
Final Lesson

"Again." Grim shouted to his men, as they continued to shoot at the targets before them. Levi stood beside grim, as he watched Grim over and over again. He felt like he knew Grim like the back of his hand now, and what's more, he didn't feel no connection towards him. Whenever, he'd try to speak to Grim, he would give nothing but, if not a one sentence answer. He was practically like a closed book, nothing was to be said, nothing was to be heard from him. He was empty, and was just as a ghost like any other being. "Again!" Grim yelled as they continued to train. Levi kept the blade he had gotten from Grim in his hand. He was gripping the steel tile firmly by the handle. "Levi. You're up." Grim stated.

Levi walked down from the steps, and into the battlefield with the rest of them. A man from one of the high position seats, came forward. He laughed as he saw Levi. "This is who I am fighting?" He said hysterically. The others laughed, as they saw that Levi was about to fight someone with more caliber however, Levi was unfazed by the laughter. He wanted to show Grim he was just as good as any other, he wanted to show him. That he was tougher than most men, and that every single training they've done, it always paid off. Levi carried more fight and power than any other, when he gave a deadly glare. It was as if he became ten times faster, and stronger. Grim smirked at his cocky mate and shook his head even.

"Do not underestimate Levi, Zack." Grim said as he motioned his head towards Levi. Levi knew it was to attack him, but Levi couldn't feel the urge to move at all. He never really attacked from stupidity and what's more, that was more of Grim style. Although, he knew that if he was provoked even more, he'd kill Zack with the slightest twitch. "What's wrong, little brat. You're afraid to touch me!" Zack said as he walked towards Levi more. He then pushed Levi as Levi slowly slid back somewhat. Levi then had his head looking down, as Grim watched him. However, he didn't have his head down for long though, Levi knew having his head down meant someone could strike from above. Levi saw that Zack was laughing and in that instant, Levi flew straight towards him, as if the wind blew him in that direction.

He sliced blades with Zack, slamming him deep within the walls of the cavern. Everyone eyes widened gasping as they saw how forcefully Levi's push was. Levi yelled, as his anger raged up, and went to lung himself again. Zack coughed, as his nose busted open, with his eyes widening. He took out his blade and tried to block Levi, but Levi was to fast and came around and kicked him straight in the chin. Zack's teeth came breaking off, as he spun in a circle and crashed into the wall again. Levi panted heavily as his blade didn't even have a scratch on it. He was dusty, and was somewhat tired from the rage he felt. However, that only feed his desire to kill without mercy. Grim saw this hatred and anger in Levi, and knew that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Zack wasn't able to move, as he laid against the wall helplessly unable to even pick up his sword. "Someone stop him!" Madi exclaimed. Levi then charged in as some more men joined in to stop Levi. However Levi climb over them, dodging them left and right as they tried to attack Levi. Grim didn't intervene at all, he crossed his arms, watching Levi as Madi turned to Grim. "Aren't you going to stop this?!" She asked him. "And tell me why would I do that Madi?" Grim said smirking. Madi eyes widened as her heart was beating fast, when she balled her fist up angrily. "Sir! He's going to kill our men. Or even worse Levi shall die." Grim chuckled hearing Madi and her accusations. "If he dies, than he dies. I guess he better fight to ... survive then." Grim said looking at Levi.

Levi was fighting off three men at a time, as he sliced throughout the men. Cutting his leg off, as he turned and slammed them into the ground. Levi then rotated his eyes, and heard another one come in and try to cut his face. Levi dodged just in time, and kneed the man right in his ribs, as the man screamed in pain. He grab his shirt and Levi continued to punch him repeatedly before tossing him into the wall. Levi was completely out of control, as he couldn't help but feel every thing that use to hold him back. The pain he had felt for many years, was starting to come out and come for blood. It only feed that anger more, when he thought about Grim and how he trained with him. Levi never showed mercy, and for that he didn't have a reason to show it to his men.

