
Liam Drelavine : No Regrets!

Liam Drelavine lived her life to the fullest. She went to high school with flying colors. She graduated college as a summa cum laude. She was hired at the biggest company in the country. She worked and was promoted as the CEO. She got beauty, brain, wealth, and fame. What else could she wish for in her life? She was happy and contented. She did her best until she died of old age. She knew well she used her life without any regrets. That's why she was shocked when the guardian of the dead lead her to the gates of regrets! I should be in the gate of reincarnation! Why here?! "You cannot reincarnate with so many regrets in your heart. You need to find and fulfill it in these countless worlds. Until you find it, you will not be reincarnated." So like that, she was thrown into the mini-worlds to find out what she regretted to fulfill it. ************ A certain fellow Daoist: You d*mn woman! Don't let me catch you or else! Liam: Or else what? Are you going to use my nemesis against me? Translation for the new readers: Nemesis = Aphrodisiac Our MC had been victimized by her nemesis a couple of times, resulting from a particular Daoist's virginity at risk. Angry Fellow Daoist: You dare mentioned that to my face! Liam: It's not like you didn't enjoy it. Adios! She ran the gate to enter the next world. ****** This is my original story, and English is not my first language. So pardon me for any grammatical errors. Everything in this book is from my own brain world. So, if you don't want to think crazy like me, don't plagiarize! Trust me, you don't want to copy my brain that always loading. XD And yeah, I have my first book, check out To Love You Again--ongoing.

Avalondra · Fantasy
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318 Chs

TGP: Lovey-dovey

It was the third time that Aunt Min knocked on the door. It was already time for lunch, but the couple had not yet come out. However, Aunt Min was not even slightly angry. She had a huge grin on her face. It seems like her little scheme had succeeded. That drug's only antidote was the 'favor' of a man. Not only that, but it would also make every couple do 'it' again and again until both had tired out.

Aunt Min was happy that she managed to reach her goal. At first, she was afraid when she heard that Master Ren would marry a De residence lady. Aside from the De residence was a household enemy of Ren Shou, Aunt Min was afraid that the marriage was a scheme by his majesty. (a/n: it was asked by your master, nvm.)

But when she received a letter from her Master to manage everything nicely in the manor before the Wangfei arrived, and the preparation they needed to do for the wedding, Aut Min realized that her Master took this marriage seriously and sincerely. That's why she investigated this girl from the De Residence. She even went there personally and acted like a lost elder woman. The servants were friendly. As she asked questions about Lady Liam, the servants answered about their lady with sincere big smiles. The words they spoke made her confused at first,

"Our lady? Our lady is so unique. She is the star of the De residence. All servants love her as she loves us. There was no pretense in her at all." Aunt Min observed the servant's expression. The servant seemed to reminisce a happy memory as the servant laughed joyfully. Those expressions were sincere.

As she looked more into the residence, she also got the news that Liam was the only child since the couple from De's home was having difficulty in giving children.

Aunt Min then decided to give the lady a helping hand. She was happy as she saw that the Lady she would serve was not a pretender. She now understood the servant's words. She looked forward to serving Lady Ren.

She heard rustling sounds in the room.

Aunt Min grinned widely and ordered servants to bring a warm tub and warm food.


Liam was trying to put the food into her mouth. But her arms were so numb that her hands were shaking.

Ren Shou looked at her. But when their eyes met, he turned away quickly with red ears.

"..." Liam had a blank face.

'Is he still embarrassed? What's there to be embarrassed about when we already do 'that' thing? '

They already see each other and tasted each other. They even become united many times. Remembering how much she craved for it, even having been pumped on often, made Liam gritted her teeth. There was something wrong with that aphrodisiac. Not only was the wine the catalyst, but even the man's semen was also a stimulator as well. That damned old woman!

Liam did not point out Ren Shou's embarrassment and tried to put the food to her mouth again. Because of the craziness last night that lasted until dawn, Liam's body was shaking. Her insides hurt so much. And her back was sore. Her legs and arm felt numb too. Liam, who had not received any kind of suffering in this world, really felt like last night was retribution for being born in a right family and being loved by everyone. She suffered hell after heaven.

"Lady Li, do you want this servant to help you with the food?" Aunt Min spoke at her side as she saw how Liam's hand was trembling. Thinking that it must be from that 'exercise,' Aunt Min's evil smile was unknowingly displayed.

Liam, who was about to pay her back from the little help of Aunt Min, quickly erased her glare as she saw that scary smile.

'Old women are really the scariest.'

She decided to buried her injustice and be the lower person in this new house.

"Aunt Min is really a nice lady. Thinking of helping me out in every way. But auntie~ you don't have to do it often. I am a big girl after all." Liam coated the stick she wanted to give to Aunt Min with sugar.

Ren Shou looked at the two who seemed intimate in just one night. 'Do they know each other while I'm gone?'

Ren Shou hadn't introduced Aunt Min yet to Liam. But he was glad that these two women he favored were getting along.

"It seems like you already met the Mama of this residence. Aunt Min was my wet nurse, and I treated her like how I treated my former mother."

Liam smiled at this introduction. Jackpot! She knew this woman was significant. It was good she did not get angry at her regarding the aphrodisiac incident.

Then Ren Shou saw the almost not touched food of Liam.

"You don't want to eat?"

It was Aunt Min who answered him.

"Madam's body must be exhausted from last night's event. Women suffered a bit from their first night."

Ren Shou got red at the mention of last night, but then he got paled when he heard about the women's suffering.'

He remembered Liam's hurtful cries that night.

"Aunt! Let's call a physician!" Ren Shou panicked a little.

"Master, please calm down, your startling the Madam." Aunt Min glanced at Liam.

Ren Shou glanced at her too.

Liam was just there, sitting blankly.

Her mind was swimming with the thought,

'Don't tell me another person would check my p#ssy!' That would be a horror for her.

"I am..fine. I just need ointments and rest. "

Ren Shou glanced at her slightly trembling hands. He felt guilty. He took Liam's plate and use the chopsticks to bring the food to Liam's mouth.

Liam was stunned. 'What is this? Am I a child?'

"You really don't need to-" The food abruptly stopped her words. Liam had no choice but to chew the food in her mouth. She felt hungrier. Another food was put into her lips. She accepted it and eat. 'Never mind. It's good to be served.'

Liam did not overthink it.

Aunt Min happily smiled as she slowly stepped back and left the couple to be lovey-dovey.