
Lies I Tell Myself

Lyra is a young woman who almost dies from an attack by rogues, while she was wondering the forest debating about suicide. She is barely alive when found by border patrol. However, she has no memory of the last few months. Her family and mate get a second chance, but they are all keeping a secret to keep her safe.Lyra's fated mate rejected her for his choice mate. Her birth father's enemies are looking for her and she doesn't even know who she is truly. Lyra's second chance mate is the Alpha of the Silvercrest pack and not interested in another mate after losing his first mate.

dysphoricThea · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Uninvited Guest

Lyra POV

Boom, Boom, Boom…ugh what is that noise? What time is it? Sitting up. Oh no that was too fast, I fell back down onto my pillows. Where is my phone? Raya, what happened last night? I asked slowly sitting up to get out of bed. Looking around, I still could not find my phone, it must have died.

No, five more minutes. Raya said shutting off the link.

Ugh, whatever. Walking into the bathroom, I peek at myself in the mirror. Okay I still have my dress on. No marks or hickies. Okay I must have not done anything too bad. How did I get home?

Boom, Boom, Boom…"Come on Lyra open the door." a male yells from behind the front door.

"Hold your horses. I'm coming" I yelled out. Who is at my door this early? Walking into the living room, seeing no sign of Jordan. She must have gone home.

Boom, Boom, Boom…"Lyra, open up." a male yells from behind the front door.

Looking through the peephole, I was not in the right mind to be seeing family. I unlock the door and move to let the very much uninvited guest inside. "Cooper, what are you doing here?" I ask as he walks in followed by Halley. Halley gives me a sorry look and points to her phone. Of course she tried to warn me, but I have lost track of my phone. Yay me.

"Is that how you treat your big brother? Make him wait outside screaming for you to open the door since you won't answer your phone." Cooper jokes, "you look rough. What happened to you?"

"Gee thanks Coop, I went out last night with a friend." I answered, shutting the front door. I turn around and see Coop making himself comfortable going through my fridge, while Halley sits down in the big puffy black leather chair that matches my couch.

"Looks like you went 5 rounds with Mike Tyson. Hey, is this pasta any good?" He says holding the untouched tupperware dish from the other night when Brandon and I fought.

"Yeah, help yourself. You are more than welcome to eat it. Hey put the kettle on for me would you?" I ask sitting down on the couch. "So what brings y'all down here?"

"Well you see…" Cooper starts to say, but Halley interrupts him.

"I was following a lead, and your big bro needed company at an alliance meeting. We were close so we decided to come over." Halley says grabbing the stupid invitation off of my coffee table. She turned it over in her head and set it down.

"What kind of mission are you on besides helping my brother bring me home for my mother?" I huff. I know better than to believe they just happen to have business here in North Carolina. The Northern packs could care less about the Southern packs and vice versa.

"I can work on more than one mission at a time missy." Halley retorted. Cooper walked over and sat on the armrest next to Halley. I rolled my eyes looking at the two people I trusted more than anyone in the world wondering what they were up to. Halley grabbed Cooper's fork to get a bite before asking,"Speaking of missions, have you run into any new werewolves here in town? Or had any problems with rogues in the area?"

Shaking my head at the two so comfortable with each other, one would think they were mates, but they aren't. Coop hasn't found his mate and Halley isn't looking for her mate at all. "No, I haven't heard anything." I respond as I get up to go grab the kettle off the stove to make me some spice tea. "Raya felt like we were being watched the other night, but there was no scent of werewolves. It might just have been someone hiking or something like that. I haven't really run into a lot of werewolves. Ravenbrooke Pack comes and checks on me every so often like dad asked for them."

"Well if you hear anything, shoot me a text." Halley requests. Halley got up and grabbed a cup of tea I made for her.

"So tell me why you are really here Cooper?" I demanded as I sat back down on the couch with my tea. I want to get this fight over with him. My head can't handle this stress right now. I need to find my phone, make sure that Jordan made it home, and reach out to Brandon.

Cooper set the pasta bowl down on the coffee table and then looked at me with an unreadable look, almost as if he was fighting within himself to follow through with this mission my mother no doubt put him up to. And for once, I didn't bother trying to figure out what he was thinking or whether or not I should trust him. With nothing left to lose, I took a drink of my tea, then asked "So tell me why you are really here Cooper?" I want to get this fight over with him. My head can't handle this stress right now. I need to find my phone, make sure that Jordan made it home, and reach out to Brandon.

"Look, I didn't want to get involved. I am only doing this because dad asked and mother demanded. If you come home without a fight I can terminate your deal with dad as soon as I take over. You would be free to go where you want. Personally, I think it stupid that you have all these rules." Cooper admitted. He stood up off the arm of the chair that Halley was sitting in, and walked towards the balcony looking out the window.

