
Life’s Pretty Boring, So I Died

Synopsis: MC is a typical (Asian) guy; medium looks, medium height, medium everything. What’s not though is his mindset. He gets bored of stuff so easily, he decided to jump off a bridge and just end his boring life. After dying R.O.B took pity on his miserable soul and decided to give him three wishes. Maybe he’ll finally be rid of his boredom? Note: This is not my first time writing a story but also my first time writing a fan-fic. MC will go through a series of worlds and I may (or may not) put in deep stuff like emotional convos in the story. I’m pretty much making the MC’s character based on myself (except the suicidal stuff) and I’m making this as an outlet of sorts. I’ll pretty much deviate from the anime plots but I’ll still use them so the story can have a smooth progress. Enjoy and I’ll be happy with honest feedbacks. And yes, this’ll be a harem one. I don’t own anything other than the few OC’s I’ll be putting in and I’ll be updating the cover later (cuz I’m lazy)

RequiemofGhoul · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Boring Adventurer

(A/N: This chap has a small info dump. Just for formalities sake.)

On a small hillside, underneath a tree, a young man between the ages of 20-25 can be found sleeping. This young man is Jun. After his meeting with the Goddess Eris, He gets sent to Earth for his adventure. Minutes later...

Jun: (Groan)... (yawn) That was a good nap. Now then, I should check if the system's already integrated. System?

<System>: Host command received. Integrating...10%...50%...System integration complete. Fusing with host...Done. System greets host.

Jun: Uhh...ok?

<System>: What is Host's request?

Jun: System just call me Jun. And can I give you a name?

<System>: Understood, Jun. And, yes Jun can give System a new name.

Jun: Ok, from now on your name is Alpha. Pleasure working with you.

<Alpha>: System now designated with Codename: Alpha. Alpha also hopes for a good cooperation with Jun.

(A/N: I'm making Alpha talk in 3rd person. This one has humble speech directive. And its a girl. No waifu systems for you degenerates tho.)

Jun: Ok Alpha, can you show me my status?

<Alpha>: Certainly Jun.



Race: Human, {Sealed}

Bloodline: None

Level: 1

Class: None

Strength- 10

Agility- 10

Intelligence- 10

Dexterity- 10

Accuracy- 10

Luck- 10

Skill Points: 10

System Points: 100,000

Jun: Hmm? I see something that shouldn't be there... Alpha.

<Alpha>: Yes Jun?

Jun: What's that {sealed} doing in my race stat?

<Alpha>: ...

Jun: Alpha~

<Alpha>: ....Y-yes Jun?

Jun: (sighs) I'm getting major shounen protagonist feels here... Whatever, I'll deal with it when the time comes.

<Alpha>: Jun does not have to worry as you are still weak in strength. Alpha will make sure to develop Jun into a full-fledged protagonist.

Jun: Yeah, I'll pass on that, thank you.

<Alpha>: Juuun!

Jun: Sorry Alpha, I won't be bothered to think about being a dude working hard for the safety of mankind and all that, plus I may not stay too long in this world anyways, So I'll be in the chaotic-neutral faction. Anyways, can I see the Store and the Gacha?

<Alpha: Guu... Here.







Jun: Oh cool, I can buy Bloodlines here too.


<x1 roll>

<x5 roll>

<x10+1 roll>

gacha points=10

Jun: ...

<Alpha>: Jun? Is something wrong?

Jun: ...Kukuku...

<Alpha>: Jun, you're scaring Alpha...

Jun: We meet again, my old enemy.

<Alpha>: Enemy? Commencing scan... 0% threats found. Jun, Alpha does not see any hostiles in a 5-mile radius around us.

Jun: Ha? Ohh don't worry Alpha I was just talking to myself. Now then... Should I go for the 10 or should I roll 2 fives? Tch! This may be one of the most important decisions of my life...

(A/N: I feel you man T_T)

<Alpha>: Alpha suggests you take the <x10+1 roll> Jun. But before that Alpha also suggests that you update your parameters as it will influence your roll.

