
Leylin in Code Geass

A clone of Leylin finds himself in Code Geass with his A.I. chip. How will the lord of Original Sin respond to a world where Giant Death Robots are the norm.

Lord_Leylin · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


Leylin had been looking into the assassination for over a week now and had learned quite a lot. In the meanwhile, Prince Lelouch had made his debut to the world through a tantrum in front of the emperor. That had not gone very well for him or his sister. Both of them were sent to Japan as "ambassadors" but everyone knew they were political prisoners. One's that did not have any value to the emperor. Leylin had been able to meet Lelouch before he left, the meeting had been interesting.

He knew Lelouch blamed him for his mother's assassination, with him not being present at the scene. But with the Emperor's hush order on everything Marianne related, Leylin could not tell Lelouch of his forced withdrawal. Leylin knew Lelouch was mature but he was still in public when meeting the prince so just accepted the hate, not that it affected him.

Throughout the whole affair, Leylin had been surprised but not worried. There would soon be a scapegoat found on whom the whole incident would be blamed. As the knight of Cornelia, Leylin was not worried as even if the Emperor could send away his child, actually putting such allegations on a noble would lead to more noses being put where they should not go.

No the most probable scapegoat were assassins from the EU or the Chinese Federation. Cornelia herself would be shielded from the blame and soon no one would remember this happened.

Soon Leylin came in front of a door and knocked.

"Come in" came Cornelia's voice.

"Lelouch has left Britania, he should be arriving in Japan in a few hours."

"I see…" Cornelia said

"Don't blame yourself, Cornelia, we could have done nothing about what happened. Lelouch acted too fast for us to respond, I was just going to meet him in the hospital when I heard he was asking an audience with the emperor."

"We can do nothing about this. It will take a few years and then we can get him and Nunally back. So what have you learned about this? Cornelia asked. At first, she did not want to investigate further, but after the emperor's order to send Lelouch and Nunnally to japan, she knew something was up.

"We know there were multiple people present as there were multiple gunshots, all fully automatic with full metal jackets. Whoever they were they did not want to take any chances."

"There also seemed to have been one more person at the scene who was not an attacker. They mysteriously vanished, there were a few records of four people being brought to the hospital, but now everyone believes there were only three."

"What's the description of the third person?"

"Short girl around Nunnally's age. She had pink hair that stood out. I looked into it, and I have come up with mixed results."


"From my digging, I think she is Anya Alstriem of the Alstriem family. Some paper records show she joined Aries palace to be trained under Lady Marianne. I remember her she was a shy girl who mostly stayed by herself."

"What the weird part?"

"It seems almost everyone has no recollection of her. Her parent has forgotten her existence and the doctors and nurses have forgotten she was there. The only reason I know she was there was because I saw her by chance once and know she lived there. However, anyone who could have had knowledge of her now has no recollection of her."

"So they've been silenced."

"That seems to be the case but I don't think so."


"The people genuinely think so, she has been scrubbed clean from all digital files but when I showed a few paper copies of her existence the people seemed to get a headache, and then when I take it away forget that they saw the paper."

"You realize how crazy this sounds don't you?"

"I know and that's why I suggest we drop it."

"What!! You were the one who suggested we start the investigation, and now you're too scared to continue."

"Whoever is behind this, I am sure that lady Alstriem saw something, something Nunnaly was unable to. Maybe she was able to see who caused it or why it happened. Whatever the case she was silenced for it, that too in a way I have never seen before."

"She is our only lead, a child who everyone has forgotten about. We cant do any lab tests without arousing suspicion especially right now. All I am suggesting is we wait for some time before continuing."

"Very well, but I want to know as soon as you learn something."

"As you command your Highness"

Time skip coming up

Lord_Leylincreators' thoughts