
The Plot

So on the festival of lights, Aditi succeeded in getting Ahaan drunk. She made some guards send him to her bedroom to rest pretending she wanted to care for him all night long. After the festivities were over, Aditi had her way. This was because she mixed aphrodisiac with his dink which made him even RIP her clothes first. Aditi smiled when it was over. She lied on Ahaan's well built chest with a pleasant smile on her face. She couldn't help but blush as she recalled what occurred some minutes ago. She held onto Ahaan and he even hugged her as he lay on the bed. Aditi worked really hard for this to occur and she was expecting an amazing result.

The following day

When the gleam from the sun touched Ahaan's face, he opened his eyes to see Aditi with him on the bed. He was taken aback and began to wonder how he ended up in this room(Aditi's room). He frowned and raised the blanket to see himself without clothes. This made him even more curious. He picked up the clothes that were his from the floor. He wore the clothes and when he got up to leave, he saw a stain of blood on the bed. It was clearly visible. This made him break out in a cold sweat. It was as if something had hit him.Slowly, the events of last night began unfolding in his brain. It was too unbearable for him. He knew he was married to Aditi and that she was a virgin. What he saw on the bed proved that he and her had sexual intercourse the night before. He thought it wasn't bad as they were a couple but he wouldn't do that in his right mind so,he woke Aditi up and asked her if she knew anything about it. Aditi lied about the entire incident and claimed he did so willingly and that she couldn't withhold him. She also told him that they needed to have children for their marriage to be complete

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