
Chapter II: Meet the King

Felix and Karine's Carriage finally arrive in Benuma Palace' outside gate, a split gateway gate with high wall, twice as big as adult human.

"This Alun-Alun Gate get more bigger than before," said Karine as their carriage pass the gate, guarded by two guards in black suit with a black triangular headband and gold pattern.

'Oh, we finally arrive' Felix said to himself while see the gate from carriage window on his side.

After pass Alun-Alun Gate, and one big field, the carriage finally stops in front one big and tall stairs. On top of stairs, there are another split gateway, but way taller and bigger than Alun-Alun Gate, with two temple-shape towers.

Felix and Karine get out from carriage with their spear and gold armour in upper part of body, from shoulder to waist and lower part of body, from hip to knee. While their arm, buttocks, knee to ankle only protect by chain armour.

Felix take a chance to look around the field, on the right, in the east, he saw a building and a horse stable. Maybe that Palace Guard barrack, he thinks. On west, he saw one quite big arena higher than ground and some bench with one of them look one special one. Some arena where guards show their individual fighting skill to satisfied the King, make the King feel safe so nobody ever try to capture or kill him.

From there, they were told by by another guard who wait to straight up the Saratus Stair to King Gate, inner part of Palace, where King Yudhayana from Kingdom of Wahsa lived.

On the King Gate, welcomed by two other Palace guard, this time with white triangular headband and gold pattern, "Welcome Sir Felix Ismawan, Lady Karine. Please King Yudhayana waiting in Throne Room," said one of guard.

"Thank you, we will-" Karine could finish her sentence cause she hear a voice calling she and Felix.

"Oh, Hunter Couple. Yo Felix, Karine long time no see" said a giant shirtless-man with a big axe on his right hand.

"Long time not see, Durok. You still a big boy huh?" Karine reply Durok greeting, followed by Durok laugh

"Yo Felix. how are you comrade?" Durok ask while giving his fist to both Felix and Karine.

"Feel great comrade. How long we've been not seen each other?" Felix throw a question back with a remember-someone-while-actually-not-remember face.

"Yah, I'm too busy with all head-of-village things,"

"Wait a minute, who said he didn't want to become a head of village?" Karine with rhetoric question.

"What else I can do? My father who head of village before me force me every day. You know, EVERYDAY." He shows a protest reaction, "What I'll become if I disobedient to him? A minced meat for sure" Felix and Karine let their laugh. Karine may know Durok father, while Felix remember a friend father who he can related.

"What more important, how's its Felix? Life with our idol?" Durok put his arm around Felix neck.

"It-it's a-" Felix face turned red. He try to take a look on Karine and see a cute reaction as she try to hold his shy to know Felix answer. "THE BEST", he said it loud, while questioning himself why he feel shy seeing Karine face. Yeah, nobody could hold their nerve after saw that reaction, Felix try to convince himself

"Mo-more importantly, we should see King in Throne Room ASAP," try to escape from situation while changing the topic.

A silent atmosphere between three people occur after Felix said that. Durok who at beginning hold Felix neck tight, now releasing his arm.

"Yeah, you're right." He stops, "Let's go then," Durok face turn serious and try really hard to hiding his anger. And they continue walking to the Palace.


Benuma Palace is just one floor palace, in 1,5-hectare area. 0,5 hectare for Alun-Alun itself, a big field just after Alun-Alun Gate. Benuma Palace divided into two-part, West and East, while the north is for main gate and south area for teak tree cultivated. The East part, is where the King with his family lived, include Throne Room, War Room, Dinning Room, and open bath tube surrounded by bamboo tree.

While the West part, there are open building called Plataran where the King usually held lots of art performance, include traditional dance, music, and theatre. Plataran also the place where the King welcoming his guest such as, ruler from other kingdom, the nobles, landowners. Both East and West connected with one main corridor called Long Corridor and north part of Palace.

