

Hi, I'm Hiroaki which means spreading brightness. I'm 21 years old, I'm five foot six, i have blonde hair, and blue eyes. I have a secret.

There's this boy who I fell in love with. His name is Haruto which means best warmth which he is the best warmth. He's smart, he's 23, six foot one, short black hair, with bright green eyes. He's the dream boy every girl could ask for, but the thing is .... I'm a boy... I'm a boy in love with another boy...

I can't tell anyone that I love him though because I'm scared of rejection. I'm scared that he will hurt me for being gay, but I can't help the fact that I like men I was born this way. It's not like I choose to be gay if I could I would be straight, but I can't. I'm me I'm happy the way I am.

I remember all the faces people make when they find out I'm gay. The main reason I don't and will never tell anyone I'm gay is......