
Life’s Pretty Boring, So I Died

Synopsis: MC is a typical (Asian) guy; medium looks, medium height, medium everything. What’s not though is his mindset. He gets bored of stuff so easily, he decided to jump off a bridge and just end his boring life. After dying R.O.B took pity on his miserable soul and decided to give him three wishes. Maybe he’ll finally be rid of his boredom? Note: This is not my first time writing a story but also my first time writing a fan-fic. MC will go through a series of worlds and I may (or may not) put in deep stuff like emotional convos in the story. I’m pretty much making the MC’s character based on myself (except the suicidal stuff) and I’m making this as an outlet of sorts. I’ll pretty much deviate from the anime plots but I’ll still use them so the story can have a smooth progress. Enjoy and I’ll be happy with honest feedbacks. And yes, this’ll be a harem one. I don’t own anything other than the few OC’s I’ll be putting in and I’ll be updating the cover later (cuz I’m lazy)

RequiemofGhoul · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Huh...Hold my Beer~

Waking up from their comfortable sleep, Jun and Majin tidied up their camp and prepared to ride back to Axel

Jun: Hmm?

Majin: Is something wrong Jun?

Jun: Dunno, I'm getting bad juju vibes though.

Majin: Bad juju?

Jun: Uhh, I feel that something wrong is happening. I can't really put my finger in it, but I trust my instincts.

Majin: We should be careful then.

Jun: Yup. Let's go?

Majin: Yes.

The two rode on 'till before 12 in the afternoon, seeing the outline of Axel on the distance. After arriving the gate of the city, they see that the mood is not the same as usual, which means that what Jun felt earlier was true.

Luna(loud speaker): Destroyer alert! Destroyer alert! All citizens, please evacuate at once! All available adventurers, please equip yourselves and report to the adventurer's guild! I repeat...

Jun: Hmm...So we're at that part huh. Let's go to the guild Majin. We should be able to find out more about the current situation there.

Majin: Ok, Jun

The two hurried to the guild building, where upon going inside, they see almost everyone including Kazuma's team.

Jun: Hey there Kazuma. How're you?

Kazuma: Jun-san! We're doing good. We barely manage to complete our quests without someone being treated as bait(Darkness: Yes! Ha~3x), someone always falling down on their face after using their magic(Megumin: Kukuku~), and someone being useless(Aqua: Hey!) but, all in all, I'd say I'm doing good with this much of a handicap on me.

Jun: O-ok, hang in there. (Hmm? Oh, I see something that'll give me a good laugh)That's a cool katana you got there. Got a name for it?

Kazuma: Ehh? Uhm, I'd rather not say it. Even the brief mention of it's name will bring-

Megumin: Chunchunmaru.

Jun: What?

Megumin: This sword's name is Chunchunmaru.

Jun: O-oh...I-I see...pfft, It's...It's a good name, puha! Excuse me...

Kazuma: ಥ_ಥ

Jun: Ohh c'mon Kazuma, it sounds cool. I think.

Kazuma: ...Of course it doesn't! What kinda name for a sword is Chunchunmaru!? Majin-san!

Majin: Ehh? Y-yes?

Kazuma: What's the name of your magnificent katana you have right there!?

Majin: Ohh, it's name is Rengokutō or Purgatory Blade.(A/N: I just google translated the name and Rengoku no Ha feels a bit lackluster, so there XD)

Kazuma: See, SEE! That should be what a proper sword's name is! Chunchunmaru isn't even viable to be the name of a cat! Ehh?

Megumin: ...(Sniff)...

Kazuma: Ahh...

Jun: Ara ara~ Now now Kazuma-kun. You shouldn't go and insult people's preferences too much you know? At this rate, you won't get a girlfriend you know?~

Kazuma: E-ehh? C'mon Jun-san please stop messing with me. Here Megumin, I'll apologize, so stop moping around ok?

Megumin: Hmph!

