
Lewd Journey In A Fantasy World

Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE

TravisX · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 27

"There are six parts to this, and you'll have to remember them all. I'll give you a summary; pray lend me your ears because this is very important. Let me start!"

Mr. Cas cleared his throat, then started to speak. "In the mythical realm of Eldoria, eons ago, the discovery of mana crystals was a pivotal event that forever altered the course of history. It all began with King Thalendir, a wise and ambitious ruler who sought to harness the potent magic of these precious gemstones to enhance his kingdom's prosperity.

**Part 1 - The Quest for Prosperity:** King Thalendir ruled over the flourishing city of Thalendoria, nestled amidst the majestic peaks of the Ironspire Mountains. However, his realm faced a pressing challenge. The mines that were the lifeblood of his kingdom's economy were running dry, and the once bountiful veins of precious metals were nearly depleted. Thalendir knew that to maintain his kingdom's wealth and influence, he needed to tap into new resources.

**Part 2 - The Whispering Caverns:** Legends spoke of an ancient, hidden realm known as the Whispering Caverns, rumored to be a treasure trove of mana crystals, glowing with untapped magical power. These whispers, carried by wandering minstrels and nomadic seers, reached Thalendir's ears, sparking his insatiable curiosity.

**Part 3 - The Dwarven Enigma:** The Whispering Caverns were believed to be deep within the dwarven territories, and the dwarves had always been known for their mining expertise. King Thalendir understood that to access these caverns, he needed the dwarves' unmatched mining skills.

"You must be wondering, what ever happened to the Dwarven empire. Well, talk about that later on this term. Let's continue.

**Part 4 - The Pact with the Dwarves:** Thalendir, a charismatic and eloquent monarch, approached King Borin Stoneforge, the dwarven ruler. He offered a compelling alliance: the dwarves would mine the Whispering Caverns' depths in exchange for sharing the newfound mana crystals, a resource they had never seen before.

**Part 5 - Unleashing the Magic:** As the dwarven miners delved into the caverns' depths, they unearthed mana crystals unlike anything ever seen. These luminous gems pulsated with the very essence of Eldoria's magic. When in the hands of skilled mages, they could conjure storms, heal wounds instantaneously, and forge powerful enchantments. The kingdom's mages soon discovered the unprecedented potential of these crystals.

**Part 6 - A New Balance of Power:** With access to the mana crystals, Thalendoria became an unrivaled force in Eldoria. King Thalendir wielded immense magical power and influence, not only over his own kingdom but also over neighboring realms that coveted the mana crystals' might. The balance of power in Eldoria shifted dramatically, sparking both intrigue and conflict.

And so, the discovery of mana crystals and the pact with the dwarves set in motion a series of events that would echo through the ages, forever altering the destiny of Eldoria and its diverse races. What mysteries awaited in the Whispering Caverns, and how would the newfound power be used in this enchanting realm?"

He then took a deep breath. "Wow, that was a bit too much. I understand that you must have many questions, and this time only I'll make an exception."

Almost half of all students raised their hands; he picked one of them who was sitting in front. "Say your name, then you may ask."

"My name is Isabella Harrington; my question is, what ever happened to the mana crystals?"

"Good question. Mana crystals were all absorbed by an evil force. You are not permitted to know of this until your second last year in this school, so do not ask. Yes, you over there."

"I am Justin Thorne; my question is, did humans not have Mana or Aura at the time?"

"They did. Studies say that humans were all naturally born with all mana and Aura but they did not know that until the mana crystals were destroyed. You there!"

"I'm Eleanor Blair, is the dwarven empire extinct?"

"Yes, I'm afraid. The day when all mana crystals were absorbed, their Kingdom was wiped out by that evil. Any more questions?"

'What could be this evil they speak of, why can't I know? I honestly don't like mysteries,' she thought.

"That's enough questions for today; tomorrow we will discuss the great dwarven empire and how they ruled over the underground world. Have a nice day!"

The siren rang.

"Hey Eleanor, why don't we go to the library and search for ourselves? I don't think listening to summaries in class will help us understand anything," Nathan said.

"That's a great idea!"

The two left the class and went to the next one, which was language. They needed this because other races in this world speak their own languages. So this class was extremely important. I'm sure this is the last thing you want to see, so let's move on to the final class of the day, which is combat.


This class was the only subject where they weren't inside a class. It took place inside the Training Grounds. Beyond the Main Hall lies the extensive training grounds. These lush, open fields are surrounded by towering, age-old trees that seem to whisper secrets of ancient battles. Instructors oversee combat exercises, where students spar with wooden weapons, practice intricate swordplay, and cast powerful spells. Targets and dummies riddled with arrows and scorch marks bear testament to the dedication of the students.

The person teaching them was their form teacher, Mr. Ryan, and another person.

"I hope you enjoyed your first day of school. I'm going to be teaching you anything related to combat. Here is a list of the main things that we'll be teaching you.

**Swordsmanship:** We'll be teaching the art of combat with melee weapons, including swords, axes, and spears. You will learn various techniques, stances, and forms.

**Archery:** Focusing on precision and accuracy in ranged combat. You will learn to use bows, crossbows, and other ranged weapons effectively.

**Tactics and Strategy:** Understanding battlefield tactics, strategy development, and leadership skills for both solo and group combat situations.

"Mrs. Gwendolyn here will be teaching you two of these which are Archery, Tactics, and Strategy. While I'll be teaching you Swordsmanship," Ryan said. Mrs. Gwendolyn stepped up and smiled at everyone; she was very beautiful with black hair and red eyes.

"Hello students, I am Gwendolyn Nightshade. It's a pleasure to meet you all; today is your first day so we won't be going hard on you, but tomorrow I hope you have written your wills because it might just be the day you die." Her smile slowly turned into a cold glare, Mr. Ryan also did so as he stared at them all with his bright yellow eyes.

"I hope all of you make it to the end of the year. If you don't, I'm terribly sorry