
Chapter IX: Almost Done

"Heavy Hail!"

"Wind Arrow!"

Karine, and Brengos take their turn attacking The Long Nightmare; The Lady, Master of Monster and the Tyrant of Misery Era. However, SHE blocked the attacks that coming for HER, defences with the reptile part, the hardest part of it body. SHE moves to right and left fast, wanting to launched a counterattack to the duo Karine and Brengos. SHE attacks with the tail, claws and the teeth, tries to biting out of them. But it all parried by Durok Axe and Felix spear skill, keep them safe.

Felix now aiming for a take a chance to attack while SHE losing balance, right after blocked previous hit. Felix aims for the head, seek the way to end this very quick. At that point, the Women in Dress coming, take the damage from Felix' slash. He landed, look around just to found he and Durok surrounded by monsters. The Green Giant, Woman in Dress, Bones Army, and Burned Head who came from The Lady order join the fight. They go for Hunters now, distracted the Hunters for reaching their Master out.

"This is kind of bad news," Felix murmur, but Durok is very close enough to heard it.

"Very bad news. But we can take them down by our usual," Durok said something unfamiliar to Felix, "Do you want to go first or I go first?"

"You go first," Felix choose the options. Hoping he understand what Durok's means.

"Ok, I go now!" Durok pushed himself, swinging his axe, killing monster one by one, another by another.

Felix watched how Durok keep fighting until one Burned Head find an opening from Durok. Felix moved fast, tries to end that monster life. And he managed to do it.

"Good, thanks," Durok said, without turning his head, still pay attention to monsters in front of him.

"You're welcome," Felix replied. He finally realized what the plan is. Its simple, they

just cover each other's backs until they reach the Lady.

They come through, defeat another and other monsters that surrounding them. The fight till they could see very clearly how big the Lady is and how Karine and Brengos use their own weapon instead of Power to fight HER.

Karine saw Felix and Durok has done they business before. She whistling, asked Brengos an attention. Brengos turns around, he saw what Karine saw. He nodded, put his hand out toward the Lady.

"Double Wind Arrow!" the Lady titled HER head to left, dodged it.

"Hail!" Karine attack coming from above. However, the Lady moved back. But no, SHE cannot do that. There is a wall behind HER. Created a situation where the Master of Monsters have to blocked Karine hail attack.

Having HER hands busy with defending, those Heroes saw an opportunity.

"FELIX!" Brengos shout. As getting a bump, Felix drag back to reality. He has to land a final hit, but for sure, he has to jump. He needs to land his spear in Lady face, but he cannot jump that high. So, he asked Durok for a push.

"Durok, push me!" yell Felix.

"What?" Durok confused with Felix request. But he couldn't do more, since Felix asked him to do it quick. So, Durok did it anyways, giving Felix a push.

"Earth Spring!" Durok made earth trembling again, so it can create a spring-like land. Felix jumped on it, and directly aiming for Master of Monsters faces.

Just a little more, little bit more so his spear reaching HER. Yet, no. His spear could not get HER faces, the Lady swing HER tail, making a defence. There is nothing in Felix mind, except how he'll doomed. He knows how terrifying is HER tail, all the monsters hit by it is wiped out.

When the gap between him and the tails close, as close as thin paper, an ice blocked it. Not much help to prevent Felix being casted away or saved him. Felix fall, his skin and the earth rub against each other. Some of bones brook in progress.

"Felix!" Karine shout coming to her husband in fast. As soon as she gets there, she knew, Felix passed out.

"Karine!" Brengos came, leave Durok dealt with the big monster alone. He checks Felix's pulse, "He still alive. Take him to safe place!" Karine nodded, looking around until she decided to take Felix close to the walls. She not realize that Brengos letting out some cursed.

On her way back, she killed few monsters, helping Leon, Lea and Lanang doing their jobs. When she arrived, she turns to Brengos and Durok who caught in fight with the Lady and HER monsters then to Felix, in her arms, unconscious and wounded. Think it deeply what she gonna do. Is she gonna leave Felix to infirmary and coming back to battle field, helping both Brengos and Durok or she gonna treated Felix by herself?