Jun: Oh right. Hmm...I'll go with this then.



Race: Human, {Sealed}

Bloodline: None

Level: 1

Class: None

Strength- 12

Agility- 12

Intelligence- 10

Dexterity- 12

Accuracy- 10

Luck- 14

Skill Points: 0

System Points: 100,000



Jun: That looks good enough. Now... (inhales)...Fuuuu~ Alpha please roll the x10 for me.

<Alpha>: Uhh, sure?

<Alpha>: Using gacha points for x10 gacha. Rolling... Ding! You have received:

[Class: Rider]

[x10 Body Tempering Pills]


[Metal Vessel: Barbatos, Djinn of Hunting and Nobility]

[Lord Camelot: Now is a Castle of Distant Ideals]

[x10 Healing Potion: High]

[Mythril Cooking Utensils]

[100 kg dragon king meat]

[Mobile Suit: Revised]

[Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]


Jun: Humu, not a bad haul. I guess the class comes from the Fate series and the [Mobile Suit] is from The Irregular at Magic High School. [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]...There's also Barbatos, sweet. What's this [Fenrir] though? Alpha please analyze [Fenrir].

<Alpha>: Understood. Analyzing... Done.


Description: A personalized motorcycle. The bike is a three-wheeled (two paired up in front and one in the rear) motorized vehicle with extraordinary maneuvering capabilities and with a combination of polished black metal over brushed gold mechanics. Fuel has been modified to be owner's mana. Consumes around 10 mana per hour.



(A/N: For image, just search cloud's bike in FF7:Advent Children)

Jun: Whoa! This is amazing! No more walking for me then. Just perfect that I also got the [Rider] class.

<Alpha>: All items have been automatically stored in [Storage]. Would you like to bring out [Fenrir]?

Jun: Oh I have a storage? Yes please do. I need to fill it up anyway. Oh yeah How can I fill it up when I don't have mana?

(A/N: I'll not put a specified storage space limit since I'll make it that MC won't go willy-nilly storing everything he comes along his way.)

<Alpha>: You do. Your mana is equal to your [Intelligence] multiplied by 10. Mana regen is at around 80% per 3 seconds. Every point added will increase the percentage by 10%.

Jun: Hmm... So I have around 100 mana points... And 8 mana regen/3 seconds. Pretty good start since I won't be engaging strong opponents for the time being.

<Alpha>: Items and equipment with stat boosts will also affect your status greatly depending on their abilities and effects. Alpha warns Jun to not be too reliant on the numbers in the status and items. You should train your skills by racking up experience in real battles.

Jun: Ehh? That sounds like too much work...

<Alpha>: Alpha only wants the best for Jun.

Jun: Alright2x I hear you... Anyway, looks like this thing is already full. Let's go and look for a road shall we?

After riding [Fenrir] for about an hour, and thanks to his speed, Jun arrives at Axel: The Town of Beginning Adventures. He stops a ways from the entrance to not attract attention and stores [Fenrir] in his [Storage].

Jun: Whew, that was great. Now then, I should look for the Adventurer's Guild. Uhmm excuse me, can you please tell me where the Adventurer's Guild is?

???: Hmm? Oh of course! You'll have to go straight from here then take a left by the fountain. Once you see a large building with a huge insignia in the front, that should be the Guild already. Did you get it?

Jun: Yes, thanks for pointing the way, err-

???: Chris. You can call me Chris.

Jun: Ok Chris-san. Thanks for the instructions. Hmm?

Chris: W-what is it?

Jun: Hmm.... You look oddly familiar...

Chris: Ahaha if you're trying to pick me up, you'll have to do better than that. Anyways, tell me your name. Maybe we can go partner up during quests.

Jun: Ohh it's Jun. And yeah I hope you take care of me during my stay here.

Chris: Sure, I still have places to be so, be seeing you around Jun-kun!

