
Liar!! (A Brothers Conflict Fanfic)

"They say that love is blinding. Maybe it really is. How could they just do this to me like I meant nothing all along?" "I hate it. I hate it here. It feels like I'm not living anymore. I'm just existing." "Does no one want me anymore? No one needs me?" DISCLAIMER : I do not claim to own the brother conflict plot or the characters. I only own my plot and my OC so please don't copy. Enjoy reading and love yourself.

Black_Lotus_Queen · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Game is On!

Yuki's POV

I was just sitting in my room playing the guitar when I heard Wataru's voice. I remembered that he and Masa-nii went out to wait for our new sister. So I assumed that she had arrived. I keep my guitar on my bed and go to the main living room.

There, I see a girl with brown hair tied to her side in a pony. She had brown eyes and was wearing the same school uniform that I had. I went down the stairs and sat next to Masa-nii. As soon as I sat down, Wataru came running up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. He sat next to me and cuddled up to me. 'Oh my god Wataru!!! You are so damn adorable!!'

I ruffled his hair and got comfy. After all the introductions of the brothers, Masa-nii introduced me. As soon as he said my name, the brunette looked surprised but regained her composure immediately after.

'Well she can mask her emotions well. Either that or she is horrible at expressing herself.' I thought.

Ema's POV

'Holy crap!! It's THE Yuki Asahina. Why didn't I get the connection before?? Okay I can't act immature and shocked now. Calm down Ema... Just breathe.'

I give her a slight nod and told her my name and gave one of my sweet smiles which disappeared and changed to a look of disgust as soon as I saw a familiar red head. I immediately put on a shocked expression. I've got to keep this act up for a while.

Yuki's POV

'Ema was her name but I can't recall anyone by that name. She doesn't look familiar at all.'

After the introduction, she gave me a nod and a supposedly sweet smile which looked so fake. That smiling face instantly changed into a face of disgust as soon as she saw my red headed brother shouting and coming down the stairs. The disgusted face was gone just as fast as it came and was replaced by a shocked expression.

'Holy mother of God! She is so fake.'

Yuusuke complained about my other brother, Tsubaki, the albino, bringing women into the house. As soon as he saw Ema, a wave of realization hit him and he sprinted downstairs and got all up in her face.

'Personal space? Sorry. Don't know her.'

He started rambling about how he can't accept a classmate as a sister. I haven't seen her before but he did tell me that he had a crush on someone who was from his class. Could it be her?

I was getting tired of all this so I just announced that I'll be up in my room and if anyone needed anything, they could come and call me. "I'll call you when dinner is ready. okay?" Uky-nii spoke with a sweet smile which I returned and I nodded my head.

I immediately went up to my room and started strumming a new song that I learnt, Mi gente!

As soon as I finished the song and was about to start a new one, I heard someone knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled for them. I honestly didn't want to be disturbed but then again, I really didn't have a choice. The door opened and I found myself looking at my new step sister, Ema.

"May I come in?" She asked in a sweet and low voice. I immediately got annoyed but I don't even know why. Maybe it's the fact that she's so damn fake. 'Will you get lost if I said no??' I thought.

"Yeah sure, come in?" I replied, unsure of myself. She came in and closed the door behind her. She just stood there like a statue and then it hit me that this one wanted me to actually say something. Bitch wanted a damn ceremony for entering my room.

"Take a seat" I said patting the seat next to me on my bed. I put my guitar aside on my desk and turned to face her. "So anything you wanted?" I asked curiously. 'If not then yeet yourself out so I can continue just... living.'

"Oh nothing in particular. I just wanted to spend some time with you seeing as we'll be sisters soon." She said with a close eyed smile. "You don't have to keep up that act in front of me you know" I said in a monotone voice, holding ever single cell in my body back from rolling my eyes.

She looked a little taken aback but soon recovered. She started laughing a little and I for sure thought that she was possessed.

'What is wrong with you? Has someone given you laughing gas or are you possessed by the hyena from lion king?' I looked at her confused and with a nervous smile. She noticed my expression and started to talk again.

"Well I guess the cat's outta the bag now huh?" She sayid. I roll my eyes dramatically and let out a sigh of annoyance.

"Okay, if you want me to be honest, I simply think that you're a bitch. Your brothers are hot as fuck and I would obviously want to be with them but I have to stay polite and innocent. But do trust me when I say that I'm going to make them all fall in love with me." She said with a sinister voice.

'What's your deal, slut??' She put her arms behind her head and closed her eyes. "Whatever." That's all I say. I guess that pissed her off. This one doesn't even deserve a full word. She should be grateful for what was given to her. At least I didn't say 'K.'

"Tch. I'm going to make every single one fall for me, you see. And again let me be specific.. I fucking hate you and nothing is going to change that." She said rudely and got up, opening the door and glaring at me with hate in her eyes.

"I will destroy your life." She spat out and left the room, slaming the door behind her. I sat there a little dumbfounded but recover quickly as a slight smirk makes it's way across my face.

'Hmm...I wonder what I did to make her this mad at me. Oh well! The game is on Ema!'