After his outburst, Kazuma notices Megumin slightly getting teary-eyed due to his harsh words. With Jun teasing him, Kazuma panicked a bit about making a little girl cry(Megumin: Hey! You up there! Get down here and try calling me a little girl again! I dare you!), and decided to apologize to get things done.

Luna: Ehem! I would like to get this meeting started as we are limited on time. All of you are the city's last bastion of hope. We humbly request your assistance about this matter.

After Luna's fake cough to get everyone's attention, she asks for their cooperation for the adventurers against the Mobile Fortress: Destroyer's plan of action.

Employee1: At present, the Mobile Fortress: Destroyer is on a direct course to this city, coming from the north-west. We have more or less one hour until it arrives to this city.

All: Ohh...

Everyone murmurs something, possibly discussing something related to the current predicament at hand. They see the giant spider-like behemoth of a machine from a bird's eye-view, courtesy of scouting type magic. They also see something that looks like a platform or a house at the back of the ancient contraption's head, before their magic gets obliterated by lasers coming from what could be laser cannons on the back of the machine.

All: ...

AdventurerMage1: Uhm, the the Destroyer was created by an ancient magical kingdom, correct? Did the people who created it not prepare any countermeasures if the machine were to ever go haywire or got controlled by their enemies?

Luna: Well, they were the first ones to perish in the Destroyer's rampage...

Kazuma: (This is an impossible game. Such a strong enemy isn't supposed to come to a city of novice adventurers!)

Adenturer5: If only Mitsurugi-san where here right now...

Adventurer6: I wonder where he went...

Jun looks at Kazuma and his eyes slowly turn to the left, like he was avoiding eye contact where people might guess that he had something to do with Mitsurugi's being missing at this critical moment

Jun: Kshishishi...

Majin: Jun?

Jun: Ohh don't mind me.

Chris: You all should run away immediately.

Darkness: No, they can't. the townspeople will lose their homes if the adventurers were to give up now.

Chris: (Sighs) You're as stubborn as ever, Darkness. Hey you, got any bright ideas?

Kazuma: Ehh? That's asking a lot...Hmmm....Ohh! Jun-san might have a way to break the Destroyer's barrier!

All: Hoo?

After hearing Kazuma's suggestion, everyone in the building other than Majin looks at Jun.

Jun: Ehh? Well...I might have a way...

Luna: You can break the Destroyer's barrier!?

Jun: N-no, I just said that I might-

Luna: Even so, couldn't you at least try it?

Jun: S-sure, I'll give it a go.

Luna: Aside from that, we'll need some heavy-hitting magic...

All: ...

Adventurer7: We have that.

All: Ehh?

Adventurer7: If we need firepower, we have her, don't we? The crazy one.

All: Ohh!

Adventurer8: That's right. The crazy one!

Adventurer9: We do have the crazy girl!

Megumin: Hmm?

All: Stare....

Megumin: Hey, wait! If you're talking about me, don't call me by that nickname! Otherwise, I'll prove just how crazy I am right here and now!

Jun: *Heck you even heard author-san calling you a little girl*

Megumin: What was that Jun-san? I couldn't hear you properly, could you repeat that again?

Jun: Oh nothing, nothing! It wasn't anything important at all!

Darkness: Your explosion magic is the greatest firepower this city currently has. What do you say, Megumin?

Megumin: Uhh, uhmm... I don't think even my explosion magic can take it down in a single blow.

All: Hmm...

???: Sorry! I'm sorry I'm late! I'm the proprietor of Wiz's Magical Tool Shop. I'm a qualified adventurer, so I've come to help...

Jun: Hmm? Wiz? Oh come to think of it, I've only just seen her today. Guess I was so busy that I never got the chance to go to her shop.

Adventurer10: It's the shopkeeper!

Adventurer11: The destitute shopkeeper is here!

Adventurer12: We can win this! We can win this now!

All: Oooohh!!

Wiz: Huh? Huh?

Kazuma: Why is she so famous? And don't call her a "destitute shopkeeper". I feel bad for her.

