
Leveling System in Naruto

This novel is about a weak and sick boy who is selected by the Universe Consciousness to get reincarnated in the Naruto World with a System and some perks. ----------------------------------- It's my first webnovel so feel free to contact me if there is a mistake so that I can improve the quality of the Novel. This contains no Harem or R-18 scenes as I am not interested in those. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Daddy2604 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Talk with the Hokage

At last here we are here the Hokage tower. We waited outside the his room until his secretary told us to come in. After I came in all I saw was a old man with a tobacco pipe on his left hand reading a document on his right hand. After our arrival he place the paper on the desk and gave me kind smile and said "Nice to meet you Saiki-kun"

"Nice to meet you too Hokage-sama. I don't know why did Hokage-sama called me."I replied

He stared at me for a while and then started speaking "I am really thankful for what you did for Naruto. That child really didn't deserve this but hatred can't be easily removed they need someone to blame even though he's a child therefore no matter what we do we can't change anything"

"I don't really agree with your statement Hokage-sama if they want to blame them they should blame themselves for running away. They valued their life than other and now they want to blame a child for their mistakes, they don't qualify for it".

He was surprised by my answer but then he said with a serious face "What you said correct buth then Saiki-kun you know the information you said it's a S-class classified information, you are not supposed to say it as it can be detected by enemy spies and I can't let you slide on that as as an Hokage I have my responsibilities"

"Oh really Hokage-sama, then can I ask you how does a 5 year old kid like me know a S-class classified information or how does a common fact known by each and every citizen in Konoha became a S-class classified information. You said enemy spies would know of it then the only thing I could say is that if they can't even figure it out after all the curses that Naruto has received then they don't even have common sense according to me. I only person I think can't figure it out will be Naruto as no one ever even taught him what common sense is"

He was silent for a while and then he asked again "Do you any other reason to help Naruto"

"Don't the son of Fourth Hokage deserve atleast one person to show him the sun that he deserves"

When I said this not only the Hokage but even the ANBU was surprised. He was truly impatient as took me by collar and asked me "How do you know, tell me kid"

"Calm down Kakashi, first listen to him"

I took away his hand and then said while looking at them like looking at an idiot "You know if you went to toy store or book store you can easily get a picture of Lord fourth and of you compare him and Naruto the only difference you can find is Naruto having whiskers and lord fourth having extra braids at both side of his face. I can't even believe that people can't even figure it out. Seriously are you guys idiot are you acting like an idiot"

"I hu----" they didn't know what to say for a while before I continued "Hokage-sama can I ask you a question"

"Yes my child go on"

"What is will of fire? Does that even exist? Lord fourth gave his life for protecting the village but what does his son received other than hate? Have you seen his skinny figure do you even check whether he gets to eat 3 meals or you do even check that people who are responsible for his education really even teach him? does he have enough clothes?, etc and if you say that village is busy and don't have enough staff or time then you have to make them as he deserves it. You know let the questions I asked let it be I just wanna ask you what will happen if Naruto went out of control by all the negative emotions he received? kill him? even though it's entirely your fault for neglecting him and don't you save me you were protecting him were keeping his identity secret because as I said even if you have a tiny bit of common sense you can figure it out. And if everything you want to ask is over then please I would like to go. I really don't want to be brainwashed by your will of fire speech as my parents have already thought me how to be a human and how to protect the people who you love or protect the place you live. And if you want to kill me for saying this you can as neither I am not afraid of death nor have I done anything wrong."

He was silent for a while before nodding " You can leave Saiki-kun".

I took a final look at him before leaving there.

*Hokage POV*

'huhuhh' Seeing him leave I breathed a sigh while looking at Kakashi who seem to be self-blaming himself "Kakashi you are relieved of duty for today and you can also take leave for the current week and do what you want to do I won't stop you and if you are worried about the council I will take care of them."

After nodding at me he left.

'Sigh' I sighed again 'What have I done. Do I needed a child to come and open my eyes. Tobirama-Sensei was I really a good candidate for Hokage. Maybe I was but it seems time took away my will No I can't blame my cowardice on time as that kid said people can't blame others on ther cowardice. I have be firm because I am the Hokage. He asked me if will of fire exist, it does kid but I am the one failed it after my mistake I shall come to you say WILL OF FIRE is real. It seems it's time for me to change.' After all my thought I called my secretary and said "I want all reports on Naruto's daily necessities and educational details and prepare for me to meet them and also ask Danzo to come and meet me."

*Kakashi POV*

After comming out of the Hokage tower I can't help but blame myself for what happened to Naruto. 'I lost dad, Obito, Rin, Minato-Sensei and Kushina-sama and yet I am not doing anything to protect Naruto. Even after what happened all this time I haven't changed rather than being avoiding him maybe I should have taken care of him. I have failed you Sensei.'


"Uh Gai I am not really in a mood to fight today let's talk about it later"

"What's the matter Kakashi" he asked while seeing concerned.

"It's nothing Gai I was just thinking about something"

"Listen Kakashi I don't know what's the matter with you but you seem immersed in past. People should learn from the past not be immersed on it that what YOUTH IS ALL ABOUT"

For a second was he really the Gai I know. I shook my head and while smiling"Thank you for your advice"


"Sure why not" After that both of us started our race.