In that state, she turns her eyes to three young Hunters who doing their best to fight, looking for the best choice. Then she decided, there are always a priority.

She put Felix on the ground close to her, put her hands on the ground and murmur, "Fountain!" water coming out from the exact place where she stands, lift them to top of wall. The next thing is, she run while carrying Felix, run toward the infirmary.


"She did it," said Brengos.

"Yeah, you encourage her and put me on this damn situation," Durok replied, glaring at Brengos who beside him while dodging the Master of Monsters attack.

"If you want to complaint, please send it to my office later," Brengos respond while shooting his Wind Arrow to the monster.

"Why not just let me bring you a hard and solid rock to you right now as my complain notice?" Durok slashed incoming Woman in Dress with his axe.

"You can do it but when the sun rising in next day, you'll be hanged," Brengos doing his best killed two Burned Head in place where Durok lost vision of them, cover Durok back.

"It is before or after I cut your head off?" Durok said while creating a defense wall from the Lady punch.

"After you begging for a mercy to me," both of them step back.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to throw your body up, out of sky before it happens," Durok put his hands on the grounds, "Here it goes! Earth Wall!" he made it as thin as he can, so when SHE hit it, it can break and created a dust smoke so the Lady couldn't know what they up to.

"Wind Blast!"

"Hand of Steel!"

Durok thrown up in very high speed, then he strikes the Lady face multiple times with both of hands that covered in strong soil, as strong as steel.

The Lady fall, creating a trembling on earth and made the Green Giants loss their balance then fell with HER.

In distance, Brengos already prepared the traps, "Rain of Arrow!" the air above the Lady forming a formation of arrow in big numbers. It hits the falling monsters on continuously. The Burned Head, Woman in Dress, Green Giant, and Bones Army around HER vanish. Leave the Lady alone.

"Strong Rock Hit!" this time Durok created a three piece of giant rock from the ground around him. He throws it to the Lady that already received a heavy wound by Brengos Power. Those three-giant rock aimed the Lady face, chest and belly. However, its true HER upper body damaged, they forgot the lower body.

The tail, with speed of light, destroyed the rocks into the pieces. Next thing is the Lady standing up again, HER face and body recovery in high speed. "Of course, it is!" Durok sounds angry so do Brengos, who is in his limit. Brengos fall, his leg no longer could lift his upper body more than this.

While Brengos in state of remorse, the Lady strike them with the tail. One the other side, Durok who had been noticing the situation at the wall, decided to take Brengos there with him, off the attack range and reorganized with the Academy Hunter.

"You guys alright?" Durok asked the lame question. He should know that Leon is unconscious and Lea is almost reaching her limit. Only him and Lanang that kind of have a more strength to fight the Lady and another incoming monsters.

"Oi Brengos, do you have any other plan than before?" Durok hit Brengos, force him to speak.

"Yes, but we need more time," Brengos answered haltingly. The Long Nightmare and HER monsters coming close.

"Say no more. Lanang, Lea listen to me," Durok turns to two of them, "Vice-Commander, Katob would come. Our next move is do you best and don't die,"

"Do you mean we have to wait the reinforcement to arrive, Sir?" Lanang replied.

"Yes, more less. Just follow my lead and at least you'll be alive,"

Lea and Lanang nodded.

"Remember, lots of injured soldier are behind the walls. Make sure to use all you have to protect them," Durok warned them, "Brengos, Army has developing some instant herbal, right?" he now take a stance.

"It just a trial though," Brengos reached his pocket and pull out a tiny black thing from his pocket, "before you ask why I'm not give it to Felix, I only pack one with me from total 20 pills for emergency," he felt his authority being questioned right after Durok, Lea, and Lanang turns their face to him and saw the Health Pills.

"Whatever. Just give it to Leon, you still can move, don't you?" Durok became sarcastic.

Even thought, there are some issues between him and Brengos, but Durok knew what 'emergency situation' in Brengos mind. If that situation accure, Brengos would only give it the that person. No other one, and he would definitely understand and agree with his decision.

"Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, lets do it," said Durok, initiated the first attack combi.