"I already agreed to come home on New Year's Eve. Mom wouldn't listen. I have depositions to type up and research evidence for cases. I have work here, too. Robert got me a job with the law office in Ravenbrooke, but she never listens to a word I say. I am not going home early. I am sorry you made the trip, but I will not be going home with you." I asserted putting my tea cup down.

"Please, Lyra, don't make me force you to come home. My hands are tied. There is no way around this." Cooper argued after taking a deep breath and slowly letting his breath out. He looked sincere. I knew if we did not come to an agreement Cooper had no problem throwing me over his shoulder and dragging me home.

"Come on Lyra we can go shopping and train, maybe go out if Cooper promises to help get you out of the house." Halley said, wiggling her eyebrows at Cooper.

Cooper sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder, "I know it sucks, but I will talk to dad and convince him to have you help me. He owes me anyway." He countered as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

Before I could respond, there was a knock at the door and then the door opened as Brandon walked in. I was not expecting him to show up. We all just looked at Brandon as he stood in the entryway with a shocked and hurt look on his face. "I didn't mean to interrupt Lyra. You weren't answering your phone and I got worried, but apparently you were too busy moving on." He said just as Halley was walking out of the kitchen.

"Good to see you too, Brandon." Halley responded by just trying to bring down the tension. She tried to smile at him, but the damage was already done. He nodded at Halley and stared back at Cooper. If looks could kill my brother would have been six feet under.

Completely ignoring Halley, Brandon found his voice from the shock of seeing Cooper and I on the couch with Cooper's arm around me. "Who the fuck is this?" Is this the fuckboy you picked up from the club in that skanky dress with Jordan?"

Cooper jumped up from the couch, "Excuse the fuck out of you, but lets try that again." Cooper's eyes were flashing back and forth between the emerald green to a hunter green as his wolf was getting prepared to attack.

Halley rushed to Cooper's side as I jumped up and went to Brandon. "Brandon, it is not what you think. You need to calm down before you make matters worse." I said placing a hand on his chest, but dang it if it was a mistake. The look of anger on Brandon's face was undeniable. He shoved my hand away.

Before he could say anything, Cooper had jumped over the couch and had Brandon up against the wall. "Don't you ever put your hands on my sister. I do not care who you think you are, but this is not how you walk into a room."

"Cooper, don't hurt him. He is just confused. Please Coop." I begged Cooper as I grabbed his arm trying to get between Brandon and him. "Halley help me." I yelled.

"Please Coop let him go." I continued to plead as I watched Cooper hold Brandon up against the wall and Brandon fighting back punching Cooper. "Knock it off guys." I finally screamed. Everyone stopped and looked at me, shocked at my outburst. Brandon dropped his hands and Cooper took a step back, then stormed off to the balcony with Halley following behind. Brandon raked his hands through the hair and took slow deep breaths. Before I could say anything, Brandon walked away from me and headed to the kitchen. I watched his movements, before looking back at the balcony to see Cooper. Halley was trying to get Cooper to calm down.

I turned back towards Brandon as he set his glass down, waiting for him to say anything. He needed to explain his behavior. I have never once given him a reason to question my loyalty. I thought he knew me better than that, but I guess we are really seeing each other's true selves. "Can you explain yourself?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

"You want me to explain myself. Lyra are you serious right now?" Brandon refuted. He looked at me with so much frustration.

"Yes I am very serious. You come in here accusing me of being a hoe. Yes I do want you to explain yourself. I did not accuse you of anything. I did not yell at you and call you names. I was sitting in my apartment with my guests. You assumed what you wanted without greeting me or allowing me to introduce you to anyone." I argued. I glared at him, I wasn't getting anywhere. Brandon folded his arms across his chest with disbelief that is reflected in his expression. He stared into my eyes as I felt my anger mount. I had to walk out of the room before I loat control and made matters worse. Not waiting for a response I turned and walked back to my bedroom to find my phone and put it on the charger.


Cooper's POV

Who the fuck does that guy think he is? Does he not realize how easy it would have been to snap his neck? Marcus demands.

You know damn well we cannot go around killing humans because they said a few mean comments. I need you to calm down and let me handle this. I said. I am going to need a vacation after the holidays. All this drama is stressful.

"Cooper, dude, you can't lose it like that again. At least keep Marcus under control. Brandon isn't a fighter. He is just mad." Halley said, shutting the door behind her. She walked up next to me and leaned on the railing.

"That's the boyfriend." I said, knowing the answer already.

"I wouldn't say it's serious. It's more of a rebellion against your mom. Lyra sees the life she could have as a free person without her mom's expectations and it seems appealing. But if she were to find her mate, I fully believe it would change. You know the mate pull is supposed to be strong," Halley responded. She wasn't wrong. The mate pull is supposed to be the most magical experience, and one that is hard to fight.

