
Library of Heaven's Souls

Novels brought Gray where he wouldn’t have gone with a gun. Bad Neighborhood? Worse... Transmigration! But that's not all. The Region’s all-powerful Duke wants him dead, his current body/soul are utterly crippled, and his backing is non-existent. He's in for a LOT of trouble! But amidst an existential crisis, opportunity arises… [Unlocked Library of Heavens Souls!] Watch Gray become the wind of change he was always meant to be! Teach as a cover? Sure! Uncover his lost past? Why not? Grow Stronger? That’s a given! Mistakenly Crush Countless Worlds? YES!… Wait, what?! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Initial concept inspired by LoHP 'cause I felt nostalgic. As for where this will all go... May the gods have mercy on my poor readers' souls! Update Schedule: Every Day! (Blame Raj) Discord: https://discord.gg/wQ54ABEF3M *PS: Yes, it's called Waifu Party: LoHS ^_^v

ClasslessAscension · Fantasy
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148 Chs

First Elimination!

What now?! This looked so strange… 

"Is it me, or are Teacher Gale's students… digging?!" 

The crowd couldn't understand what was happening as they glanced at the screen. What was the point of digging? They'd completely waste their energy! 

As if to prove that analysis right… 

"Hehe, what do we have here? Is that Fatty Zhang? You're even digging your grave? Talk about great foresight!" a student chuckled evilly as the commentators went wild. 

"Ah?! It seems student Zhang has encountered a problem! The one who's just arrived is Claude Fodder, a rank 2 Mage! Wait… apparently, his specialty is duel magic?! How interesting!" 

The Claude guy just happened to use his magic at that very moment! 

"Zhang, let's duel, shall we!" 


Suddenly a barrier appeared around the two of them, the Claude guy already grinning victoriously. This fatty? He only knew how to eat! This would be so damn easy!