Jun: (Strange... She looks similar to that goddess Eris. Oh well better head to the Guild and register as an Adventurer.)

After following Chris' instructions, Jun goes inside the Guild to register as an adventurer. After getting inside, sounds of laughter and drinking can be heard with people discussing stuff and picking quests. As Jun was about to head's in further, someone calls out to him.

???: Hey!

Jun: Hmm?

???: Haven't seen you here before. What's with the weird clothes?

Jun: Eh? Ahh, well... I'm not from around here y'see, and I want to try being an adventurer.

Jun's current clothing has a white shirt and black long pants, with matching black medieval-looking boots and finished with a black trench coat reaching to his knees.

(A/N: For image, you can search for bungou stray dogs osamu dazai cosplay, except only with a white shirt, the trench coat being black, and somewhat military looking boots reaching half way up his knees.)

???: ...

Jun: ...

???: Heh, is that right kid? Well then, Welcome to the gates of hell! If you're lookin' for the guild admission desk, it's over there.

Jun nods his head to the man and heads over to the counter. But half-way he hears a loud commotion.

Receptionist: Ehh!? Aside from your intelligence being below average, and your luck being the lowest possible level, all of your stats are drastically above average!

???: What? Does that mean I'm really amazing?

Receptionist: Amazing is an understatement! With the mage class being an exception as it requires intelligence, You can choose any other profession you want! A crusader, sword master, arch priest! Nearly every advanced class right from the start!

???: I see. It's a shame there's no "goddess" occupation, but in my case, I'll be an arch priest who heals her allies.

Receptionist: An arch priest is it? An almighty class that commands all recovery and support magic, and can even hold its ground in the front lines!

All: WHOA!!!

Everyone was ecstatic at the discovery of a new arch priest, heck there's even a formal welcome from the Guild. Meanwhile in between the crowd, the girl's companion looks at her with a deadpan expression. The boy sees Jun at the side and notices that Jun is shaking.

???: Hey man, you don't have to be really emotional about her. (At least she redeemed her uselessness by having an advanced profession right from the start.)

Jun: Ehh!? Ahh...pfft... N-no. I-pfft... I'm just happy that...Hehe... We have witnessed the birth of...(inhales)Fuuuu~... That we witnessed the birth of maybe one of the greatest adventurers off all time. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.

???: Huh? Ah ok sure...(Weird. It looked like he was trying his best to hold his laughter in... Oh well)

???: Now, Our adventurer life starts, Kazuma!

Kazuma: Alright2x, you can simmer down now, oh great goddess Aqua.

Meanwhile, Jun had a stomach ache from holding his laughter in

Jun: Haa...Haaa... Damn my stomach hurts! I better steer clear from those two for now, or else I'll definitely laugh at their face.

<Alpha>: Alpha commends Jun for being able to hold your laughter in. What will be our next move, Jun?

Jun: For now, I guess we'll look for somewhere to stay for the night. I'll register tomorrow. But hmm... I don't have any money. Alpha can you help me with this?

<Alpha>: Understood. Jun can exchange your system points for your current world's currency at the rate of 1:100, system points to current world's currency. This will be a permanent exchange for less problems.

Jun: Humu, please exchange 100 system points please.

<Alpha>: Roger. Exchanging... Done. You now have 100 gold Eris coins. Coins are minted from copper, silver, gold, and finally mithril. 100 copper coins equal to 1 silver coin, and so on.

System Points: 99,900

Jun: Great. Let's go.

Jun finds an inn and stays in for the night.

Jun: All this is my reality now huh... I'm a bit nervous. I'll enjoy my time in this world thoroughly . Time to sleep.

Heya! Sorry about the late chap, things happened. And since I'm gonna be late anyway, I compiled a bit more data so I'll be able to splurt out chapters faster in the future. Next chap will be Jun's registration and a bit of time skip to coordinate with the fast forward thing in the anime. I'll also try to release 1-2 chaps a day and If I don't, know that I just have many responsibilities IRL. Keep safe y'all!

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