
Levelling Up Cheats In The Apocalypse

In a world ravaged by a monster invasion fifty years ago, humanity clings to survival within walled cities while hunters venture outside to combat the threat. Among them is Zack, a young man who wanted to become a hunter despite his lack of awakened traits, a crucial aspect for hunters to harness their powers. For three years, Zack struggled in the hunter's academy, unable to awaken any traits, unlike his peers who swiftly manifest their powers and even join guilds. Despite the setbacks, Zack's determination remains unwavering until the very end. On the last day of school, when hope seems almost lost, Zack's dormant trait finally awakens: the cheater trait. With it comes the extraordinary power to learn cheat skills, a rare ability never seen and understood by anyone. Armed with his newfound power, Zack sets out on his journey as a hunter, determined to prove himself and protect what remains of humanity. Along the way, he will face not only the monstrous creatures that threaten their existence and others who envy and fear his power but also the challenges of mastering his unique abilities and discovering his place in a world forever changed by the invasion.

Comedian0 · Fantasy
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195 Chs

Chapter 12 - Speed Hack

As it turned out, the strategy of using a steel pipe worked really well… Still, Zack had to use all of his free points into strength to make it a really useful strategy because the only one that could destroy the ice giant slimes weighed over two hundred kilograms.

Thanks to that, Zack was able to kill the monsters, several of them at a time, while using Auto Aim and Instantaneous Movement as well. As long as he could see them, he was able to approach and kill them in one way or the other.

Zack (Cheater) - Lv 13 (150/860)

HP: 590/590

MP: 140/140

SP: 140/140


Strength: 52

Intelligence: 07

Dexterity: 07

Constitution: 07

Spirit: 07

Focus: 07

Unallocated Points: 15


Skill List: Auto Aim Lv 04, Instantaneous Movement Lv 03

Unallocated Skill Points: 05

"As far as I can tell, all the skills of this type of trait will be very useful in their own right, so perhaps letting all of them at level ten will be the best choice," Zack said after one hour of hunting in that Territory. "Anyway, I thought I would obtain magic weapons after killing these many monsters, but perhaps my luck is selective."

In the world of monster hunting, there existed a slim but tempting possibility some monsters had the chance to drop magic weapons upon defeat. These weapons were imbued with powerful enchantments, granting their wielders extraordinary abilities and advantages in battle. However, obtaining such a weapon was no easy task, and hunters like Zack knew that luck played a significant role.

The chance of a monster dropping a magic weapon was rare, and the odds varied depending on the creature's strength and rarity. More powerful monsters had a higher chance of dropping these coveted treasures. But even then, success was far from guaranteed.

For Zack, this meant testing his luck against some of the world's most formidable creatures. It meant facing off against monsters whose very existence struck fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned hunters. Yet, the potential reward was too great to ignore.

Venturing into the lairs of these powerful monsters, Zack knew that every battle could be his ticket to obtaining a magic weapon. He considered taking his chances, but perhaps it was better to be a bit more patient… it wasn't like he was in dire need of one.

"The lack of hunters here is also concerning. I was worried about them seeing my skills, but it looks like they all have been overlooking this place," Zack thought. I guess they must be trying to fight for some new territory."

Information about new territories was hard to come by since those who cleaned them first received ownership of the territories. Hence, the guilds did their best to keep that kind of information hidden.

In the end, Zack decided that it would be better to leave such a place alone if it was true… he would have to find an information broker as well, and getting involved with that kind of thing could also be a hassle.

"Let's just grind my way to the top while they stay busy with their pesky goals," Zack thought.

In the end, Zack made Instantaneous Movement reach level five before noon, but then he decided to save points once again for the next skill. He felt like he was moving in circles with that kind of strategy. Considering the cool-down time of the skills, it would be more efficient for Zack to have five skills at level six since he would be able to use them one after the other and keep leveling up, but since he only had two of them, making them reach level fifteen would do the trick, or just make three of them reach level ten each.

"I guess I can say that I am suffering from success. How comical," Zack thought.

In the end, at the end of the afternoon, Zack reached level eighteen. The area was getting darker faster since the sky was cloudy and it was snowing as well, so he decided to retreat. His backpack was filled with the cores as well; he had three hundred of them and that made him earth sixty thousand credits.

The glasses receptionist looked surprised at Zack's progress, but Zack ignored him since he already had an idea of what he should do next. Instead of going home to eat something and rest, he went to a warehouse where some things of the old world could be bought and sold. It was basically a collector's house. Zack had bought things from there before, like an electrical stove, since the new ones were magical and cost a lot. In any case, he soon found what he wanted… a kettlebell.

Some weighed sixteen kilograms, while others were ten and five. Either way, even the heaviest ones weren't that heavy for him. He filled his backpack with ten of those, and he didn't feel that bothered at all. 

"Hehehe, tomorrow, the ice slimes will see me become their worst nightmare," Zack thought and then went home. 

As it turned out, Zack had an even easier time killing them with the black kettlebell. Auto Aim completely crushed them when they were hit by those, and when Zack smashed them directly after approaching them with instantaneous movement, they only lasted two hits. In the end, Zack reached his goal in no time.

(You have obtained enough XP to level up.)

(You received five status points and one skill point.)

(You have reached level 20 and unlocked the skill Speed Hack.)