
Library of the Mad Wizard

In a world were wizards rule over the elements. Leo a young Boy sets his journey with the help of library that can store any book he touches. Watch our MC as he saves the pretty ladies and make his own harem ...........who am I kidding the MC is a scheming Psychopath. With no value for human life.

Hectate · Fantasy
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18 Chs

chapter 5

Leo walked out of his house looked at the full moon in the sky

"How beautiful" he said.

He then ran into the forest, for the last few years he went into the forest every day and he knew the place like the back of his hand. He went slowly near the bandit hideout there they would get drunk for a week and keep their loot and after a few days they would go back.

Leo slowly crept into their hideout it was silent the bandits fell asleep.

Looks like the potion is working.

He went inside to see huge half naked men sleeping on the flour drunk there were a few women tied up and gagged. Probably women they kidnapped from villages or travellers. Leo didn't care about the women; they were drugged by the bandits.

He came close to one bandit took his dagger and sliced his neck clean he then cut open the bandit's chest and pluck his heart out and put it in a sack.

Leo went to each and every bandit and did the same he killed them, took their heart and kept his body in the ring.

Like that he took the heart of all the bandits and the women tied up it was peaceful none of them felt any pain, they just died in their sleep.

He then stored all the loots which consisted of some gold and silver coins which was useless for him, some wine leftover food everything it was like the hideout was devoid of people for months. He made sure to clean the blood and any sign of his massacre.

Leo then went out released all the horses into the jungle except one. He now processed 7000 gold coins some weaponry, food, and more than fifty human hearts including Vance and his lackeys. For the Aptitude increasing art required minimum of 50 hearts and 200 magic stones it also informed him that the more hearts he used more chances of surviving.

Leo didn't want to gamble his life by using few hearts when there is an entire village for him to use. Leo took the horse and reached the village entrance the knights were asleep because of his drug. He walked closer to them and started his procedure. He then poured some wine on the dead corpse. Leo walked into each and every house and did the same.

"I feel nothing no sadness no guilt or happiness. It just feels empty. To me they are ingredients for my purpose nothing more nothing less" sighed Leo. He then poured wine over the corpses.

He then went into Kett house this house is special because Kett is an orphan who lives in the village he is 14 years old he and I have the same height and both of us are thin. He then killed Kett too but did not take his heart, Leo put his body in the ring walked to his house and laid Kett's dead body on his bed. He then poured wine over his body and burned the body.

"Goodbye Kett... I mean Leo Betton."

Leo ran outside ran to the village and made sure to burn each and every dead body along with their home. He had to fast before the Knights from the mansion arrives or he will be in trouble.

Leo then climbed on top of horse and went into the forest he had to get out of the village, the jungle is dangerous because of monsters but it is his only way outside he then poured a bottle of scent erasing potion on him and the horse and rode into the jungle.

"Goodbye mom goodbye Leo. I promise to be free I will learn magic and get revenge for you"

Leo looked back at the burning village nostalgically.

This reminds me of a poem from my world

"The woods are lovely dark and deep"

"But I have promises to keep"

And miles to go before I sleep"

"And miles to go before I sleep"


At the same time in the Betton mansion

"What is going on here why did you wake me up in the middle of the night"

Ray Betton and his wife was angry as he looked at the knight who woke him up

The knight shivered he was just a knight he was naturally afraid of a wizard's abilities.

"Sir the village is on fire s..ir" the knight looked down as he answered

"So, what put off the fire and save the villagers, what do you need me for"

Ray shouted at the knight

"Sir young master Leo's house is burned too, I am afraid the whole village is burned up, there are no survivors all pf them are dead women and children too" the knight answered still looking down.

"What about Leo "Ray asked with no change in his expression.

"I am afraid he was burned to death sir" knight answered his face was white.

"Take me there I want to see his corpse" Ray ordered. "Also inform father of this incident, I think there is more to this massacre".

Ray wore his robe and walked out along with the group of knights.

"What happened here" ray went near Leos dead body and asked the knights

"Sir it seem the bandits nearby attacked the village and set them on fire, it seems they ran away north sir" one of the knights answered.

"Hmm mere mortals would not have courage to attack the Betton family house it seems a dark wizard is behind this incident. Follow the trail of the bandits there may some clues about the incident. Even this disgrace son of mine still carry the name Betton, no one dare attack my household. Keep the body intact until father arrives".
