
Lia's Diary

A diary written by Lia, a village girl hailing from Tañong Bayan. She was living her best life until tragedy struck. Now she is on a journey of revenge.

Shane_Badow · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Day 13: The Journey of Healing

Dear Diary,

This morning, I awoke to an unexpected surprise. My arm, which had been gravely injured during the beast attack, had almost completely healed. The deep gashes and bruises were now faint scars, and the pain had reduced to a mere twinge. This rapid healing was far from normal, and I could only attribute it to the strange new power I had awakened.

As I sat by the waterfall, examining my arm, I couldn't help but feel a mix of wonder and gratitude. Whatever this power was, it seemed to be more than just the ability to manipulate water. It was also a force of healing, a gift that I needed to understand and harness.

"Look at this, Enki," I said, showing my arm to the water buffalo. Enki snorted softly, his large eyes reflecting curiosity and perhaps a hint of approval.

With my arm no longer a hindrance, I decided it was time to continue our journey. Packing up our camp, I secured our supplies onto Enki's back and set off into the jungle once more. The morning air was fresh and cool, and the sounds of the jungle were a comforting backdrop to our travels.

As we walked, I continued to practice the water manipulation. I stretched out my hand, focusing on the warmth within me. Drops of water began to form on my palm, more quickly and with greater volume than the previous day. With each step, I felt my control improving, the stream of water becoming more steady and forceful.

We moved through the dense foliage, the sun filtering through the canopy in dappled patches of light. The jungle was alive with color and movement—brightly colored birds flitted from tree to tree, their calls echoing through the air. Occasionally, we would stop to rest, finding shade beneath the towering trees or by small streams that crisscrossed the jungle floor.

During one of these breaks, I sat by a clear pool of water, continuing my practice. Enki grazed nearby, content to munch on the lush vegetation. I focused on my breathing, extending my hand over the pool. This time, I imagined the water rising to meet my hand, bending to my will.

To my amazement, the surface of the pool began to ripple. A small column of water rose up, swirling and dancing in response to my command. It was still delicate, easily disrupted by the slightest shift in my concentration, but it was progress.

"You're doing it, Lia," I whispered to myself, a smile spreading across my face. The sense of accomplishment was a balm to my weary soul, a reminder that I was capable of great things, even in the face of immense loss.

By midday, we had covered a significant distance. The landscape around us began to change, the dense jungle giving way to more open terrain. We stumbled upon a series of magnificent hidden areas—lush meadows dotted with vibrant wildflowers, crystal-clear streams that sparkled in the sunlight, and towering rock formations that seemed to touch the sky.

One particular spot took my breath away. We had emerged from a thick grove of trees to find a hidden glade, a small waterfall cascading into a serene pool. The water was so clear that I could see the pebbles at the bottom, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

"This is beautiful," I said, turning to Enki. The water buffalo seemed to share my sentiment, letting out a contented huff as he settled down by the water's edge.

We decided to set up camp in this idyllic spot. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the glade, I felt a deep sense of peace. The events of the past days had been overwhelming, but moments like this reminded me of the beauty that still existed in the world.

Before resting for the night, I sat by the pool and practiced once more. This time, I tried to recall the feeling of the powerful blast of water that had saved my life. I extended my hand, channeling all my focus into the warmth within me. A stream of water shot from my palm, stronger and more forceful than before. It wasn't as powerful as the blast, but it was a step closer.

As the stars appeared in the sky, I lay down beside the pool, the sound of the waterfall lulling me to sleep. Enki curled up nearby, his presence a comforting reassurance. I knew that our journey was far from over, but with each day, I felt more prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Until tomorrow, Diary.
