
A bear in my kitchen!


Hello there, you probably want to read this book because if its title or something like that, I know I would.

so how did it all begin? you might ask, well it started as a joke.

This must be the cliche of more than half the incidents in the world right now that everything always seems to start out as a joke.

in this case it wasn't just all a joke, after two years of therapy i've finally got the courage to tell the truth but not the courage to tell the truth to people so that's why i'm writing it down. staring at my ceiling, i look over to the window where the perfect view of a mountain stands before my eyes. its a wonderful view in all fairness, imagine this; slopes of mountain covered in green grass and beatiful rows of daisies with a sunset in the distance--- simply amazing isn't it? its amazing but when i look at it, a feeling of unease just comes over me and it's like a feeling of height but i can never be -------- "leah!"

oh i just realised i never told you anything about me so I'll start with the basics, my name is Leah Monternot and I'm turning 18 this August which is in two months time and also when illl be moving to California so I really can't wait. one most important fact you should know about me is that I'm a big fat liar wait- I'll rephrase that --- I lie in an attempt to avoid punishment, and I also lie to avoid hurting someone else's feelings. I might simply lie out of impulse. In some situations I might lie for a combination of reasons-- this is what my georgia has told me almost every week for more than 2 years now and just incase you're wondering or maybe you moght have guessed - georgia is my therapist!

"leah!!!!!" just incase you are also wondering, the person screaming my name like an injured animal is my aunt Devine.

"coming!" i say just to make her keep quiet because when my aunt shouts, you can literally hear her from the next two houses, even her whisper is louder than my homem school teacher's and that's saying something. so as i was saying---

"leah, i swear if you dont come downstairs this instant, I'll be forced to actually--

"ok, I'm coming, I'm coming"

she can't be patient can she?

I pull a large jumper over my head and start to head downstairs, whilst going down the stairs I let my hand feel the dark oak wood banister because it just comes with a sense of calm thats just lets tension out, you know? ok you don't know, it's fine.

The next couple of minutes is one I wish never happen like if I could turn back time and stopped my self from going down the stairs I would because as I enter the kitchen, I'm faced to face with a bear!