family by any means, but they still found themselves getting close to the Vern household. They were like cousins is the best way I can really describe it.

I let out a sigh as I explore the market area of Magnolia. I had come here today with one purpose, find some combat clothes. Most mages had an outfit or two that was made from magically enhanced fiber and made to survive a battle.

For the most part, I had just wore normal clothes whenever I went on a job, stuff like jeans and plain color t-shirts but after the battle with the wannabe, wind giant said clothes were torn up. I had concluded that it was time to invest in some battle mage clothes.

But after a few hours of searching, I hadn't found anything that caught my eyes. There were plenty of shops in the town that sold combat mage clothes due to the town being the home of a near century-old well-known guild. But nothing really seemed to be of interest to me. Some clothes seemed like too much with some looking like a rainbow had thrown upon it and some just seemed way too awkward to wear.

Seriously who would wear a skintight black jumpsuit that covered your entire body and even was enchanted to make the wearers but look bigger.

I was about to just give up and stockpile some regular clothes to use when I decide to give one more shop a chance. It was a place called "Magic wears, no tears", it was basically a shop that specializes in creating not just combat mage wear but normal clothes that were created just like combat mage clothes.

A rather nice old man was running the front and welcomed me into the store, after telling him what I wanted he point to the section that sold the clothes I was looking for but assured me that everything in this shop could be used for combat. After thanking him I made my way through the shop looking at each set of clothes that seem interesting to me.

Once again nothing really called to me, there were some things I was tempted to get like that black trench coat in the back or even what appeared to be catholic priest robes but the former was far too heavy and the latter I knew would be too much for my siblings not to make jokes about my name and choice of clothing.

I was just about to leave and head home for the day when I passed through a section that had more civilian clothes in it. Something caught my attention from the corner of my eyes, and I turn to look at it.

It was a set of clothes that included a white undershirt, a brown leather vest suit, some faded grey jeans, two black business shoes, a blue tie, and even some nice tight black leather gloves. All in all, it was a nice little outfit that a desk worker would wear if they worked at a rather nice establishment.

The outfit just keep focusing my attention onto it and for some reason, I couldn't help but feel like I had seen the outfit somewhere. In the end, I decided to head to the dressing room with it and try it on. After a minute or two I was wearing the magic clothes and looking at myself over in the mirror. It looked good in my opinion and it fit very nicely as well too, not sure if that was a feature of them being magically enhanced or not.

In the end, I went up to the front desk and paid for the clothes while still wearing them. The entire thing cost about 50,000 jewels which was a good bit but not as much as I had been planning to spend so that was nice. With my shopping done I put my old clothes in a bag that the old shop keeper had provided me and was off.

I was back at the mansion in about ten minutes and had just entered the entrance room and was about to make my way to the living quarts hallway when I heard Mom calling from the hallway that had a kitchen in it.

I quickly made my way down the hall and head to the kitchen "Mom what is it?" I say as I enter the kitchen. "Bishop is that you? I was just checking who came in. Dinner will be ready soon can you go get your siblings please." As she finishes speaking, she turns to look at me and it seems like she was about to say something else before she stops and just stares at me.

She looks me up and down before her eyes water up a bit. I felt like a deer in headlights as this happens not quite sure what to do or what had caused her to start to tear up but before I could say anything, she walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. I returned it after a second of hesitation and I heard he mumble into my chest.

Eventually, we parted and I asked a question. "What were you mumbling into my chest?" She gave me a sad smile before she spoke, "You look just like your father." She says with both pride and sadness in her voice.

I pause as I hear her words. Now that I thought about it this outfit was rather like the clothes Dad had worn to work at the hotel. I even was about the same size as him and had similar hair, I just needed a handlebar mustache and some glasses, and I could be his twin.

Mom gave me a pat on the back "He would be proud of you today. He really would." She gave me one last sad smile before she gave her head a little shack and soon her normal kind inhuman smile was on her face. "Now why don't you go get your little siblings. Like I said dinner is soon."

I nod my head yes before heading out to find my little brothers and sisters. Along the way, I stopped at a mirror in the hallway and looked at myself in the mirror. I really did look nice didn't I, just like Dad did.

A small smile found its way onto my face as I continued to look for my troublesome siblings.

I was currently getting some gardening done in order to relax after my recent job. I had just done a B-rank job that involves finding some missing camper in a dense forest. I worked with a search party to find the people and would personally send illusionary fireworks up into the air to signal to the lost campers, eventually after three hours the lost group saw my illusions and came toward us and was promptly taken to safety.

I had just gotten home about an hour ago and was doing some light gardening in the rather nice weather would be lovely. Even if high-class mages would shrug off small portions of my poisons, enough of it would still bring them down and even then, the stuff worked great for low-class mages.

I had also been working on my Ring magic as well. I had made slight progress with it but not enough to really have much effect on my enchanted rings. I would never be good enough with it to become a Ring Mage, it took years to get okish with Requip magic. Still being able to empower the enchantments on my rings even a little would be a nice boon. In fact, I should probably start looking for another ring soon, maybe something with a bit more offensive power.

I was just about to take some of the matured poison plants to my processing room when two small bodies rushed into the outdoor area, along with something big in one of their hands. "Hey, Big Bro! Look what we found." Natsu says this as he stops right beside me with Lisanna not far behind.

I look and see a rather large egg in his hands. It has what looks like blue flames imprinted on it and it was almost as large as Natsu himself. It took me a second but eventually, I recognized it. "It's a dragon egg! Me and Lisanna are going to hatch it! Can you help us!?"

Well, Mom did like cats.

An: Ayyy yes cats, nature's lovable assholes. Nothing too much in this chapter, just a quick intro for the Strauss sibling, Bishop's official outfit and a little bit of world-building. The whole magic-making mages more resistant to poison thing wasn't originally in the story but I quickly realized that most fights with Bishop became a game of hide and wait until you can stab and that just felt a bit boring to me so I came up with this. I did plan for the whole magic-making mages look like supermodels so I just worked it in there.

Thanks once again to volfwildman for being a Beta. As well as thank you to zubhanwc3 for his messages and MOR the Divine Being, Praise him be, for the constructive review and all the other reviews showing me support. It really has been the fuel my writing.

There exist other worlds just like our own but different. These worlds are full of poorly made drama, over the top action and a shit ton of weird romance. This is the worlds of Fanfiction, leave a review and maybe you shall find your way into one of these worlds. Just pray it's not a Grimdark one because if it is then your screwed.

Have a great day.

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