Felix, Karine and Durok turn to East where Kind Yudhayana waiting in Throne Room. Inside Throne Room, there are an old man with white hair and beard sitting on his Alpha Throne. A one big and tall throne with Kingdom of Wahsa coat of arm, a Garuda and Tiger threatening each other in Teak Tree Shield.

'I suppose, he is King Yudhayana,' Felix think, the one who call all three, Felix, Karine, Durok plus two unknown people who bent to the ground in front of the King.

Felix, Karine and Durok come closer to the king. Without hesitance, Felix bent to the ground, follow two unknown people who already arrive before them. Feeling the pressure from Karine and Durok, Felix try to talk to the King.

"It's a honour for us to invited by Your Majesty to Palace," Felix try to watch King Yudhayana reaction. Nothing happens.

"Arise, All Hunter," said the King, "I believe all you three already heard something from the Messenger I sent to you, and I also believe you can guess what happen in this moment,"

"Yes, Your Majesty. It is from MONSTER again?" Karine answer.

"You're right, Hunter Karine. One week ago, in Tarab Region, I've heard some rumours. 'an Army of Bones attack village farm'," said the King keep the pace and take some breath, "Sent some intel to verify the rumours on the same day. Three days after, a messenger bird come with report, written 'GIANT',"

Felix found that aura in Throne Room mixed. Shock, fear and anger from King, people before him and the guards become one in the room.

"I'm sorry if what I say sounds rude Your Honour. So, you really think, some of the Creature still alive despite you've been hunt them all over the kingdom?" ask Durok directly.

'The Creature? Its same or different with Monster?' Felix wonder.

"They must been hiding somewhere around Tarab region," answer a man with W-shape moustache and clinical black hair,

"Then they shou-"

"Moreover, Durok. You should have known yourself, that we've been search all over Tarab region and we didn't find any Monster there. Since you sent some of your village men on this search party," moustache man interrupt, "we, from Kingdom Army also shock heard this info,"

"I know your concern Hunter Durok," now King Yudhayana take control, "I've sent General Juwanto Utama as reinforcement squad to handle the situation. However, I never receive any report from the squad. I'm afraid the enemy too big to handle by Utama,"

"General Juwanto Utama, you can say that he is the best candidate for next Army Commander to replace Commander Brengos Unggul," said a big bald man, looking at moustache one.

"Yes, he is my best candidate for be my successor. Therefore, I believe he not dead yet, so we need to move as fast as we can to help him, I believe other Hunter comrade would agree with me,"

Felix more less understand what happen at the moment, but I thing for sure he should ask, "May I know how much manpower we have, Your Majesty?"

"We have about 30,000 men and 3 Hunter ready to deploy," said Brengos.

'Hunter?' Felix confused, 'Do you mean kind of veteran like us?' put aside that question, Felix ask Brengos other question. "No, I mean. How much manpower we have in total?"

"We have total 101,000 men and 10 Hunter in capital. Another 50,000 men spread around the nation. What about it?"

"Since we don't know how much enemy strength, we need to consider to send another one scout consist 5 to 7 men, followed by one or two regiment each consist 3000 men to Tarab region. We also should consider that enemy in Tarab region is just a decoy and think the enemy is also exist in other region," Felix explain.

"A decoy? However, Hunter Felix, since receive I sent General Juwanto, as reinforcement, I also sent an order to every guard in the country to alert and create search party to looking other Monster who may exist in other region," King Yudhayana interrupt.

"With all due respect Your Majesty, and Commander Brengos, since Tarab case, the enemy suddenly appeared despite we searching for them in every corner of nation. Then we should establish minimum chain of communication connected directly to Capital, so we didn't miss any information like what happen right now,"

All people in the room fell silent.

"You're right Hunter Felix. We better straight to War Room to talk about your strategy, Hunter," said King Yudhayana with a tone of displeasure toward Felix. "Come"

'wah, the King seem mad at me'

"You should watch your word, honey" said Karine whisper to him.

"I know,"