
Liam Drelavine : No Regrets!

Liam Drelavine lived her life to the fullest. She went to high school with flying colors. She graduated college as a summa cum laude. She was hired at the biggest company in the country. She worked and was promoted as the CEO. She got beauty, brain, wealth, and fame. What else could she wish for in her life? She was happy and contented. She did her best until she died of old age. She knew well she used her life without any regrets. That's why she was shocked when the guardian of the dead lead her to the gates of regrets! I should be in the gate of reincarnation! Why here?! "You cannot reincarnate with so many regrets in your heart. You need to find and fulfill it in these countless worlds. Until you find it, you will not be reincarnated." So like that, she was thrown into the mini-worlds to find out what she regretted to fulfill it. ************ A certain fellow Daoist: You d*mn woman! Don't let me catch you or else! Liam: Or else what? Are you going to use my nemesis against me? Translation for the new readers: Nemesis = Aphrodisiac Our MC had been victimized by her nemesis a couple of times, resulting from a particular Daoist's virginity at risk. Angry Fellow Daoist: You dare mentioned that to my face! Liam: It's not like you didn't enjoy it. Adios! She ran the gate to enter the next world. ****** This is my original story, and English is not my first language. So pardon me for any grammatical errors. Everything in this book is from my own brain world. So, if you don't want to think crazy like me, don't plagiarize! Trust me, you don't want to copy my brain that always loading. XD And yeah, I have my first book, check out To Love You Again--ongoing.

Avalondra · Fantasy
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AvC: Held Captive

Liam arrived in the valley where the other little Avians were at. In her hand, was the two long vines that was tied around the boy's foot and hands.

She had an annoyed look on her face. Her white dress, that she was trying not to dirty ever since they came here, was full of dirt. Her white hair that barely reached her shoulders had crumbs of dried leaves and soil. The boy beside her was even dirtier.

Earlier, after she made sure that the vine would hold around his foot, she dragged him back to the valley where she and the little Avian stayed.

The boy was silent and did not struggle after she threatened him with his spear. So Liam relaxed a bit. But then, on the way, he unexpectedly ran away. He was preparing his all-out escape since earlier.

Liam was unprepared when he suddenly ran away. She fell hard on the ground. It was a good thing that her grip around the vine was strong. No matter how much strength the boy put on to run, she did not let go of the vine even she was dragged.