Levi continued to fight before the last person, tried to run away. Levi charged at him, and grab his hair forcefully and yanked him down. He slammed him into the ground and used his boot to kick the man straight in his mouth. Making him choke on his foot, as the man tried to pull Levi's foot out of his mouth. Levi gave his cold glare as he normally did, and kept his composer as he eyes Grim deadly. Grim smirked as he then slowly started to close his eyes as he saw Levi the way he was. He walked off, without a word, as Levi eyes widened. Levi felt the coldness hit him once again, Grim leaving him behind it felt like, and him being cruel towards it. Levi was clueless and so he felt lost on his own without that being, he stop with the man. Turning his attention to Grim as he quickly left the place of battle and ran after him.

"Grim!" Levi shouted, as Grim had went outside, with his jacket on as well as his hat was on. Grim looked back, as he saw Levi follow him. "What did I tell you about following people. Rule number 2. Be you're own leader." Grim said. Levi panted somewhat, didn't care for the rules as he grab Grim's shoulder. "Where are you going Grim?" He asked him. "I'm leaving... my work here is done." He said slowly moving his shoulder from Levi. Levi heart cracked, hearing the words that Grim parted from his rough lips. 'Leaving...he's? He's leaving me?' Levi thought in his mind. His entire body was spinning and so was his head. He felt like this had to be a dream, as Grim couldn't possibly be serious about what he said.

"I'm sorry kid, but that's all for what I have to teach you. Now I know you can Survivor on your own, old Grim don't need to be here anymore." Grim said waving his hand vaguely goodbye. Levi felt his eyes started to water up, his eyes throbbing fast as he felt they had their own heart beats. Levi screamed and rushed after Grim as he pulled on his arm. "Grim! Please! Don't do this too me." Levi said with tears in his eyes. Grim turned around and pushed Levi off of him coldly as Levi collapsed in the dirt. Levi slowly started to sit up, as he felt rain drops coming down against his cheeks. "I changed my mind. I don't want you in the organization, you'll just kill off all my men. I need them for this mission, and you, you need to find your own pathway." Grim explained.

"But you said if I—!"

"I know what I said Levi. You're Ackerman now. You don't need my advice any longer." Grim said firmly he then slowly turned his glaze at Levi who was still on the ground. Grim eyes looked with a narrow look, unfazed by Levi's attitude and his gestures. "Come now, you didn't Really expect me to take care of you all this time did you? I wouldn't be surprise if titans came and you died down here." Grim said nonchalantly. Levi was speechless, and motionless his entire fiber wouldn't allow him to do anything. He was completely out of it, as he started to look down at the ground again. He then slowly looked back up, at Grim whom kept his eyes on Levi. "I... Grim..." Levi said softly as he balled his fist in the dirt.

The rain came down quicker, as the darkness around the outside was covering them. Grim turned his head and sighed softly. He then slowly turned back around and started to walk off. "Goodbye, Levi." He said. Before long, Grim started to become invisible to see, he walked off leaving Levi in the rain all alone. Levi bent down and started to feel that emptiness and loneliness once again. That same motion he was feeling before Grim every showed his face. Now Levi walked with despite for that man, and hated that he allowed himself to be sucked into that false hope. Levi screamed as he cried more towards himself, pounding his head in the dirt that became mud. He panted looking in the direction that Grim left, as his eyes got narrow with pain.

"...Grim... this... isn't... over." Levi said harshly as he whispered it towards himself. He slowly gotten to his feet, as he stood there in the rain. Allowing the soft drops to hit his face and skin, as Levi looked with his coldness eyes. He had a feeling however deep down that Grim wouldn't be around for long, although never would he had guest. That Grim would up and leave unannounced in that manner. Levi had no where to go, and so for once he was truly on his own, but now he knew that he could survive without him. Curiously though, Levi always wanted to know when they were training, what was the final lesson to give. Levi felt that now he knew that answer, as he had watched grim leave so easily. That lesson shall always be 'trust no one...'.