
LIar liAR

J-Son, the singer who was praised for being the voice of angel was hiding a very disturbing past. Being in the music industry for 4 years, he had blanked out that memory until one day, everything changed. To distract this issue from touching the core of his past, he took a route that none expected. Will he be able to keep his music career going with the devil of the past still haunting him? Or will this path give an unexpected person to change his destiny?

kirafu · Realistic
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35 Chs

~Or Shipper~

"Who are you? Why are you following us?", Han Jun asked fiercely while holding on to the wrist of the women who was following them.

She looked down as she didn't have anything to hide her face with. "Well, I was not following you", she replied while pointing at Han Jun.

J-Son said, "I don't think you are one of my fan sites, Are you a paparazzi or something??". "You know right I can sue you immediately for invading my privacy", he added.

"Oh My God, no no please don't sue me", she said and bowed down immediately.

"I am already half-broke you don't have to sue. If you let me go, I will never be back. I promise", She continued.

She tried to slide back while bowing down, but was caught by Han Jun. "You think you can escape this easily, tell us who you are first otherwise we are sending you to the police", he said.

"Okay Okay, I will tell. But can we go someplace nice. I look like criminal in here."

"Oh, so now you are demanding us too, when you are caught red handed, Hah??", J-Son asked.

Han Jun tapped In Sik's aka J-Son's shoulder and said, "It's okay, J-Son. Let's go to the nearby restaurant".

The girl had her mouth wide open looking at them with a smile similar to a serial killer getting his n'th kill but not the same emotion. "What are you looking at? Follow us now too, just like you did.", J-Son said sarcastically and walked away. Han Jun walked with her as she was giggling excessively.

"Now tell who are you??", J-Son asked as soon as they sat at a table in the nearest restaurant.

The young women dragged the menu card and said, "Why don't we order first??".

In Sik jumped to punch her, but Park Han Jun grabbed him. "The hell, are you here for a business deal? You. . ", In Sik said.

"Okay Okay, I was just kidding. I thought the J-Son I knew was a little patient, but I guess this other person next to him is".

"Just talk about what is asked, otherwise get ready to be sued", In Sik said while slamming the table. Thankfully the restaurant just had one other diner who seemed unbothered about the noise.

"Please don't sue, I will tell who I am.", She paused and continued, "I am Heo Ki Rin. Recently you came out, That's why I following You".

Han Jun interrupted her, "Are you a worst-case scenario-diehard fan? I think they call it Sasaeng Fan maybe".

"Oh No No No. No way. I am not, I am a shipper and also a fujoshi but you don't need to know about that.", she paused while adjusting her glasses and continued, "Wherever I can find anyone to ship, I search about them."

J-Son asked, "Shipper?? I think you were more like stalker now", with an annoyed expression.

"I am reaaaally sorry. I couldn't answer my curious mind anymore, so I started following you from yesterday after I couldn't control myself".

"By the way, what's shipper?", Han Jun asked.

"A shipper is someone who ships two people, like if they are close or look perfect for each other, How do you not know this?!", Ki Rin exclaimed.

J-Son laughed, "Look at who you are asking, he doesn't use any social media". Han Jun awkwardly bent down his head brushing through his hair.

"Oh really", Ki Rin smirked while looking at both their faces.

"But yeah, I understand your obsession. Still following someone around is not good . . ... Heo Ki Rin SSi", J-Son said.

"Are you taking any orders, Sir, ma'am?", the waiter of the restaurant asked after waiting to see how long they would go on about without ordering.

"Give us anything that will take 10 minutes to eat", J-Son said immediately. When the waiter was about to recommend, J-Son cut in asking him to get anything nice to eat once again.

"By the way, I want to know who all you ship. Don't take it otherwise please", In Sik said to Ki Rin.

Ki Rin smiled, "I know what this curiosity is, wait a minute it's on my tab". Han Jun was just looking over the scene.

"Wait, I will sit beside you", J-Son moved over to see the shipper's collection together with her.

"You know, this group. In this I ship these two."

"OH, I have met them. Ki Rin, where and how do you see the spark in here?".

As asked, the waiter brought the dish a bit too soon in fact, "Sir, your order". J-Son and Ki Rin was so focused they didn't hear him, so Han Jun signalled him to keep the plate down and thanked him.

"Who do you ship me with?", In Sik asked Ki Rin again out of curiosity.

"I actually don't ship you with anyone. But some people do ship you with someone. You know Kang Dae?", she replied.

"Whaaat Kang Dae??".

"I know right, I haven't seen you both together at all!!", Ki Rin added.

Han Jun got curious this time around, "Who's Kang Dae??".

"Ah you don't need to know that guy."

They had a fun time especially J-Son and Heo Ki Rin. J-Son took her contact number for future needs especially for when he is in trouble. Han Jun seemed a little sad for no reason. Ki Rin promised to not follow him again and said goodbye for the night. And, yes, they did complete eating as it was a dish that could be eaten within 10 minutes.


Fujoishis and BL fans are sometimes horrifying. But they are sweetest people anyone could meet, what do you think?

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