
Lewd Journey In A Fantasy World

Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE

TravisX · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 32

For the rest of the night, Nathan and Eleanor sparred together while testing their shields. On the next morning, right after Mr. Ryan took attendance, the class proceeded to the first period, Elemental Class.

Ms. Serena entered with a smirk as she observed all the students.

"Class, from today we will not be indoors; instead, you will be training outside in the AuraGrove forest. Now, let us not waste any more time." She exited the class along with everyone.

When they arrived at the forest, they were very shocked when seeing how beautiful it was.

AuraGrove Forest is a mystical woodland sanctuary nestled deep within the heart of nature's embrace. This enchanted forest is renowned for its remarkable aura, an otherworldly energy that infuses every inch of its lush terrain. As you venture further into its depths, you'll find towering ancient trees with bark that seems to shimmer with a faint ethereal glow. The air is crisp and invigorating, carrying whispers of secrets from centuries past.

Sunlight filters through the dense canopy, creating a dappled, ever-changing tapestry of light and shadow. The flora here is equally extraordinary, with vibrant, bioluminescent plants that illuminate the forest floor as dusk falls. The aura within AuraGrove Forest seems to resonate with a sense of tranquility and ancient wisdom, drawing in wanderers seeking solace, inspiration, or a connection with the mystical forces that dwell within. It's a place where the boundary between the natural and supernatural blurs, inviting you to explore its mysteries and immerse yourself in its captivating aura.

AuraGrove Forest serves as a sacred sanctuary for meditation and the exploration of elemental energies. Within this mystical realm, seekers and practitioners from all walks of life gather to harness the profound energies that permeate the surroundings.

Meditation within the forest is a transformative experience, as the powerful aura enhances mindfulness and spiritual connection. It's a place where one can attune their senses to the subtle vibrations of the elements and find inner peace amidst the natural symphony of the forest.

For those seeking to test and understand elemental forces, AuraGrove Forest is a living laboratory. The balance of elements here is unparalleled, making it an ideal place for practitioners to experiment and refine their control over earth, air, fire, water, and even the more elusive, etheric elements. The forest's unique properties amplify the results of these elemental tests, making it a revered destination for elementalists and spiritual adepts alike.

"Today's topic is controlling or balancing your Elements. Let's dive into why mastering the control and balance of your elemental powers is so crucial. This lesson isn't just about performing impressive tricks; it's about understanding the responsibility that comes with wielding such incredible forces. Here's why it matters:

1. **Safety:** Imagine you're in a kitchen, and you need to slice a tomato. Would you use a sledgehammer for that task? Of course not! In the same way, controlling your powers means using just the right amount for the job, preventing accidents and keeping yourself and others safe.

2. **Efficiency:** Think of your powers as a tool belt. If you can precisely control each tool, you won't waste energy or resources. You'll get the job done more efficiently and have more power left for future challenges.

3. **Versatility:** Life throws us all sorts of curveballs. Learning control means you can adapt your powers to handle different situations. Whether it's a delicate task or a robust challenge, you'll be ready.

"Now let's begin. This forest is home to many elemental areas that were specifically attuned to the unique energies of each element. Welcome to AuraGrove Forest, a place where nature and magic harmonize in extraordinary ways. Here, the very land seems to pulse with the elemental forces of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, and Light.

Each corner of this enchanted woodland resonates with a distinct elemental aura, making it a haven for those who seek to explore, learn, and connect with the magic of the natural world. Whether you're an aspiring elemental mage or simply a nature enthusiast, AuraGrove Forest offers a magical journey like no other.

From the tranquil streams of the Water section to the crackling bonfires of the Fire realm, this forest invites you to immerse yourself in the essence of each element. It's a place where the boundaries between the mundane and the mystical blur, where you can witness the intricate dance of elemental energies at play.

So, as we venture deeper into AuraGrove Forest, keep your senses open and your heart attuned to the whispers of nature's magic. Here, you'll discover the secrets of the elements and the profound connection between the natural world and the supernatural."

As she spoke, all the students looked around in wonder and excitement. Seeing the smiles on their faces, Serena couldn't help but smile as well. She then cleared her throat to gather their attention.

"Let's start. Everyone will go to their designated area. So I advise you to follow the people who have the same element as you. While you two, since you both have unique elements, you shall follow me. Get going; we will be here for two periods; I borrowed your English teacher's class."

Serena took Eleanor first. They traversed the beautiful forest until they got to their destination.

"This is the ice cave."

The Ice Cave in AuraGrove Forest is a crystalline wonderland, where walls of glistening ice sparkle like diamonds. Inside, you'll find a serene, frozen landscape, where the air is crisp, and each breath leaves a frosty trace. This enchanting cave is a testament to the beauty and power of the Ice element, inviting you to explore its icy mysteries. This place is rarely used since not many people ever awaken the Ice Affinity.

"Go inside; the moment you do, meditate and become one with your surroundings. I'll come check on you every 10 minutes," she said.

"Why do I need to be checked on?" Eleanor asked. Serena smirked; she didn't say anything. Instead, she pointed toward the side, where a sign was placed. It read.


'Oh, I guess that explains it,' she thought.

< The Ice Aura in the cave is so intense that if you have the Ice element, it's refreshing like a cold breeze. But for others, it's lethal, freezing their Aura and, in essence, harming them severely.>

'Why is it lethal?' She asked.

<The Ice Aura reacts negatively with other elemental energies primarily due to its inherent nature and properties. Elemental energies, like Ice, Earth, Fire, Air, others, have unique characteristics vibrations. When they clash, especially when are in imbalance or mismatched, can create adverse reactions.< p>

In the case of the Ice Aura in the cave, its frigid and constrictive nature contrasts sharply with the energies of other elements. When these opposing energies come into contact, they can disrupt the flow of one another, leading to freezing or adverse effects. Think of it as a clash of elemental forces, where the Ice Aura's extreme coldness doesn't harmonize with other elemental energies, resulting in negative reactions.>

'So if Nathan entered this Cave what would happen?' She asked.

< Well, he'd turn into a popsicle before he can even think about going any further >

'That's brutal.' she thought.

"Alright , go in. I'll go guide Nathan to his area. Do not panic, or you'll freeze; you won't die, though freezing still is painful, so avoid it," she then disappeared from her sight, leaving Eleanor at the entryway. She walked in without looking back, inside the Ice Cave.