Dust: You don't know? She made a name for herself as a master arch wizard once upon a time.

Jun/Kazuma: *Her true identity is an undead lich though...*

Luna: Alright then everyone! The emergency quest will now begin!

All: OOoohhh!!

And thus, the guild issued the emergency quest of protecting the city from the Mobile Fortress: Destroyer, everyone was hyped and prepared what they needed for this once in a lifetime quest. Well, it would be since if they failed, they'd be dead. Everyone in the city helped in preparing barricades that even if just a little will help with stopping the incoming deluge. Jun saw Kazuma approach Darkness, who was standing out in the field, as if waiting for her fated opponent. They had a bit of conversation which no one can hear, then a bit later they hear a "Don't call me by that name!" from one of the two.

Luna: All adventurers! The Destroyer will be within sight soon! Please prepare for battle!

A few minutes later, they hear a thundering noise coming from over the horizon. Then they see it in the distance, Huge legs so thicc, they'd need over 50 people just to encircle it. As if showing off, the thing rammed and destroyed the mountain in its way, showing the huge behemoth of a machine, on its way to Axel to spread destruction and fear to any that try to bar its progress.

Adventurer13: I...It's huge...(A/N: That's what she said ahaha~)

Megumin: Awawawawa~

Kazuma: Will we be okay? Can we handle this?

Over at the other rampart, Aqua was questioning Wiz if she's up for this

Aqua: Hey Wiz! You're up for this right!?

Wiz: Please leave it to me, Aqua-sama. I may not look like it, but I am the highest-ranked undead.

Aqua: You're really~ up for for this, right!?

Wiz: If I should fail, let's return to the soil together on good terms.

Aqua: Ehh!? That's not funny! That's not funny at all! Kazuma! are you ok over there!?

Megumin: I'm okay... I am strong. I am strong...

Kazuma: (Try saying that without shivering from fear first. This...It's not looking good...)

Majin: It'll be fine!

Kazuma and Co: Ehh?

Majin: We'll all get through this. After all, we still have him.

Kazuma: Who?

Majin: You forget who is the most powerful adventurer in this city right now.

Wiz: Ehh? Ehh!? What is with this magical power!? It's too dense!

After feeling the dense magical power, they all look towards the direction where it came from. On a hill a bit farther away from the gates of the city, a man stood there holding to a black lance of unknown origin, the spear has a violet lance-like point, with a bat like wing appearing just below the lance point. the other end is also pointed, with a red string circling to the part of the shaft where people tend to hold a spear. (A/N: For image, you can search "gae bolg lance ffxiv" ciao!) On the bat wing-like edge, if you look closely, you can see an 8-pointed star surrounded by a circle that is glowing and steadily increasing as time passes.

Jun: Welp, this is my first time using this weapon by the way, and hopefully I don't have too much of a limit like Muu did.

<Alpha>: Jun does not need to worry. Your body has ample amounts of magic and will be able to handle using the [Metal Vessel] for longer periods of time.

Jun: Sweet, then let's do this~ (Breathes in deeply)

Jun closes his eyes and breathes in deeply. A few seconds later his eyes open and he begins chanting.

Jun: "Spirit of Hunting and Nobility. I command thee...Be clad in my body. Dwell in my body. Change my body into a great Djinn, Barbatos!"

Jun's body then gets engulfed by a bright light, even shifting the clouds above and releasing huge amounts of magical power.

Wiz: W-who is that person? How can he have so much magical power!?

Aqua: Ohh we didn't tell you? His name is Jun, and he's the best adventurer to appear these past few months, what with his excellent work completion rate.

Wiz: Jun? Ahh, I've actually heard of him. He's the one with the nickname of 'Bedhanevaala' is he not?

Aqua: Yup, and we're good friends with him and his partner over there.

Aqua points at Majin, which caused Majin to feel like someone was looking at her. She looks at the direction from where the stare is coming from and sees Aqua and Wiz together. She slightly nods her head to them and the focuses back on Jun.

