
Library of Heaven's Souls

Novels brought Gray where he wouldn’t have gone with a gun. Bad Neighborhood? Worse... Transmigration! But that's not all. The Region’s all-powerful Duke wants him dead, his current body/soul are utterly crippled, and his backing is non-existent. He's in for a LOT of trouble! But amidst an existential crisis, opportunity arises… [Unlocked Library of Heavens Souls!] Watch Gray become the wind of change he was always meant to be! Teach as a cover? Sure! Uncover his lost past? Why not? Grow Stronger? That’s a given! Mistakenly Crush Countless Worlds? YES!… Wait, what?! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Initial concept inspired by LoHP 'cause I felt nostalgic. As for where this will all go... May the gods have mercy on my poor readers' souls! Update Schedule: Every Day! (Blame Raj) Discord: https://discord.gg/wQ54ABEF3M *PS: Yes, it's called Waifu Party: LoHS ^_^v

ClasslessAscension · Fantasy
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148 Chs

Odds? They're Great!

The welcoming ceremony was starting…. 

The flying Headmaster addressed the crowd, countless magical cameras focusing on him. All one could see was Santa, the eager glow in his eyes contagious. 

"Welcome, everyone! For over a thousand years, our Golden Crow Academy has defended Hellrand and even Soland against all its enemies." 

"Well, today is time for a new generation of mages, for the future. So, are you ready to see this new blood in action? With this, let the Welcome Ceremony Begin!" 

That's when it happened. 


The space underneath the Headmaster suddenly ruptured, a giant portal appearing. As for the first years students, they orderly rushed inside, disappearing in a blue glow. 

That's also when Gray's Badge started buzzing like crazy. Ah?! This was the same message his students had to be seeing right now, right?! 

[Golden Crow Welcoming Ceremony!]