
Li Ying And His Secluded Exquisite Master

Li Ying is a dying scholar who once yearned to become a cultivator. He resides in the Silver-Dragon Sect near the mysterious Skyreach Forest. One day, on his daily journey to study the mysterious barrier in the Skyreach Forest, he is pursued by a pack of serpentail wolves, savage beasts that hunt humans. He accidentally crosses the barrier and encounters a beautiful female cultivator who lives in isolation inside the barrier. She offers to rejuvenate him on one condition, he has to reach the peak of this continent in cultivation and amuse her with his adventure. Li Ying seizes this opportunity and decides to live a life of pleasure and satisfaction.

Ancestor_Slug · Eastern
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16 Chs


A wicked cultivator was propped up by one arm on the ground, while the other arm clutched his bleeding stomach. He was cornered by two men, with a cliff behind him and no escape. One of the men was dressed in the simple robe of an inner sect disciple, while the other wore a black robe with dragon patterns in gray stitching on the sleeves and back.

"Finish him off." The black-robed man commanded. The disciple took a step closer, his sword trembling in his grip.

"How long did it take you to reach the Foundation Building stage?"

The black-robed man asked. The disciple kept his eyes on the wicked cultivator and answered, "F-five years, Elder Li."

The black-robed man said, "This evil scum probably did it in half that time, or even less." He glared at the wicked cultivator and continued, "Do you know how many innocent lives he has taken? Don't you want to avenge them as a cultivator of a righteous sect?"

"Y-yes… I am a cultivator of justice. I cannot allow evil to prosper in this world." The disciple advanced with hesitation.

'Hmph, the sect is producing disciples as cowards. I have to report this to the Sect Leader.' The black-robed man thought to himself. His name was Li Ying.

The Golden Phoenix Sect.

"Senior Sister Lan" The disciples cheered as they watched her soar across the sect on a crane. She was Lan Xianyue, a core disciple of the sect and a stunning beauty in her late teens.

She landed on a mountain peak, where a thatch house stood. She bowed and said, "Elder Li, please come see me."

The wooden door opened, and a man came out. It was Li Ying.

He asked softly, "What do you need, Lan Xianyue?"

She answered with a blush, "Elder Li, you know my feelings for you. Please give me your answer today."

He pretended to be shocked, "What are you talking about? I had no idea."

Li Ying was lying, of course. He knew the sect was trying to make him take a daoist partner.

'That old hag, she first tried to tempt me with her makeup and now she is sending her disciples.'

Lan Xianyue lowered her head and said, "Elder Li, please give me your answer."

Li Ying knew she was attracted to him, but he was annoyed. 'That old witch has brainwashed her into thinking she loves me.'

The old hag Li Ying was thinking of was a fellow elder of his sect.

He sighed and looked away as if gazing at the horizon and said, "Love is like a Qilin's tear that never fades. It is a bridge that connects two hearts across the ocean. It is a miracle that defies logic and reason. It is a mystery that no one can solve. It is a paradox that both hurts and heals. It is a dream that never ends."

It was nonsense that he had read in some books. He didn't even remember it correctly.

Glancing at her, he realized that she was moved. He continued, "Junior Lan, you have a talent for cultivation that many people envy. How many talented cultivators have wasted their potential because their Daoist partner could not keep up with them?" He sighed and continued, "I have reached my limit as well, while you are a phoenix who will soar to the heavens. You should not fall in love with someone like me, your hero is somewhere else in this world."

Li Ying was lying again. He was a genius that the sect coveted and that was the reason they were sending him all these beauties to settle down with.

Hearing him say that he had reached his limit at the nascent soul realm, Lan Xianyue felt a trace of contempt in her heart. Li Ying did not look as attractive to her anymore.

She looked at him and said, "Thank you, Elder Li, I have gained enlightenment."

She was sheltered and ambitious, she did not realize that reaching nascent soul was already a dream for most of the cultivators.

Li Ying strode through the forest, a tall and thin man in a refined black robe. His black hair cascaded down to his waist, framing a handsome and cold face with a prominent nose and thin lips.

Towering and dense trees filled the forest, reaching the sky.

Li Ying stopped and reached into his robe, taking out a green token. Resuming his walk, he held the token in his hand. He soon arrived at a vast field, where a plateau rose in the forest.

He walked further and reached a wooden house. Standing before the door, he said, "Master, let me in." The wooden door opened, and he entered. The house looked simple, with some furniture, but the wood was of high quality.

A veiled woman sat on a cushion in front of him. He bowed. "Sit," the woman said. He walked to the carpet at some distance from her and sat on his knees.

"Master, I have a request." He said politely.

"Go on." His master replied.

"Master, I have decided to accept a dao partner and settle down in the Golden Phoenix Sect."

"Hmm." The master did not sound happy.

"I have already reached the Nascent Soul stage. The task you gave me, I can do it here too."

"You want to settle in a sect that would be annihilated if a bear attacked at night?" She mocked him. Even a group of villagers could fend off a bear, let alone cultivators of his sect.

Li Ying felt annoyed. He said, "What should I do then?"

"You were given this chance to explore the world, do you think those geniuses of sacred lands are idle, herding cattle and planting herbs?"

"No, that's your specialty." Li Ying whispered.

"Do you want to die?" She said with a grave tone.

Li Ying had encountered this situation many times before. It was better to divert the topic.

"My graceful and intelligent master, I have wandered the continent as a scholar. I have witnessed those talents you speak of fall like moths to the flame, pursuing treasures and opportunities. Please let me cultivate in peace."

"Are you done?" She didn't give his opinion a second thought and continued, "The Moonlight Spring is on the verge of drying up, it conceals a passage to a treasure domain. All the geniuses will gather there. You must go too, otherwise your beloved sect might disappear tonight."

Tsk. Li Ying's tongue clicked, he said. "I will go."

He got up and headed to the exit without bidding farewell to his master.

'Just wait until I make you call me Husband with that rude mouth of yours.'