By this point, the light surrounding Jun starts to disappear, showing a tall man floating above the ground a bit, with black, long, wild hair. The man's skin turned brownish, with his upper torso being without any clothing, showing off the taut yet flexible muscles, save for two black armlets and bracers with a violet oval stone in the middle. He has black sleek armor covering from his waist to his heels, which has small pair of black wings on the upper part of each heel , with nothing for shoes, as his nails on his feet grew and somewhat resembled claws. Finally, on his forehead is a branch-like horn protruding to either side of of his head, with a violet oval stone set in the middle. This is Jun's form when he uses the [Djinn Equip] of his [Metal Vessel]. (A/N: Well, you can search for the image 'barbatos djinn equip', but with the hair, armor and spear being black and the gems being violet the only difference to the whole thing. Ciao~)

Kazuma: I-Is that Jun-san?

Majin: Oh my~

Aqua: Humu2x, that certainly is...

All girls in the vicinity: KYYAAAAHHHH!!!~

Megumin: H-h-h-how can he become like that!? SO COOL! And that chant! It sent shivers up my spine!

Kazuma: That's what got you excited!?

Wiz: The magical power emanating from that man... It's beyond even what the Demon King could possibly muster. Who is this Jun really?

Jun: Fuuu~... I could get used to this. Everyone! I will attack the Destroyer now! Please follow up as I might be gone for a bit. I still can't control this power well, so...Majin! Please help them with the follow up attack!

Majin: Understood!

Jun: (I still don't know how much power the extreme magic has, so I won't use it. Hopefully [Bard Romh] will be enough for breaking through the barrier and more...) Here I go! [Bard Romh]!

(A/N: Ehh, if you want to you can listen with hiroyuki sawano's MKAliez. Ciao~)

Jun's feet begin to shine a violet light, with him crouching with his right hand as leverage on the ground. As if a taut bow ready for release, Jun's muscles are used to their limits, adding as much explosive power as they can when the time for release comes. A few seconds later, Jun's body shines a violet light, then turns into a beam of light heading for the Destroyer.

Kazuma: Wha!? So fast!

Majin: Wiz-san, Megumin-san, please prepare your magic as soon as possible. Jun will hit the Destroyer's barrier in less than 20 seconds.

Wiz: Yes!

Megumin: I'll show you just how powerful Explosion Magic can be!

With the two preparing, everyone focuses on the violet beam of light approaching the colossal machine while releasing bursts of shockwaves, further increasing its speed. The Destroyer, with the sensors around it's huge body, finds something with huge amounts of magic power rapidly approaching it at supersonic speed. With that amount of magic and momentum, it would easily pierce through its armor. Preparing a few more extra barriers, it roared at what was challenging it, daring to try and pierce it's many folds of barriers. Everyone watched with bated breaths, as the beam of light approached the Destroyer at breakneck speed.

...One breath, two breaths, three breaths...At the 10th breath, everyone saw the beam of light effortlessly pierce the multitude of barriers that the monstrosity has erected. One of the most ancient inventions still functional today, that which caused many to despair and lose hope at the mere sight of it, now has a small hole running straight through its body with the violet beam of light exiting the back part of the giant mechanical monster and continuing on to the horizon.

Kazuma: He-

Luna: Jun-san did it!


Everyone was elated that the impossible to defeat contraption, albeit still approaching the city, can be defeated. Shouting for joy, the morale of everyone present could never be higher. While everyone was celebrating, someone is still flying at the speed of sound, not knowing how to stop the skill


(A/N:Ha! Cliffhanger-no-Jutsu!)

Heya, here's a chap! Probably the longest too, so far. 2 more chaps before I change worlds, and do give me a heads up when you see any errors or whatnot. But do remember that some changes are made with the intent of changing them to my tastes, so if what I wrote does not go with what you want, sorry, bite me. Stay safe y'all!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RequiemofGhoulcreators' thoughts