
Leveling up as a Battle Mage

Finrod was just a young elf when the suns of Melos darkened and an evil entity appeared, bestowing a system upon its inhabitants. With it came hordes of creatures that were out for blood. It was either fight and level up or die, and Finrod is far from giving up. Equipping the Battle Mage class, he fights through hordes of gnarly creatures, hoping to survive the new apocalyptic landscape. [WSA 2024 Entry] Reviews, powerstones and engagements will be appreciated, thanks for reading.

ADrunkBard · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Going hunting

Back at the village, Finrod conversed with a blacksmith over the prospect of getting new knives and arrows. He was down by a lot and that made him feel vulnerable, naked to the hunger of monsters that might want to feed on him.

"Can you make them or not?" He asked rather coldly, furrowing his brows and taking quite an unfriendly look.

The young fat blacksmith replied rather casually, ignoring his countenance, it looked like he had done this thousands of times that it was natural to him, "Of course I can, most of my blacksmith skills are leveled up considerably and nobody in the village can match me with experience."

Finrod remained silent waiting for the man to finish his statement, he exuded a menacing outlook as he wasn't in the best of moods.