"Is he always that aggressive with her?" I asked, not really sure if I needed or wanted the answer.

"I have never known him to be like this. I know they were arguing, but it didn't seem like it was violent, more like they were at a crossroads." Halley said. Turning around to lean her back against the railing with her arms crossed over her body.

"Are they still arguing?" I asked, since she could see the kitchen and living room through the glass sliding doors.

"Okay. I'll be out here for a bit longer." I responded, pulling out my phone to check in with my dad and Mason.


Lyra's POV

I looked all around my bed for my phone. It must be in my purse, maybe. Where is my purse? Standing back on my bed, trying to remember where I would have left my purse. Raya, why can't I remember much from last night?

I don't know. I remember you having like 3 shots of something with Jordan and then dancing. It's all fuzzy. Raya said, pacing in my mind.

Rubbing my head, trying to remember. Ugh this is ridiculous. I am tired and I don't want to be arguing with everyone. Turning around to head out of the room, I see Brandon leaning against the door frame.

"Lyra, I don't want to fight. I just want to talk." he said, pushing off the door frame and walking into the room.

"First you need to apologize for yelling at my brother and me like that. Second, how dare you call me a skank? I went out with my friend, nothing more, nothing less. Third, I have never done anything to make you question my loyalty. Finally, I have missed you." I said stepping closer to Brandon and hugging him. I have missed him. We have never had a fight this bad.

"I'm sorry Lyra. I got so mad after Jackson sent pictures of you dancing with other guys last night. Then I came here and saw you in another guy's arms. I just saw red." Brandon finished leaning his head on top of my head and pulling me deeper into the hug.

"Lyra, are you okay?" I hear Halley ask.

Stepping out of our hug, I saw Halley standing in the doorway. "Yeah, where is Cooper?" I asked. I looked up at Brandon, "You have some explaining and apologies to make?" He nodded his head.

"He is out on the balcony," Halley responded. We all headed out to the living room.

Stepping out to the balcony, I asked, "Cooper, are you okay?" He had his back turned to the door and he was looking down at his phone.

"Yeah, I am sorry for how I acted." Cooper said. "We need to discuss coming home, while it's just the two of us."

I slumped down on the white wicker chair. I am not prepared for this argument. Any leverage I had is gone with Brandon's display. I waited for Cooper to start the lecture.

"Look Lyra, you have to come home with us. How much work do you have to complete to be able to leave?" Cooper asked, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"I don't want to go home just yet. Is there any way you can talk mother into letting me come home on Christmas Eve?" I suggested. Negotiating would have been better than just giving in.

"How much work do you have to complete? How many hours of work do you have to do for winter break?" Cooper asked again, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I could complete everything by tomorrow afternoon if I got on it now." I answered. I watched as Cooper checked his phone, probably looking at his calendar.

"We will leave on Wednesday. Does that work for you?" asked Cooper. I shook my head, yes, feeling like a child being reprimanded. "I don't like being hard on you. There are some things we have to work on before I take over as Beta. So tell me about this boyfriend," he continued, sitting down in the wicker chair next to me.

"Brandon is a nice guy. We met in an American law class two years ago. We started dating about six months after we met. He works for Mikaelson & Granger's Consulting. He just got a promotion actually--" i said.

"No, I don't want to know his resume. I want to know how he treats you. Does he know about you? How does he treat you? That kind of stuff Lyra." Cooper interrupted me.

"Oh…well he is nice. He doesn't normally actually like he just did. That's not him.

We had a little fight and we haven't seen each other since Thursday night." I explained, picking at my nails. It's a bad habit, but when I am nervous I tend to tear my nails up. At least I have stopped biting them.

"Okay. What are you arguing about?" asked Cooper. Taking every in that I said. It made me nervous. Cooper and I have a good relationship. I wouldn't say we were super close, but he is my older brother.

"I got the invitation and I won't talk to him about my family." I confessed. "I usually call mom on Thursday evenings because Brandon isn't back in town yet. However, he was home when I got off work. Mom said I had to come back. This weekend. I told her I could come home a few days before Christmas and that did not go over well at all."

"Yeah I think I understand the rest with mom. She ambushed me with a pumpkin casserole to bring you home." Cooper said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hahaha of course she did." I laughed.

"Look, I am not the best at relationships, but I can tell you if you do not feel comfortable with sharing your past, present and secrets. They aren't the person for you. Safety and love are two different things, but can feel similar. Brandon may give you what you are looking for, but if you aren't willing to meet him halfway sis don't waste his time. Let him go before it's too late. Just think about it, will you. I need to go use the bathroom." Cooper said standing up.

"Yeah it's the first door on the right down the hall." I said, thinking about what he said as he left me with my thoughts.